
#Valley rain # Today's valley rain is the last solar term of spring, and the valley rain is taken from the meaning of "rain gives birth to a hundred grains". The "goldfish hanging orchid" at home, the flowers are full of pots, and the goldfish flowers are hidden in the green leaves,

author:Wait and see

#Valley rain # Today's valley rain is the last solar term of spring, and the valley rain is taken from the meaning of "rain gives birth to a hundred grains". The "goldfish hanging orchid" at home, the flowers are full of pots, and the goldfish flowers are hidden in the green leaves, as if swimming in the water, freely; Luo Han Song bears new fruits and blooms like flowers. In the afternoon, after climbing Dashu Mountain, in the east subway station square, the blooming moon season attracts many pedestrians, the scenery is everywhere, and I can't help but come to a few souvenirs. [Rose] [Sun] [Fu]

#Valley rain # Today's valley rain is the last solar term of spring, and the valley rain is taken from the meaning of "rain gives birth to a hundred grains". The "goldfish hanging orchid" at home, the flowers are full of pots, and the goldfish flowers are hidden in the green leaves,
#Valley rain # Today's valley rain is the last solar term of spring, and the valley rain is taken from the meaning of "rain gives birth to a hundred grains". The "goldfish hanging orchid" at home, the flowers are full of pots, and the goldfish flowers are hidden in the green leaves,
#Valley rain # Today's valley rain is the last solar term of spring, and the valley rain is taken from the meaning of "rain gives birth to a hundred grains". The "goldfish hanging orchid" at home, the flowers are full of pots, and the goldfish flowers are hidden in the green leaves,
#Valley rain # Today's valley rain is the last solar term of spring, and the valley rain is taken from the meaning of "rain gives birth to a hundred grains". The "goldfish hanging orchid" at home, the flowers are full of pots, and the goldfish flowers are hidden in the green leaves,
#Valley rain # Today's valley rain is the last solar term of spring, and the valley rain is taken from the meaning of "rain gives birth to a hundred grains". The "goldfish hanging orchid" at home, the flowers are full of pots, and the goldfish flowers are hidden in the green leaves,
#Valley rain # Today's valley rain is the last solar term of spring, and the valley rain is taken from the meaning of "rain gives birth to a hundred grains". The "goldfish hanging orchid" at home, the flowers are full of pots, and the goldfish flowers are hidden in the green leaves,
#Valley rain # Today's valley rain is the last solar term of spring, and the valley rain is taken from the meaning of "rain gives birth to a hundred grains". The "goldfish hanging orchid" at home, the flowers are full of pots, and the goldfish flowers are hidden in the green leaves,
#Valley rain # Today's valley rain is the last solar term of spring, and the valley rain is taken from the meaning of "rain gives birth to a hundred grains". The "goldfish hanging orchid" at home, the flowers are full of pots, and the goldfish flowers are hidden in the green leaves,
#Valley rain # Today's valley rain is the last solar term of spring, and the valley rain is taken from the meaning of "rain gives birth to a hundred grains". The "goldfish hanging orchid" at home, the flowers are full of pots, and the goldfish flowers are hidden in the green leaves,

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