
People with "clean" blood will have 5 characteristics

author:Dr. Wen Shuo

Introduction: The health of blood vessels affects the whole body, helps blood penetrate into all corners of the body, promotes the absorption of nutrients, and excretes garbage toxins, which is essential.

Vascular health can reduce the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and the mortality rate of chronic diseases, especially for middle-aged and elderly people over 45 years old, many cardiovascular disease patients usually pay great attention to their vascular health, they also know how to prevent blood vessel blockage, plaque, atherosclerosis and other phenomena, they are afraid of some problems in blood vessels, there is a lot of blood in blood vessels, clean blood is essential for the health of blood vessels.

People with "clean" blood will have 5 characteristics

Generally speaking, people with smooth and "clean" blood will have these 5 characteristics, if you have all these characteristics, then you should be congratulated, indicating that your body is still healthy, blood lipids are not high, people tend to live longer.

What causes blood viscosity

1. Salty diet: The diet is too salty and greasy, which is easy to cause blood viscosity, because there is too much sodium chloride and too much oil, which can easily lead to blood concentration concentration and make the patient's blood viscous.

2. Small amount of exercise: If the amount of exercise is usually small, it is easy to lead to blood viscosity, and appropriate exercise helps to accelerate blood circulation and metabolism, and improve blood viscosity.

People with "clean" blood will have 5 characteristics

3, chronic diseases: some chronic diseases can easily lead to blood viscosity state, in hyperlipidemia, due to the increase in triglyceride levels and cholesterol levels, as well as other lipoprotein metabolism abnormalities, easy to lead to blood viscous state, high blood sugar is also easy to lead to blood viscosity in patients, because blood sugar is part of osmotic pressure, if blood sugar control is not good, it will also lead to osmotic diuresis, body water is easy to lose, easy to lead to blood viscosity of patients.

4. Drink too little water: Many people do not like to drink water, or drinking habits are not good, which can easily lead to insufficient water, and it is easy to cause blood viscosity in the blood vessels.

People with "clean" blood will have 5 characteristics

Clean blood is also related to the temperature of the hands and feet, you can usually observe it yourself, presumably many female friends have experienced such a situation, winter will feel cold hands and feet, the reason for this, in addition to the cold weather, may also be related to the lack of blood in the body, this is also a manifestation of blood unclean, if the hands and feet are cold in the hot summer, you should pay more attention.

People with "clean" blood will have 5 characteristics

When the human lips are bright and bright red, it means that the blood in the body runs smoothly, there is no problem of obstruction of blood circulation, and the blood lipid level in the body is relatively balanced, the body is in good condition, and the blood is relatively clean, but if the lips are pale or black and red, it means that there is a problem with blood circulation, not clean enough, and need to be adjusted as soon as possible.

People with "clean" blood will have 5 characteristics

Healthy people with clean blood and good circulation will not have breathing discomfort or obstruction, but if the blood supply to the lungs is insufficient, there will be a lack of sufficient nutritional support, which may reduce respiratory function and difficulty breathing, which is related to increased blood concentration and blocked blood circulation.

The heart is the 'engine' of the human body, cardiovascular blockage is very dangerous, the most common symptoms of cardiovascular blockage are chest tightness, shortness of breath and chest pain, especially people with a history of three highs and coronary heart disease should pay more attention, otherwise the best treatment time may be missed.

People with "clean" blood will have 5 characteristics

This feature is usually called ear deafness, many elderly people are easy to blur vision, vision gradually declined, yellow nodules around the eyes, this symptom is mainly caused by high blood lipids and vascular blockage, so if the middle-aged and elderly people or the elderly in the family are old, but the ears are bright, it is still worth congratulating, which indicates that the blood lipids are healthy, the blood vessels are clean, and they are relatively young.

People with "clean" blood will have 5 characteristics

Read more – The importance of blood for good health

Blood is very important to the human body, after blood circulation, carbon dioxide and metabolites in the body can be excreted, the normal operation of organs and tissues such as the brain, heart, kidney, liver, lungs and other organs and tissues can also be maintained, secondly, blood can also maintain the body's water, electrolyte balance and acid-base balance, if blood loss occurs, even if the amount of blood loss reaches 10%, it can also lead to hemorrhagic shock.

People with "clean" blood will have 5 characteristics

How much of an adult's blood accounts for its own body weight

The proportion of adult blood in the human body is about 4,000 to 5,000 milliliters, accounting for about 7% to 8% of adult body weight, and this total blood volume refers to the total amount of blood present in the circulatory system, while normal adults and men in mainland China, accounting for about 8.0%, women account for about 7.5% of their own body weight.

People with "clean" blood will have 5 characteristics

The total blood volume of people is not the same between different sexes, the same person will have some fluctuations in different situations, the strong body is slightly more than the thin, neuromuscular exercise can reduce the blood volume of plasma, athletes who exercise regularly have more blood than the average person, and the total blood volume of women during pregnancy will also increase more, but under normal circumstances, the proportion of human blood volume to body weight is relatively constant, generally not more than 10%.