
Liang Chaowei: He wrote very well about human nature and artistic conception

author:Chang'an Reading Club
Liang Chaowei: He wrote very well about human nature and artistic conception
Liang Chaowei: He wrote very well about human nature and artistic conception

In 2007, Ang Lee's "Color Ring" was released, and Liang Chaowei won the third Golden Horse Award for Best Actor in his life with the role of "Mr. Yi".

According to media evaluation, Liang Chaowei is extremely talented, and few people in the entire entertainment circle can match. He said he just liked to read.

He read all the books of the Japanese god-level writer Yukio Mishima.

Liang Chaowei: He wrote very well about human nature and artistic conception

Yukio Mishima and cats

Some people say that the oppressive darkness of Mr. Yi is the same as the violent and feminine beauty of Yukio Mishima's pen.

Liang Chaowei also praised, "Yukio Mishima has written human nature and artistic conception very well. ”

As one of the ceilings of Japanese literature, Yukio Mishima has 10 films that have been adapted into films, 36 have been put on the stage, and 7 have won various literary awards, making him a veritable prolific writer.

His position in the Japanese literary world is equivalent to that of Cao Xueqin and Lu Xun in China.

Regrettably, he was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature three times, but eventually lost it. And the literary titan Yasunari Kawabata said:

"The Nobel Prize I won should go to Mishima, a talented writer like him, who has rarely met one in two or three hundred years."

Liang Chaowei: He wrote very well about human nature and artistic conception

Yukio Mishima and Yasunari Kawabata

Also praised by Donald King, who is the most talented writer in the world.

Mishima is so special. His words have shocked countless readers.

Liang Chaowei: He wrote very well about human nature and artistic conception

Some people say that he was impressed by his bloody sense of art, "[He] is one of the most talented Japanese people I've ever read." Some people lamented that he was fierce and sensitive, grand and delicate, mature and naïve.

In Mishima's short life, the understanding and pursuit of aesthetics have reached rare heights.

He even advocated pluralistic beauty more than many modern people. In his eyes, true beauty is never a cookie-cutter good-looking skin bag, but can also be gentle, complex, cool, intense, and even dangerous.

Liang Chaowei: He wrote very well about human nature and artistic conception

Yukio Mishima

He once wrote a widely circulated sentence that attacked many people's narrow understanding of beauty:

When you see a rose, you say beautiful, and when you see a snake, you say disgusting.

You don't know this world, roses and snakes are close friends, and at night, they transform into each other, and the snake's cheeks are bright red, and the rose scales are shining.

You see the rabbit and say it's cute, and when you see the lion, you say it's terrible.

You don't know how stormy nights, how they bleed, how they fall in love.

On Douban reading, you can see the worship of his aesthetics everywhere:

"It's so beautiful that I can't wait to recite the whole paragraph."

"Mishima's aesthetics are pervasive and far-reaching."

"If dew is like electricity, like a dream bubble, it should be viewed as such."


Liang Chaowei: He wrote very well about human nature and artistic conception

Japanese national treasure artist Tadanori Yokoo is also a big fan of Mishima.

He once said that Mishima has been a practitioner of aesthetics all his life. Whether it's his rigorous exercise, perfecting his body like Apollo' or his stories, the words tremble and are breathtakingly beautiful.

"Not only what the eyes see, but also the violent beauty that mobilizes all the senses of your body and makes the cells of your whole body surging with it."

If you've never known what kind of "beauty crit" reading brings, Shogun recommends that you must read this set of "Violent Beauty: The Collection of Yukio Mishima".

Liang Chaowei: He wrote very well about human nature and artistic conception

A total of 6 books in total, including Yukio Mishima's classic masterpieces at one time:

Liang Chaowei: He wrote very well about human nature and artistic conception

"Kinkaku-ji" on Douban, which has been commented on by 20,000 people, is based on real events to explore the complex and profound relationship between existence, sex, beauty and destruction.

The Times once commented that in the brilliance of kinkaku-ji Temple, beauty and destruction coexist, cruelty and sacrifice coexist, and dedication and betrayal coexist.

