
All hee in the storm: Peking University elite, small-town problem-maker, "flawed feminist"

All hee in the storm: Peking University elite, small-town problem-maker, "flawed feminist"

Chizuko Ueno's storm continues.

On the weekend, the video of a Peking University girl talking about Chizuko Ueno exploded in the hot search, and all the offensive questions and antagonistic labels became the center of the storm, discussions and eight materials emerged one after another, and the previous lives of the parties were all spread.

All hee in the storm: Peking University elite, small-town problem-maker, "flawed feminist"

Three days later, another male reading blogger had a conversation with Chizuko Ueno, and the wind criticism went to two poles. On the one hand, he praised his questions more rationally and intelligently, and at the same time questioned: the interview outline should not have been solicited by the women's community. Is it eating the dividends of being a man?

Even the dialogue between Dai Jinhua and Chizuko Ueno held within the Beijing News, the report has not yet been released, and it has also climbed the hot search. Many netizens asked in the comment area: Where can I watch the live broadcast?

In fact, Chizuko Ueno has participated in some interviews and conversations from China, and the attention and influence she can get are far less than those in recent days. No one could have predicted that she would once again enter the public eye because she was offended by asking: Why not get married? Have you ever been hurt by a man, or is it because of your native family?

All hee in the storm: Peking University elite, small-town problem-maker, "flawed feminist"

Several dialogues, so that with her neat and sassy short red hair, she broke the circle and entered the field of vision of more audiences. At 75, she is logical, precise, humorous and sharp. But at this time, Chizuko Ueno was involved in the storm of fame.

The hometown publishing house alluded to the fact that she secretly married and even inherited her husband's property. This false news was quickly deleted, but it could not help but watch for a long time, launching a round of cajoling and stigmatization against the Japanese female scholar.

All hee in the storm: Peking University elite, small-town problem-maker, "flawed feminist"

Some people have compared this experience of her to "The Chinese Adventures of Chizuko Ueno" and "The Fantastic Drifting of Chizuko Ueno". Ueno, on the other hand, appears calm in all the shots, does not strongly question or counter any questions, and gives precise answers to ordinary and even stupid questions.

While readers are worried about Ueno's fate as if they were their own grandmother, Ueno did not miss these opportunities to distinguish between reason and reason.

Tearing and bickering continues.

But to say that these events can bring us inspiration, we can also extract crystal water droplets from the vast ocean.

"Feminism", in the past few years, is undoubtedly a prominent science in life, and many people think that they have sufficient life experience to serve as masters of this discipline.

From the extensive discussion, we have never sorted out the sticking points related to this. What we think is just our existing imagination.

This lesson really has to start from scratch.

Full hee in the storm

In the conversation video that caused the storm, Quan Xi's two labels and two questions can be regarded as the eye of the storm.

Quan Hee asked Chizuko Ueno: Why did you start thinking about not getting married in your 20s? At the same time, he made an offensive presupposition, "Is it because of the injury of a man, or is it because of the original family?" ”

This is almost a landmine in the discussion, because this premise subconsciously underestimates women's autonomy and puts women in the position of victims.

Another eye of the storm was when she was married and asked Chizuko Ueno: Are they at the bottom of the feminist contempt chain when they get married and have children?

All hee in the storm: Peking University elite, small-town problem-maker, "flawed feminist"

Whether or not she wants to seek certification from academic authorities, the words "chain of contempt" embedded in questions are cunning presuppositions.

Perhaps Quan Xixi's intention was to wait for Ueno to refute her, but this question is terrifying, and will eventually further tear apart, divide factions, and do not protect the weak. And to ask this question in her capacity and circumstances is quite self-interested and cruel for people in more difficult situations.

All hee in the storm: Peking University elite, small-town problem-maker, "flawed feminist"

Quan Hee Hee is actually a sample of "elite women".

She is a small-town problem maker, a student of Peking University, a vice president of new media, and a career-oriented mother. Peking University undergraduate, Hong Kong graduate school, and later entered new media, all the way to become vice president of content, the busiest stage under the management of 100 people.

She originally planned to have children after four years of marriage, but she was mainly taken care of by her husband and mother-in-law. She even has the energy to run a personal video account and accumulate millions of fans in a year and a half.

All hee in the storm: Peking University elite, small-town problem-maker, "flawed feminist"

She is screwed and confused, but no matter how she looks at it, it is like a full score success learning path, which is enough to be envied - not only can she complete self-realization in her career, and the family's punishment for her motherhood is also very small.

In addition to "Peking University graduate", Quan Xixi's other label for himself is "small-town problem solver". She has shared the impact of "poor support" on herself, and she has always dared not make the most risky but potentially value-creating decisions like her "rich" seniors.

