
"Saury expires, canned meat expires, even plastic wrap expires, and I'm beginning to wonder what else in this world doesn't expire." No relationship lasts

author:Happy for the rest of your life

"Saury expires, canned meat expires, even plastic wrap expires, and I'm beginning to wonder what else in this world doesn't expire."

No relationship is enduring, no relationship is eternal, no matter when, first of all, you must love yourself and live your own life.

For the rest of my life, having two or three confidants is already a fortunate thing in life.

The sign of a person's maturity is often to be able to look down on people and understand the impermanence of the world.

Loving yourself is a lifelong romance, because only you are the eternal companion of this journey of life. #怎样忘掉生活中的烦恼 #

"Saury expires, canned meat expires, even plastic wrap expires, and I'm beginning to wonder what else in this world doesn't expire." No relationship lasts
"Saury expires, canned meat expires, even plastic wrap expires, and I'm beginning to wonder what else in this world doesn't expire." No relationship lasts
"Saury expires, canned meat expires, even plastic wrap expires, and I'm beginning to wonder what else in this world doesn't expire." No relationship lasts

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