
What does it mean behind the fact that the lifetime childlessness rate of women is close to 10%?

He Suohuan, a writer of sexual affective psychology, writes love stories, interesting strangers, and material knowledge.

What does it mean behind the fact that the lifetime childlessness rate of women is close to 10%?

See a hot search: mainland women, the lifelong childlessness rate is close to 10%.

This data is a significant increase over previous years.

In 2015, this figure was only 6.1%, but in 2020, it was close to 10%.

What does this mean?

More and more women, the willingness to have children is reduced.

What does it mean behind the fact that the lifetime childlessness rate of women is close to 10%?

Just in the second month of 2023, there are many data that indicate:

People at the moment, the willingness to marry and have children is reduced.

Like what:

The age of first marriage is rising;

Fewer marriages;

Fertility continues to decline;

The number of divorces is on the rise.

To describe people's view of marriage and love in one sentence is:

"You can fall in love, but if you want to get married, you have to think about it."

"You can get married, but you don't have to have children"

"If you don't get married, don't have children, you live well alone"

What does it mean behind the fact that the lifetime childlessness rate of women is close to 10%?

What is the problem behind the increase in the lifetime childlessness rate of women?

Why do women now increasingly want to have children?


Women still "can't get fair" in the workplace

In the workplace, there is a big difference between women who have children and those who do not.

Even if you don't have children, you will now face the crisis of "being laid off" at the age of 35.

What's more, on some job boards, some companies explicitly require positions under 35 years old.

When a woman gives birth, it means that she cannot fully devote herself to her career for at least 3 years.

Although some people say that women must be given enough respect in the workplace.

But the reality is:

When a woman gives birth to a child, no company wants to treat you.

Unless you are a career editor, a civil servant, and have a stable iron rice bowl job.

In this way, you get pregnant and have a baby without worrying about losing your job.

But if you are a "workplace worker", not only will you have to go through the company's soul torture before getting married, but you will also face a sharp decline in income after giving birth.

I have a girlfriend next to me who just got married.

She changed jobs, interviewed more than a dozen, and heard that she had just married and that none of the companies wanted her.

You say, is the workplace fair for women?

What does it mean behind the fact that the lifetime childlessness rate of women is close to 10%?


Middle-aged women see through marriage, young women see through life

For middle-aged women, whether they have already had children or have not had children, their willingness to have children is also decreasing.


Because they see through marriage and think that their marriage is not worth having children for themselves.

To give birth to a child, a woman must age at least several years.

From pregnancy, to giving birth, to bringing a baby to raise a baby after giving birth.

A girl friend next to me, whose child is now half a year old, is simply reluctant to let her father take it.

Because the father is impatient every time he takes the child, the child always cries when he gets along with the father.

The mother-in-law is old and can't help.

No way, she can only take the baby full-time.

Full-time with a baby means that she has to choose to give up her job before her children go to school.

Middle-aged women are comers-by, some of them have given birth to 1 child, some have given birth to 2 children, and some of them insist on not marrying.

It is precisely because they have seen through the marriage that they do not want their children to be wronged with them.

What does it mean behind the fact that the lifetime childlessness rate of women is close to 10%?

From the data, the post-90s and post-00s are less willing to have babies.

Moreover, the post-00s have even surpassed it.

Less than 70 percent of women under the age of 35 say life is complete with children.

The remaining 30% don't care so much about having children and don't aspire to have children.

Not only do young people not want to have children, they are reluctant to enter marriage.

This can be seen from the rising age of first marriage throughout the country.

In the 80s of the 20th century, the age of first marriage was 22; By 2020, the age of first marriage for women had become 26.2 years.

What does it mean behind the fact that the lifetime childlessness rate of women is close to 10%?


Women's "more economic independence"

Why did women in the past have a high willingness to have children?

Because they "have no choice".

What now? They have options.

Remember a recent hot search?

The "unmarried and sterile aunt", when she went home for the New Year, she gave a red envelope to everyone in the family.

One of the main reasons why women do not marry and do not want to have children is that their ability to earn money is no worse than that of men.

What does it mean behind the fact that the lifetime childlessness rate of women is close to 10%?

Looked at a set of home purchase data:

Women who bought a house independently reached 28.2%.

I have a female classmate who has known me for more than ten years, and she bought her own house a few years ago.

In third-tier cities, I bought a two-bedroom apartment of 80 square meters with a down payment of half of 400,000 yuan.

In her own words:

"Even if I don't have a job temporarily, the savings are enough for me to pay my mortgage for a few years; I have a house and a car, I can do whatever I want, why am I in a hurry to get married and have children? ”

She is a person who insists on not getting married.

Her biggest goal: to retire around 50 and see the outside world.

What does it mean behind the fact that the lifetime childlessness rate of women is close to 10%?

In fact, from another point of view:

When more and more women do not have children, will there be a "more talent gap" in the future workplace?

Is it 35 years old no longer experiencing workplace crises?

Is it possible for everyone's income to rise, so that they don't need to be so involuted, and they don't have to bear the blessing of 996?

Today's Topic:

What do you think about women's low willingness to have babies?

Are there many people around you who don't have children?

(Article with picture source network)

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