
Tears! The mother was seriously ill, the father was amputated, and the 14-year-old girl carried her grandmother to see a doctor for four years, and the children of the poor family who had a bad fate from a young age had long been considerate to their grandmother and lived up to expectations, and successfully entered the key high school

author:Inspirational Character Chronicles

She came from a special rural family, her mother suffered from severe epilepsy, her father had her right leg amputated due to a work injury, and her grandfather died when she was very young, and the family relied on her grandmother to support the family.

When she was 14 years old, her grandmother had severe lumbar disc herniation, resulting in mobility problems, and she carried her grandmother, who was more than 70 pounds, to the town to see a doctor.

For the next 4 years, every time she rechecked, she walked 5 kilometers to the town hospital on her grandmother's back. She used her small shoulders to carry the burden of life that did not belong to her.

In 2018, she won the title of "2018 National Top Ten Most Beautiful Filial Piety Teenagers" selected by CCTV. In this issue of Ziya Children's Fun Virtue Juvenile Record, I will learn about Li Xiaoyan's deeds with you.

Tears! The mother was seriously ill, the father was amputated, and the 14-year-old girl carried her grandmother to see a doctor for four years, and the children of the poor family who had a bad fate from a young age had long been considerate to their grandmother and lived up to expectations, and successfully entered the key high school

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="54" > ill-fated from an early age</h1>

In 2001, Li Xiaoyan was born in Taoya Village, Side Township, Yilong County, Sichuan Province. Her birth brought a lot of joy to the already poor family, but it also brought a heavier financial burden.

Her mother suffered from intermittent psychosis, was basically unable to take care of herself, and her grandparents were older. When she was very young, the family was basically supported by her father.

Later, her father was almost incapacitated due to a high right leg due to a work injury. Since then, the top pillar of the home has fallen.

In order to support his family, his father had to take his mother to Chengdu, drive a tricycle, and shine shoes for others to make money. Because her family was too poor, her sister, who had just graduated from junior high school, also gave up her studies early and went out to work.

Tears! The mother was seriously ill, the father was amputated, and the 14-year-old girl carried her grandmother to see a doctor for four years, and the children of the poor family who had a bad fate from a young age had long been considerate to their grandmother and lived up to expectations, and successfully entered the key high school

In 2006, when she was five years old, her grandfather died suddenly of illness. From the time she remembered, the young Li Xiaoyan knew that her home was somewhat different from other people's homes. Others have parents who care for and love, while their own family only has an elderly grandmother who is struggling to support the family.

When she was young, grandma was a good farmer in the village. However, Grandma is old after all, and her body has left a lot of old problems, suffering from lumbar intervertebral disc herniation, bone hyperplasia, emphysema and other diseases, and there are fewer and fewer agricultural work that can be done.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="56" > the children of poor families are in charge</h1> early

I don't know when Li Xiaoyan began to slowly share some housework and farm work for her grandmother.

Since she was a child, she has two very important things in her heart, one is to study hard and live up to the hard-won opportunity to study and go to school, and the other is to take good care of her grandmother.

Tears! The mother was seriously ill, the father was amputated, and the 14-year-old girl carried her grandmother to see a doctor for four years, and the children of the poor family who had a bad fate from a young age had long been considerate to their grandmother and lived up to expectations, and successfully entered the key high school

In 2015, 14-year-old Li Xiaoyan entered the second year of junior high school. That day, as usual, she returned home on time after school. As soon as she got home, she felt something was wrong.

Because every time she came home, Grandma would stand at the door and wait for her. This time she did not see Grandma, she went to the house with some nervousness, and saw Grandma lying on the bed with a painful expression and moaning. Frightened, she threw down her bag and ran over to ask about her grandmother.

Grandma was afraid that she was worried, so she said that there was nothing wrong, but the old problem was committed. But Xiao Yan knew that Grandma had always been a strong person, and if it wasn't very uncomfortable, she would definitely not behave so obviously.

She looked at her grandmother's pained expression and guessed that her grandmother's illness must be more serious, and she had to go to the hospital in town. So she helped her grandmother out of bed and sat her down, helped her get dressed, and prepared to accompany her to the hospital in town.

