
How miserable are childless couples? Just look at Tony Leung and Carina Lau

author:Rite meow

Children, many people will feel that when the husband and wife are together, the child is a huge burden, after all, the child's nickname is "gold swallowing beast", and all aspects of the expenditure are a lot of expenses, therefore, many couples choose Dink, while they are young to enjoy a few more years of single time, however, many people do not know that children can actually promote the relationship between husband and wife, otherwise, the husband and wife without children may not be able to maintain a few years at all and may say goodbye completely.

How miserable are childless couples? Just look at Tony Leung and Carina Lau

If you want to say the most typical case in the entertainment industry, it must be Tony Leung and Carina Lau, many people think that on the surface, it seems that Tony Leung and Carina Lau's marriage has lasted so long, the husband and wife have been married for almost decades, and the two parties have not divorced, they are the representatives of model couples, but in fact, the real situation is that the two of them have not been in contact for a long time, why? Many people will say that the husband and wife are not in harmony, there are many contradictions, and all kinds of things can be said.

How miserable are childless couples? Just look at Tony Leung and Carina Lau

Why did Tony Leung choose to live alone in Japan? Is it really because he is some kind of social phobia? No, the real situation is that their husband and wife have long been strangers, there may be many answers, but one thing is certain, that is, the problem between Tony Leung and Carina Lau, what is the problem? Without children, many people feel that it is easy to not have children, yes, this matter is indeed true, but the problem is that there will inevitably be conflicts between husband and wife after a long time.

How miserable are childless couples? Just look at Tony Leung and Carina Lau

If you have children, there will be a lot less conflict between husband and wife, or rather, because of the child, it will be reconciled, and the conflict between husband and wife will be covered up, but once you lose this kind of child as traction, there will be no bond between husband and wife, which is why Tony Leung and Carina Lau are in this situation now, the answer is because they have no children, no children means no contact, when the relationship between husband and wife gradually dissipates, it is normal to be like strangers.

How miserable are childless couples? Just look at Tony Leung and Carina Lau

So why didn't Tony Leung and Carina Lau get divorced? Many times, it is not a matter of divorce or not, but not daring to divorce, Carina Lau needs Tony Leung to decorate herself with a façade, and Tony Leung also needs Carina Lau to provide a demand for herself, not to mention the binding of interests between Tony Leung and Carina Lau, once divorced, it involves the division of property, which is a large loss, these are things that are unacceptable to both parties, and natural divorce is unlikely.

How miserable are childless couples? Just look at Tony Leung and Carina Lau

Of course, when this benefit gradually decreases with time, it is unknown whether they can maintain this life, so this is why I said that after no children, how weak the relationship between husband and wife is, otherwise, we will not have any seven-year itch to say, in fact, the vast majority of couples in the end, are in need of children as a connection and bond, once there are no children, it is not the case at all.

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