Liang Chaowei: He wrote very well about human nature and artistic conception

Kinkaku-ji Temple

Pastoral novel "Shiosu": Won the first Shinchosha Literature Award, and was even selected as a textbook for Japanese middle schools.

It is a precious "paradise" in Mishima, and it is also the yearning and expectation of each of us.

Liang Chaowei: He wrote very well about human nature and artistic conception

Stills from the movie "Tides"

As a book reviewer said: Reading such a novel full of the smell of the sea is a kind of welfare and a reward for anyone in a busy life.

It also contains the four-part "Sea of Plenty" masterpiece.

Liang Chaowei: He wrote very well about human nature and artistic conception

The first "Spring Snow": Douban 9.1 points, the sublimation of Mishima's "brilliant talent".

Mishima himself concluded that the work was a dynastic romance novel, weak and slender.

The second "Galloping Horse": The reading experience is refreshing, and it is the soul of the Mishima Aesthetic Building.

Some people say that if Chunxue is a clear youthful feeling, and the galloping horse is a warm youth blood, then the third part of "Xiaosi" is a muddy mid-life crisis, although love is light, desire is stronger.

Finale song "Five Declines of Heaven and Man": Reading the end, the depths of your heart will tremble like an avalanche, making you sigh involuntarily, "God is doing it, but it is just like that." ”

The series brought Mishima's romance, aesthetics and classicism to its fullest extent, and brought his literary career to a successful end.

Liang Chaowei: He wrote very well about human nature and artistic conception

6 books, new translations, the whole text is not abridged, the translation pen is more in line with the original work, and strive to show Mishima's gorgeous, accurate penmanship, and speculative multi-level language atmosphere.

There is also a wonderful introduction at the beginning, so that readers can quickly understand the legendary life and characteristics of Yukio Mishima.

Liang Chaowei: He wrote very well about human nature and artistic conception

Inside and outside double cover + exquisite set box, collection and gift-giving are very suitable.

The new and exquisite cover design echoes mishima's aesthetic characteristics, such as the roaring flame of Kinkaku-ji Temple, the noisy sea in "Chaosao", and the snowy first cherry blossoms of "Spring Snow", such as the cloud deep mountain.

Liang Chaowei: He wrote very well about human nature and artistic conception

The inner text paper is soft and does not hurt the hand, and it is soft and stress-free when flipping through.

A full set of 6 volumes, the official price of 219 yuan, the study for everyone to fight for the limited time preferential price, only 99 yuan, saving more than 100 yuan.

However, two movie tickets are paid for, and you feel the tremor and critical blow from the Mishima-style aesthetic.

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Liang Chaowei: He wrote very well about human nature and artistic conception

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Liang Chaowei: He wrote very well about human nature and artistic conception

Why Mishima is in the Japanese literary world

Such a lofty status?

Mo Yan said that he was a student of literature and a man who died for literature.

Japanese literary researcher Kanichi Chiba even called him one of the four great writers of the 20th century, along with Proust, author of "Remembrance of The Lost Years", Joyce, author of "Ulysses", and Thomas Mann, author of "John and His Brothers".

Liang Chaowei: He wrote very well about human nature and artistic conception

Regarding the formation of Mishima's unique aesthetic style, we must start from his origin.

He was born into a declining aristocratic family in Japan, and his grandfather was originally a middle and lower class who had lost his land, and later he was able to marry the descendants of the royal family because he entered the political arena. That is, Mishima's grandmother, Nagai Natsu.

Liang Chaowei: He wrote very well about human nature and artistic conception

Stills from "Spring Snow"

When Mishima was very young, he was brought up by his grandmother. Receiving an aristocratic education from an early age, he followed his grandmother to a song and dance workshop to watch performances.

His frail youth, combined with keen self-observation and the influence of his grandmother, made him show a great talent for writing at an early age.

Intuition is amazing, imagination is rich, and metaphors are not conventional. Often, in just a few lines, a long series of obscure and tortuous psychological trajectories can be described.

Liang Chaowei: He wrote very well about human nature and artistic conception

Yukio Mishima wrote 21 novels, more than 80 short stories, 33 plays, and a large number of essays during his lifetime. As one of the masters of post-war Japanese literature, Mishima was not only a novelist, but also a playwright, journalist, filmmaker, and film actor.