Tears! The mother was seriously ill, the father was amputated, and the 14-year-old girl carried her grandmother to see a doctor for four years, and the children of the poor family who had a bad fate from a young age had long been considerate to their grandmother and lived up to expectations, and successfully entered the key high school

But she didn't expect that Grandma was already unable to walk with low back pain. Li Xiaoyan was in a hurry, and she grabbed the door and walked out with her grandmother on her back.

The mountain road from the village to the hospital is very difficult to walk, and it is a full five kilometers to walk to the township health center. However, this 14-year-old girl carried her grandmother of more than 70 pounds on her back and completed the whole process step by step.

She didn't have much strength, her legs were tired and trembling, so she rested for a while, so she walked and stopped, and it took more than an hour to get to the township health center.

When she arrived at the hospital, after examination, the doctor told her that her grandmother had severe lumbar disc herniation. If it is not treated well, it will be difficult to walk in the future.

So, she accompanied her grandmother to the hospital for a few days, and her grandmother's condition finally improved and she could barely walk.

Tears! The mother was seriously ill, the father was amputated, and the 14-year-old girl carried her grandmother to see a doctor for four years, and the children of the poor family who had a bad fate from a young age had long been considerate to their grandmother and lived up to expectations, and successfully entered the key high school

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="60" > be considerate of Grandma</h1>

According to Grandma's condition, the doctor told them that Grandma would never be able to do heavy work anymore and should try to rest at home. She took the doctor's advice to heart.

After returning home from the hospital, she resolutely forbade her grandmother to work, and advised her grandmother to stay in bed as much as possible and raise her body first. Every day, she would deliver the medicine that her grandmother should take to her grandmother's bedside on time, and bring the meal to her grandmother's hand.

She hoped that Grandma would be able to raise her body well. At night, Li Xiaoyan also sleeps with her grandmother, so that she can more easily give her grandmother a drug, back beat and massage.

In order to prevent her grandmother's condition from deteriorating further, she would carry her grandmother to the township health center for examination every once in a while. This back is 4 years.

Tears! The mother was seriously ill, the father was amputated, and the 14-year-old girl carried her grandmother to see a doctor for four years, and the children of the poor family who had a bad fate from a young age had long been considerate to their grandmother and lived up to expectations, and successfully entered the key high school

Thin and small, she carried her skinny grandmother on her back, and walked slowly step by step on the road, so she went back and forth to and from the township health center and her home.

I don't know if it's because Li Xiaoyan has grown up, or because Grandma has become thinner, and she is getting more and more accustomed to the weight of Grandma on her back.

After entering junior high school, her school was relatively close to home, and she could also use the noon and afternoon breaks to go home and visit her grandmother.

Every weekend, she would carry a hoe to take care of the family's vegetable garden, and she was very skilled in weeding, sowing and other agricultural tasks.

There is only one farm job that she still has some inability to do, that is, to pick farm manure to fertilize vegetables. She did not have much strength, and she often trembled when she walked on the field carrying two buckets of farm manure.

Tears! The mother was seriously ill, the father was amputated, and the 14-year-old girl carried her grandmother to see a doctor for four years, and the children of the poor family who had a bad fate from a young age had long been considerate to their grandmother and lived up to expectations, and successfully entered the key high school

But she is now more and more skilled, and she loves to take care of her family's vegetable garden. Because the vegetables grow well, Grandma can often eat fresh and delicious vegetables.

Back at home, Li Xiaoyan will also prepare her grandmother for next week's life, for example, she will fetch rice in advance, pick up enough firewood, and pick up enough water to ensure that Grandma does not need to do heavy work and tiring work in the next week.

In addition, she will regularly wash grandma's hair, wash her feet, cut her nails, etc., to ensure that grandma's body is fresh and clean. She never let Grandma wash her own dirty clothes, she would help Grandma wash them clean.

She felt that paying attention to personal hygiene could make Grandma sick less and healthy. In her free time, she would give grandma a pat on the back and tell her a little story about the school to make her happy. Grandma said that Xiaoyan was her "pistachio".

