
There is a pin | why say read Sagan before reading Yishu

author:White sir reads
There is a pin | why say read Sagan before reading Yishu

Yi Shu "Yi Shi Tai" presumably literary and artistic youth will not be unfamiliar, whether you have read her novels or not, you will always have seen the adapted film and television works

Yi Shu has several famous quotes in "Heaven Like Heaven", such as "Middle-aged women do not earn money to buy expensive clothes, but to be willing to take the first class of the plane and enter the private ward if necessary." "Heaven and hell, in one thought. Whoever makes you happy, just with whom, it's not fun here, go elsewhere, why bother. "It's all fantasy anyway, so let's have fun completely." The heroine of "Heavenly" has worked as a prostitute, and not only does she have no dark side, but there is no plot of falling into a fire pit and finally being punished as described in other novels. The heroine ends up marrying a middle-aged man who has never married a wife. He had a wine estate and flew a small Cessna airplane to take his wife into the endless vineyards and make himself a lavender-flavored wine in the future. It's so complete, like heaven, that's what it's called addiction!

There is a pin | why say read Sagan before reading Yishu

Not only did her novels fascinate Yishu fans in Hong Kong and overseas, but in Chinese mainland, she also had a group of admirers who regarded her as a "goddess". These people called her "Yi Shi Tai". Of course, Yi Shu counted out their suppressed psychological shadows of advocating famous brands and appreciating high-end goods. What they longed for but did not dare to make a sound, Yi Shu had already clearly written and written in simple words. The young people's dare to love and dare to hate is also an inexhaustible subject, one after another, and the bibliography attached to the back page of the book is already two hundred and seventy books.

Ni Kuang himself also said that he had not contacted Yishu for more than ten years, and the relationship between their brothers and sisters was different from ordinary people, which was so strange. Speaking of Yi Shu's novels, Ni Kuang brother also loves to read, he said: "I write science fiction, I can do it in the sky." She wrote only two men, one woman, or vice versa. Three people came and went and wrote hundreds of books, which is really skilled. ”

There is a pin | why say read Sagan before reading Yishu

The famous French talented female writer Sagan

Follow Yishu, and read Sagan first

Sagan was dead. The beauty of the 1960s was buried with her. When she was eighteen, she spent only a few star years writing a book that seduced young people, called Bonjour Tristesse. The story tells of a young girl who feels inexplicably empty, and the only thing that drives her to live is how to destroy the life of her father and girlfriend. Sagan was born into a wealthy family like the heroine of the novel. She had just been expelled from the convent girls' school she attended at the time of writing the book, and in such a situation the other women might have been only disappointed and angry, and only Sagan wrote her fantasies in a fresh tone. All the loneliness of the girls in the spring and the longing for love are described by Sagan. The novel was immediately translated into twenty-two languages and has sold five million copies worldwide to date.

There is a pin | why say read Sagan before reading Yishu

Movie "Hello, Sorrow"

Since then, Sagan has not stopped, constantly writing new novels and stage plays, and her every move is debated - she loves to gamble and drive fast, and scandals of drug use and tax evasion are frequent. Sagan said many meaningful things in her life:

About love: "Every girl knows what love is all about. When love fades, they endure it with innate grace. ”

On feelings: "There is no manifestation of jealousy more terrifying than laughing out loud. ”

On art: "Art should turn reality into surprise. ”

On literature: "I think literature should be faithful to life. In fact, life is amorphous, unorganized, and vague, while literature has always been disciplined, completely different. ”

About music: "The essence of jazz music is not caring. ”

On clothing: "A woman's dress is meaningless at all, unless it makes a man want to take it off." ”

There is a pin | why say read Sagan before reading Yishu

Sagan had never won any literary prizes, and winning them was of no importance to her. She wrote what she liked, and she could do it; the readers of her work loved it too, and that proved Sagan right more than any award. When Hello, Sorrow was published, the so-called serious literary critic said, "That's just the work of an amateur writer." Of course, Sagan is not a character of Jane Austen's level, but her appearance breaks with the old dogma that there is no need for some literary contribution to be a good novel. She gave many teenage girls the courage to write whatever they thought.

After her death, former French President Jacques Chirac also said: "She was a trendsetting figure in her time, raising the status of women." Another said: "Sagan is a smile, full of melancholy, but extremely energetic; she is a smile that looks far away, but a smile that makes the reader happy." ”

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French documentary "Sagan"

Sagan's second novel is titled ACertain Smile. Both of her novels were adapted into films by Hollywood. You (1957), played by David Niven as father, the role of lover was given to Deborah Kerr, and the teenage girl was played by Jean Seberg, directed by the master Otto Preminger. In So-and-So (1958), the male and female casts are Rossano Brazzi and Joan Fontaine, and the actress is Christine Carère. The film's theme song won that year's Academy Award, featuring a black man named Johnny Mathis. His voice was like glue, making people hear ear oil.

There is a pin | why say read Sagan before reading Yishu

Sagan's third novel, Aimez-vous Brahms?, is little known and made into a movie, with its original name in some places; but the American countrymen were so stupid that Hollywood had to change the name to "Goodbye Again" (1961). The film is about a middle-aged woman falling in love with a young boy, starring Ingrid Bergman and Anthony Perkins, and directed by Anatole Litvak. The film is black and white, and there is a scene in which a young boy lights a candle to welcome his lover, making this movie the best movie to use candles.

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"What Day Will You Come Again Again," 1961

Saganchi people

There are rumors that Sagan was the mistress of French President Charles de Gaulle, but there is no basis for that. The president liked it, Sagan was curious, and even if she slept with him, it was as big a deal as shaking hands. It is true that she was married twice, and her first husband was the publisher Guy Schoeller. Her second husband was Bob Westhoff (Bob Westhoff) in the United States, for whom he translated La chamade ("Madness") and "Guardian of hearts") into English. Sagan bore him a son. As for whether Sagan is his real name or a pen name? Originally surnamed Quoirez, she liked to read proust (Proust) since she was a child, and in one of Proust's novels called "Remembrance of Watery Years", there is a character surnamed Sagan, who has since obtained this pen name.

There is a pin | why say read Sagan before reading Yishu

In the 1950s and 1960s, there was a very good columnist in Hong Kong, China called "Thirteen Sisters". She often mentions Sagan in her articles, and she also envies the market for foreign novels, and writing a book can make a novelist eat enough for a lifetime. Yishu wrote novels, and it cannot be said that he was not influenced by Sagan. Later, the group of female writers in Hong Kong followed Yi Shu, so why not go and see the works of the old ancestor Sagan?

Re-reading "Hello, Sorrow" and feel that it is not outdated, and the text is beautiful and smooth. The previous translation is probably out of print, and sagan's most admirable is her words:

"I used to love like crazy. What ordinary people think of as madness is, to me, the only rational way to love someone. ”

The above content is an excerpt from "Women Are Aliens" by Cai Lan

There is a pin | why say read Sagan before reading Yishu

"Women are aliens" published by Qingdao Publishing House by Cai Lan

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