
Breeding methods and precautions for goldfish flowers

author:Mrs. Li, who loves to raise flowers

#暑期创作大赛 #

Goldfish flowers should be planted in loose and fertile, breathable, well-drained fertile soil, and placed in a warm environment of about 20 degrees Celsius. During the maintenance process, it is necessary to provide him with moderate light, appropriate watering and top dressing, and it can produce very beautiful flowers when properly maintained.

Breeding methods and precautions for goldfish flowers

Goldfish flower is also called goldfish hanging orchid, it is a very beautiful ornamental plant, this plant blooms flowers like small goldfish, unique shape, bright color, ornamental value is particularly high, and vitality is very strong, as long as you master its correct breeding method to understand its precautions in the maintenance process can raise it well.

Breeding methods and precautions for goldfish flowers

Cultivation method of goldfish flower

First, goldfish flowers should be planted in pots with good air permeability, and to provide it with fertile soil rich in humus, the soil is best mixed with peat soil and perlite and vermiculite and other materials, to maintain slight acidity, which is very conducive to the growth of goldfish flowers.

Breeding methods and precautions for goldfish flowers

Second, control the ambient temperature to raise the goldfish flowers well, because the goldfish flowers in the warm environment of 18 ~ 22 degrees, the best growth, its cold tolerance is relatively poor, if the ambient temperature is lower than 10 degrees, its leaves will be yellow and fall off, or even dry, and when the temperature exceeds 30 degrees, the leaves will also fall off, and will affect its normal growth.

Breeding methods and precautions for goldfish flowers

Third, goldfish flowers need moderate sunlight during the maintenance process, but this plant likes to grow in a place with sufficient scattered light and cannot be exposed to the scorching sun. After entering winter, you should put it in a place where the sun can shine directly, so that it can bloom as soon as possible. But in the hot summer, you must not let the goldfish flower be exposed to strong light, otherwise it will make its leaves fall off, and in severe cases, the goldfish flower will die.

Breeding methods and precautions for goldfish flowers

Fourth, raising goldfish flowers is to give it an appropriate amount of watering, this plant likes a humid environment, but can not let the pot appear stagnant water, should be watered after the soil on its surface is slightly dry, each watering to water enough, the general demand decreases, at this time should appropriately extend the watering time. Goldfish flowers in the normal growth process of the demand for fertilizer is relatively large, should be every 1~2 weeks to top dress, fertilizer should be thin liquid fertilizer, but before flowering should be topdressed with an appropriate amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, after the flowering period to apply nitrogenous fertilizer.

Breeding methods and precautions for goldfish flowers

Precautions for raising goldfish flowers

When raising goldfish flowers, it should be noted that this flower is very sensitive to light and cannot be exposed to strong direct light, but in winter, it can be allowed to receive moderate light. Watering the goldfish flower in time is also a place that should be paid attention to, because after the lack of water in this flower, there will be leaf shedding and leaf discoloration, which will affect its ornamental value.

Breeding methods and precautions for goldfish flowers

When raising goldfish flowers, we should also pay attention to the humidity of the environment, especially after entering the hot summer, the air is dry, at this time, it is necessary to spray water around the honeysuckle in time to increase the ambient humidity, otherwise it will affect the growth of goldfish flowers due to the dry environment. Goldfish flowers should also pay more attention during the flowering period, can not blindly top dress, and when it blooms, it should be pruned in time, and then apply an appropriate amount of nitrogenous fertilizer.

The above introduction is the breeding method and precautions of goldfish flowers, people who like goldfish flowers can follow this method to maintain, can easily raise goldfish flowers, but also let it bloom early.

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