Not only does he have a high reputation in the Japanese literary circles, but he is also highly evaluated in the Western world, and some people even call him "Hemingway of Japan" and "Da Vinci of Japan".

It can be said that whether we discuss Japanese literature or aesthetic history, we cannot avoid the name Yukio Mishima.

Liang Chaowei: He wrote very well about human nature and artistic conception

Rare and fearless of violent beauty

It has already penetrated into the soul of each of his works

Readers who are familiar with Mishima will surely find that Mishima is a writer with a very rich connotation, who not only reached the peak in the depth of thought and aesthetics, but also had the essence of both The East and the West in the literary spirit - Japanese classical literature and ancient Greek spirit.

Therefore, his works can often unconsciously bring you an unprecedented shocking sensory experience.

Liang Chaowei: He wrote very well about human nature and artistic conception

For example, he described the beauty of women in "Spring Snow":

In Qing Xian's eyes, the beautiful white of the spacious skirt, like the snow on the top of the mountain covered by fluttering clouds, appeared in front of his eyes. It was the first time in his life that he had discovered the dazzlingly elegant nature of a woman's beauty. ”

Liang Chaowei: He wrote very well about human nature and artistic conception

He described youth this way:

"The so-called youth is the state of not getting something, that is, the state of longing, the state of longing, and the state of possibility. They show the vast wilderness and fear of life, and although they still have nothing, they can occasionally have a feeling of having everything in their fantasies. ”

He interpreted "happiness" this way:

"In order to be happy in life, we must love the daily chores. The brilliance of the clouds, the swaying of the bamboo, the chirping of the flocks, the faces of pedestrians. You need to taste the endless nectar from the daily chores. ”

Even after more than half a century, it is very valuable.

Mishima's world is like adding a layer of Japanese style to real life, with cool and colorful ins filters.

Read his words,

You can not only see the picture in front of you, but also hear the sound of wind, rain, flowers falling and scattering clouds, and you can smell the salty sea water and the fragrance of flowers in the ice and snow.

This is also why everyone who has read Mishima has been immersed in it for a long time, as if they have lived with the protagonist of the story once. If you want to have a refreshing reading experience, Mishima's works will not disappoint you.

Liang Chaowei: He wrote very well about human nature and artistic conception

One time includes classics

Give you a glimpse into the magnificent world of Japanese aesthetics

"Chao Chao" is full of the power of youth and life, expressing a beauty of the combination of nature, life and human feelings. The film adaptation was well received in Japan and became the love of a generation of young girls.

Liang Chaowei: He wrote very well about human nature and artistic conception

Kinkaku-ji Temple has been rated by Japanese scholars as the "highest level" in Mishima literature, and is also a masterpiece of Mishima's aesthetics. He won the 8th Yomiuri Literature Prize.

Haruka was hailed by Yasunari Kawabata as "The Tale of Genji in modern Japan" and the beginning of the "Sea of Plenty" series. The whole series, on the intention, on the pattern, looking at the whole of Japan is difficult to compare.

Liang Chaowei: He wrote very well about human nature and artistic conception

These 6 works basically cover Mishima's representative works in the field of novel creation, and this time I recommend them to you.

For readers familiar with Mishima, it is possible to collect his work at once. For readers who don't know him very well, it's also a great opportunity to get a feel for Mishima's aesthetic.

The translators of the six works, in addition to being proficient in the history of literature and literature, the translation is meticulous and elaborate, and their own literary attainments are also very high, and the text is refined and transmitted. When reading, you can fully feel the aesthetic essence closer to Mishima's original work.

Exquisite box packaging, high collection value. It is very suitable to give away people, or to collect them yourself.

Liang Chaowei: He wrote very well about human nature and artistic conception

The inside page is light and smooth, the font size is moderate, the typography is comfortable, and it is easy to immerse yourself in.

The original price of 219 yuan, now order can enjoy the study to remember the time-limited special price, only 99 yuan, you can put mishima's classic masterpieces into the bag, read a lifetime, taste for a lifetime.

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