"A small-town subject-maker", she always seems to want to be a model student in life, even if she escapes from the small town, she also wants to gain the affirmation of her original family through marriage. From her words, you can see her confusion, struggle, and desire, but she also seems to have unconsciously made many major life choices in an instrumental and rational way.

All hee in the storm: Peking University elite, small-town problem-maker, "flawed feminist"

Therefore, she was able to run a relatively high score from the starting line of small-town youth and become a refined egoist.

Instrumental rational thinking also runs through her career.

As a content professional with many years of experience in new media planning and operation, she knows how to set topics. She wrote on her personal platform: "Good content should be more headline than marketing numbers. ”

In this conversation, she once again chose Peking University graduates, married and childbearing as a label, and at the same time labeled Chizuko Ueno, who may not be familiar to young audiences, as "75-year-old unmarried grandmother".

But when you choose a label or title as a weapon to get fast confrontation, get traffic, a real exam tool, and a strong purpose prop, you have to bear that sharp weapons will also hurt yourself. Fooling the audience will also cause disgust and protest from the audience.

In previous videos, Quan Xixi has shared her confusion about marriage and childbirth, she has provided a lot of real details, and does not avoid self-exposure, so that girls do not walk in without knowing anything, she talks about how individuals can sort out these problems.

In particular, the episodes in which she shared her experience of having children and chatting with her mother-in-law about her personal choices really made people feel that she had a simple feminine consciousness.

All hee in the storm: Peking University elite, small-town problem-maker, "flawed feminist"

After the hot search, the details about her were cut and collaged, and the Internet system built a new her.

Netizens said that she had plastic surgery and was threatened by her husband with cheating to give birth, and the reality she has shared in the video before, she has cut her eyelids, the so-called threat is more like the angry words said during the quarrel, accusations against herself, escalated to a new round of misogyny.

All hee demonized. She became a "wife who kneels and licks men", questioning interviews, content, and thoughts, and becoming insults and identifications of individuals.

In another conversation, she talked about the fear of being a small-town girl: "The clue that runs through the growth of small-town girls is escape and self-preservation. We don't expect any power at all, we just want ourselves to live. If small-town youth come to big cities, more women must stay after graduation. Because we don't want to go back, we can't go back to the county. Because we escaped from there. "After we fled, at least we gained the right to live and protect ourselves."

All hee in the storm: Peking University elite, small-town problem-maker, "flawed feminist"

Amid the fragments of the internet, some evidence pieces together her youth, when she didn't exactly chase mainstream values.

She has dyed her red hair and is always active in campus cultural activities. She and her friends raised money to open an unprofitable bookstore. After a few years of study, her income was meagre, and after working as a journalist for several years, she longed to enter public issues and document the course of the world.

All hee in the storm: Peking University elite, small-town problem-maker, "flawed feminist"

▲ Full hee hee when young.

You can see the signs of idealism in her youth.

But later, Quan Xixi denied his previous choice in the interview, and even felt a little stupid when he was younger. You don't know what part of "stupidity" she refers to.

We can't go deep into her subconscious, and wonder whether her teenage detachment from norms is a spiritual escape, or a chase of trends, and later life, how her life choices have made a 180-degree turn.

But she does confirm that even if she becomes a woman who has become the elite and career president of Peking University, she is not ahead of the audience at the ideological level; She may be able to share paths (not necessarily useful), but she can't teach you the mastery of thought—the identity of "elite women" cannot make women's anxiety disappear, and the mental internal friction they experience may only be known to individuals.

All hee in the storm: Peking University elite, small-town problem-maker, "flawed feminist"

After leaving this debate, if individual lives are so stormily fragmented, how many "sober" women can withstand the scrutiny of the Internet?

We grow up in this structure, can we learn from childhood not to be "misogynistic" and "afraid of the weak", how many people's life choices and values can pass the moral review of most people?

Feminism is not just a game about the self

The conversation between Quan Hee Hee and Chizuko Ueno may be destined to be misplaced.

A small-town girl who climbs upwards and does not dare to slide, a woman who has achieved success in education and resume, a woman who has fallen from idealism to a refined egoist, her life is to desperately move closer to the strong and go to a higher place. She felt that only by fleeing could she have the freedom of choice.

A small-town girl, through her own struggle, has become an academic and professional elite, and she still has various confusions about marriage and childbirth. She also tries to use the fragments of her newly acquired thoughts to solve her own problems and individual anxieties.

In Chizuko Ueno's conversation "Happy Superior", Reiko Yuyama said that "highly educated women read feminist books when they are troubled" because under the aura of "independent women", women will inevitably encounter bottlenecks in thinking, so they try to find comfort and guidance in "higher" feminist theory.

