
Raising red-nosed scissors, do you know how to make the "nose" more and more red?


The red-nosed scissorsfish, also known as the red-nosed scissors and the red-nosed fish, and the Latin scientific name Hemigrammus bleheri, belong to the lipocyprinidae. Native to the lower Amazon River Basin in South America, in the freshwater rivers of Brazil and Colombia, the whole body is silvery-white, almost transparent, and the tail fin has black and white stripes similar to scissors. The red-nosed scissors fish is similar in size to other species of lampfish of the same genus, reaching a length of 6 cm in length. The body is elongated and the tail is forked. The base color of the red fan fish is yellow-green, the belly is white, and there is a black stripe from the middle of the body to the middle of the tail. It is bright red from the tip of the head to the upper half of the pectoral eel. The body is strong and easy to raise.

Raising red-nosed scissors, do you know how to make the "nose" more and more red?

The red-nosed scissors are docile and can be fed with other gentle fish, and are also suitable for raising in groups in aquatic tanks. Group feeding should ensure at least 3 or more, 8~10 the best number, otherwise they will be very timid to hide in a hidden place and dare not come out. Generally, the lifespan of red-nosed scissors is about 5 years, and it prefers weak acidic clean water quality (PH value between 5.4~6.8), and it is best to control the water temperature in the tank between 23~26 °C when rearing. Red-nosed scissors are generally fed twice a day, with live food and artificial feeds such as flakes, blood worms, shrimp, and other frozen foods.

Raising red-nosed scissors, do you know how to make the "nose" more and more red?

Red-nosed scissors prefer to swim in the middle of the water body, are very agile and agile, and when strangers approach the tank, they will escape in groups and swim to the other side. The "nose" of the red-nosed scissors can be used as a reference for water quality observation, and when the feeding conditions are good, their "nose" will become more and more red, and when the water quality is poor, it will appear dim.

Raising red-nosed scissors, do you know how to make the "nose" more and more red?

The reproductive problem of red-nosed scissors is still a problem, because the eggs they lay from mating are very susceptible to fungal infection, and the juveniles that emerge need to feed on live food for a long period of time, and the slightest change in water quality is likely to cause maladaptation and reproductive failure. Therefore, in order to successfully breed red-nosed scissors, it is necessary to maintain monitoring at all times, strictly control water quality changes, and frequently check the PH value and softness of water quality. Red-nosed scissors need a large fish tank as a place for breeding, and aquatic plants need to be planted in the tank, which requires very soft water quality. Generally, at least three pairs of broodstock are used for breeding, and after a long period of adaptation, they will begin to mate and spawn. The number of eggs is not large, and it takes about 30~36 hours to incubate at a water temperature of 26 °C. After the eggs hatch successfully, it takes about 5 days for the juveniles to swim around. During this time period, juvenile fish are very sensitive to changes in water quality, and should always pay attention to testing to ensure the stability of water quality. After about a month, the hardness of the water can be gradually increased and normal feeding can resume.

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