
Eat red dates like this in spring, replenish qi and blood, and raise an ageless liver! But don't commit 2 taboos, otherwise "health dates" become "life dates"

author:Beiqing Net

As the saying goes, the year begins in spring. Spring is the season for all things to grow, and it is also a good time for health. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that spring should "save acid and increase sweetness", which means: eat less sour food in spring and eat more sweet food, so as not to have too much liver qi and harm the spleen and stomach. Among the many health ingredients, red dates are warm and sweet, have the functions of tonifying qi, nourishing blood and calming the spirit, and are most suitable for eating in spring.

Eat red dates in spring, replenish liver blood, nourish stomach and sleep!

In the recipes and daily meals of traditional Chinese medicine, red dates are often seen. It can strengthen the spleen and stomach, replenish qi and blood, nourish blood and calm the spirit, and also ease the medicinal properties, and the benefits are many! 1. Nourishing the liver and protecting the liver Red jujube water to protect the liver is not a new thing, experiments have shown that drinking red jujube water to people with poor liver function every day for a week can achieve the effect of preserving the liver.

Eat red dates like this in spring, replenish qi and blood, and raise an ageless liver! But don't commit 2 taboos, otherwise "health dates" become "life dates"

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that red dates are sweet foods. Sweet food has always been nourishing and neutral, to a certain extent, it can alleviate the irritability, impatience and irritability, impatience and unsmoothness caused by "liver distress". In addition, sweet foods such as red dates can enter the spleen and nourish the stomach, help the biochemistry of qi and blood, thereby protecting liver function. 2. Replenish qi and nourish blood red jujube sweet and warm, return to the spleen, stomach and heart meridian. The spleen and stomach are the source of qi and blood biochemistry, and red jujube can warm the spleen and stomach, which is beneficial to the regulation of qi and blood; It also enters the heart meridian, and the abundant qi and blood nourish the heart, so that the mind can be calmed and calmed.

Eat red dates like this in spring, replenish qi and blood, and raise an ageless liver! But don't commit 2 taboos, otherwise "health dates" become "life dates"

In the clinic, people who want to replenish qi and blood, as well as autumn and winter ointments, will use red dates. Office workers who often stay up late and are busy with work are often prone to deficiency of qi and blood, and eating some red dates can just replenish qi and blood and nourish the body of deficiency. 3. Nourishing the stomach and calming the red jujube is shared with Codonopsis and Baishu, which can replenish qi, strengthen the spleen and stomach, increase appetite and stop diarrhea, and is suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach, diarrhea, fatigue and weakness. Red dates are used together with ginger and half summer, which can relieve gastritis caused by careless diet, and reduce symptoms such as stomach bloating and vomiting. Red dates are used with licorice and wheat, which can play a role in nourishing blood and calming the nerves, soothing the liver and relieving depression, which is very suitable for women.

It is better to eat dried dates, so that eating is more nourishing!

There is a saying among the people that "eat red dates every day, and do not show old age in your life". However, how to eat red dates is also particular. Fresh dates are more vitamin-rich, but it is sometimes sexual, not often bought, and eating more may harm digestive function; Although the vitamin content of dried dates decreases, the iron content increases, and its nutrients are more absorbable, which is more suitable for dietary therapy.

Eat red dates like this in spring, replenish qi and blood, and raise an ageless liver! But don't commit 2 taboos, otherwise "health dates" become "life dates"

There are also many ways to eat red dates, steaming, boiling, stewing, simmering, different eating methods have their own advantages, here is the introduction of several jujube dietary treatment practices - 1. Brewing tea and red dates and stir-frying black after brewing tea can treat stomach cold and stomach pain. Then put in Gui Yuan, which is blood and qi tea, which is suitable for teachers, salespeople and other people who use their throat frequently. Red jujube guiyuan tea method: wash the red jujube and cinnamon ball, and then boil the red jujube with clean water; After boiling for half an hour, add the laurel balls and turn to low heat and cook for 5 minutes; Finally, add rock sugar according to personal taste. Function: The combination of red dates and guiyuan can be said to be a "strong combination", which has the effect of replenishing qi and nourishing blood, helping sleep and calming the spirit.

Eat red dates like this in spring, replenish qi and blood, and raise an ageless liver! But don't commit 2 taboos, otherwise "health dates" become "life dates"

2. Boiling soup in the Tang Dynasty Lu Xuan's "Essential Formula" records that boiling red dates, silver fungus and rock sugar together can relieve cough and moisturize the lungs. Boiling red dates with eggs and brown sugar and laurel balls with blood tonifying effect can also strengthen the spleen and stomach, nourish the kidney and blood. Goji berry and red date egg soup preparation: 30 grams of goji berries, 10 red dates, 2 eggs. Wash and drain the goji berries, wash and pit the red dates, put them together in a casserole, add an appropriate amount of water to boil, add eggs to cook, season them, and eat them in 2 times. Efficacy: Protect the liver and kidney, nourish blood and eliminate troubles.

3. Boiling porridge in Chinese medicine says that women have symptoms such as irritability and restlessness, and can be conditioned with appropriate amounts of lilies, lotus seeds and red dates. If cooked with angelica, it can better exert the effect of red dates to replenish qi and blood. Ingredients for angelica red date porridge: 15 grams of angelica, 50 grams of red dates, 20 grams of sugar, 50 grams of glutinous rice.

Eat red dates like this in spring, replenish qi and blood, and raise an ageless liver! But don't commit 2 taboos, otherwise "health dates" become "life dates"

Method: Soak angelica in warm water for a while, add 200ml of water, fry 100ml of thick juice, remove the residue and take the juice, add an appropriate amount of water together with glutinous rice, red dates and sugar, and cook until the porridge is ready. Efficacy: This porridge has the effect of tonifying blood and regulating menstruation, activating blood and relieving pain, moisturizing and laxative, and is suitable for insufficient qi and blood, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea dysmenorrhea, blood deficiency headache, dizziness and constipation. After understanding some health eating methods of red dates, finally let's talk about some precautions for eating red dates -

Although red dates are good, there are 2 taboos to pay attention to

1. Don't eat too many red dates at once, it is easy to promote moisture in the body, making people feel bloated and uncomfortable. People with a bad spleen and stomach are better to eat three or four red dates a day, and people with a good spleen and stomach should also try to control it within 10.

Eat red dates like this in spring, replenish qi and blood, and raise an ageless liver! But don't commit 2 taboos, otherwise "health dates" become "life dates"

People who usually have a weak spleen and stomach and are prone to diarrhea, when eating red dates, it is recommended to add some medicinal materials that replenish qi and strengthen the spleen, such as codonopsis and astragalus, boil water and drink together, which can mobilize the spleen and stomach to operate, and when the operation is motivated, it is not so easy to accumulate flatulence. 2. These types of people should eat less red dates with too high sugar content, especially diabetic patients are better to eat less; Red dates are easy to stagnate moisture, combined with cough, phlegm, wet and heavy bloating, thick tongue moss, etc., should eat less; Children should not eat more dates if they have tooth decay. The above pictures are all from OneImage.

(Daily Wellness Push)

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