All hee in the storm: Peking University elite, small-town problem-maker, "flawed feminist"

In the trend of feminism from scratch, "elite women" may be the perfect recognition of "independent women" on the Internet Chinese: if women want to become successful professional women, then they can find a way to escape and make their own choices. Like Woolf, there is a room of its own.

Some criticize feminism as having become "a middle-class cake mounting." But I have to admit that even elite women, Quan Xihee, who graduated from Peking University and has a high income, returns to the small town and is still afraid that she will become the "unmarried woman" in the words of the villagers.

All hee in the storm: Peking University elite, small-town problem-maker, "flawed feminist"

This may be their unconscious psychological mechanism. Chizuko Ueno also said in "Starting at the Limit" that "I am different from them" is a survival strategy often adopted by intelligent elite women, even if she is married and has children, she still feels different from those "ordinary housewives" to achieve a certain transformation.

All hee in the storm: Peking University elite, small-town problem-maker, "flawed feminist"

This is also the "fear of weakness" that Chizuko Ueno talked about: unable to bear that he is weak. This is a mindset that elite women often fall into. Fear of weakness is also because there are weak parts in one's body, so it is particularly fiercely examined and rejected, showing a strong dislike of weakness.

What is Feminism? Can it be a tool for all women?

This is perhaps the biggest difference between simple feminine consciousness and Chizuko Ueno, who shared in her widely disseminated Todai speech, "Feminism is by no means the idea of the weak trying to become the strong, feminism is the pursuit of the weak and respectful." ”

This is why the dialogue is completely misaligned. Feminists seek to build a better world for the weak. And in this, the person standing in a high position, whether male or female, is to give up some of what he has to give up and make room for others.

All hee in the storm: Peking University elite, small-town problem-maker, "flawed feminist"

▲Chizuko Ueno when she was young.

Since it is about the minds of the weak, feminist parades should definitely not be limited to the great exchanges of scholars. Since it should become a weapon for the weak, it should swim as far as possible from the field of elite culture.

When we judge non-scholars for asking too superficial questions about Chizuko Ueno, is it itself an unconscious elite posture to be angry about everyday problems and marriage and childbearing life?

All hee in the storm: Peking University elite, small-town problem-maker, "flawed feminist"

In Chizuko Ueno's long disciplinary career, popular science and academia are two parallel lines.

Since 2008, Chizuko Ueno has been a respondent to readers' letters in the "Troubles Tree Hole" section of Japan's major newspaper Asahi Shimbun. Ordinary people write letters to talk about their troubles, and Chizuko Ueno gives various personal advice from a feminist perspective. The ordinary troubles of life, she may have seen infinity.

All hee in the storm: Peking University elite, small-town problem-maker, "flawed feminist"

Perhaps what should be considered is the expression of the question, the boundary of the question, and who Chizuko Ueno should talk to may just be the absolute imagination we impose on the authority, and it is also a kind of Muqiang. We also have some of the revelations of these conversations.

Aren't the so-called Chinese Kochi women confused about being women?

Are we superstitious about academic qualifications, or do elite education value success more and disdain ideas?

To protect women's rights and interests from the ideological level, how to do not just simple academic reasoning, but truly enter public life;

Can discussion solve a specific problem? Or does the discussion have to be destructive in order to change people's behavior?

In response to this interview, if we want to make up for the lack and really land, can we really find content collaborators in the Chinese Internet who have a weaker understanding than these two, or who are in a situation and have many practical questions that need to be asked? To listen to "cries outside the middle class"?

As for who can call themselves feminists, Chizuko Ueno has this to say:

"Feminism is a self-declared concept. People who call themselves feminists are feminists. There is no right or wrong. Feminism is a movement that has no center of thought, no churches and priests, and no center, so there is no heresy trial and no fame. Feminism is also not some intelligent machine that just stuffs a question in and it spits out the answer, I always think. ”

All hee in the storm: Peking University elite, small-town problem-maker, "flawed feminist"

However, she is not opposed to using it as a tool for self-reconciliation. And she herself also came from her "fear of weakness" and "misogyny" in her youth, and now she has become a person who is not afraid of the weak or the strong. "Language can't be invented by yourself, you have to borrow it somewhere. When you take it from the hands of your predecessors, you can gradually turn it into your own flesh and blood. (The Opening: Interviews with Women Scholars)

Chizuko Ueno, can it really solve everyone's anxiety? Seeing her as an antidote to anxiety, a new authority to dispel confusion, may be the biggest misunderstanding. Feminism is not eternal chicken soup for the soul, after all, it does dismantle some broken things in order to complete the real reconstruction.

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