Tears! The mother was seriously ill, the father was amputated, and the 14-year-old girl carried her grandmother to see a doctor for four years, and the children of the poor family who had a bad fate from a young age had long been considerate to their grandmother and lived up to expectations, and successfully entered the key high school

One weekend, when Grandma and Li Xiaoyan were chatting, they talked about Zhu De's hometown, which is only 20 kilometers away from Side Township in Ma'an Town. Xiao Yan heard that Grandma seemed to yearn for there.

It turned out that the neighbors in the village had gone to Ma'an Town and visited Zhu De's hometown. After returning, the neighbor carefully described to Grandma what she had seen and heard there, and Grandma was very envious after listening to it.

Li Xiaoyan learned the origin of the matter, thinking that her grandmother had never been far away in her life, not even to Ma'an Town, 20 kilometers away, and secretly made up her mind that she must take her grandmother to Zhu De's hometown to realize her wishes.

Tears! The mother was seriously ill, the father was amputated, and the 14-year-old girl carried her grandmother to see a doctor for four years, and the children of the poor family who had a bad fate from a young age had long been considerate to their grandmother and lived up to expectations, and successfully entered the key high school

Finally, when it came to the summer vacation, Xiao Yan was about to take her grandmother to visit Zhu De's hometown. Grandma wanted to go on the one hand, but on the other hand, she was a little hesitant.

Li Xiaoyan told her grandmother that she won the first place in the final exam and the school awarded a 200 yuan scholarship. There is a fare to take the bus over! And when Grandma is really tired, he can also carry her on his back.

So, they finally embarked on a journey to visit Zhu De's hometown. Along the way, Li Xiaoyan took a lot of photos of her grandmother and told a lot of interesting and interesting little stories.

The beautiful scenery of the scenic area made Grandma very happy. Looking at the smile on her grandmother's face, Li Xiaoyan thought that as long as her grandmother can be healthy and happy, she is willing to suffer no matter how much she suffers.

Tears! The mother was seriously ill, the father was amputated, and the 14-year-old girl carried her grandmother to see a doctor for four years, and the children of the poor family who had a bad fate from a young age had long been considerate to their grandmother and lived up to expectations, and successfully entered the key high school

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="58" > lived up to expectations and successfully entered a key high school</h1>

Under her meticulous care, Grandma's spirit and body are getting better and better. Li Xiaoyan has never slackened in her studies. With her own efforts, she was admitted to the best high school in the county, Yilong County Yilong Middle School.

After entering high school, her study tasks became heavier. Xiao Yan could go home less time, but her concern for her grandmother never decreased.

Every time she comes home from the holidays, she will continue to do all the farm work and housework as always. She also helped Grandma prepare some groceries for her absence.

She has always faced everyone with an optimistic and strong side, but in fact, this girl also has a lot of bitterness and regret in her heart. When the reporter asked what the biggest regret in her heart was, she cried silently at the reporter.

Tears! The mother was seriously ill, the father was amputated, and the 14-year-old girl carried her grandmother to see a doctor for four years, and the children of the poor family who had a bad fate from a young age had long been considerate to their grandmother and lived up to expectations, and successfully entered the key high school

Her biggest regret is that her parents can't grow up with her, and every time the school has a parent-teacher conference, her parents can't go to school.

She has always envied that other students have parents to attend their parent-teacher conferences. However, Xiao Yan also knows that her parents are also trying to do their best for this family.

I never blamed them. Now she only hopes that her grandmother's health can get better and better, that she can study hard, and strive to be admitted to a good university closer to home, and that she will shoulder the burden of the family in the future and let her family live a good life.

Tears! The mother was seriously ill, the father was amputated, and the 14-year-old girl carried her grandmother to see a doctor for four years, and the children of the poor family who had a bad fate from a young age had long been considerate to their grandmother and lived up to expectations, and successfully entered the key high school

After listening to Li Xiaoyan's deeds, what are your feelings? Are you touched by her pure heart? Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.

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