
Hand peeling with Chinese medicine male cloves, safflower, yellow essence, yellow cedar, peppercorns, herbs leaves, rhubarb, alum, dog ridge, cang ear, money grass, white root, five times, bitter ginseng, angelica, alum, ice

author:Traditional Chinese medicine pandas

Hand peeling with Chinese medicine male cloves, safflower, yellow essence, yellow cedar, peppercorns, herbs leaves, rhubarb, alum, dog ridge, cang ear, money grass, white zhi, wuzi, bitter ginseng, angelica, alum, ice flakes 200 grams each, licorice 500 grams, vitamin C 100 tablets in 100 bottles

The above drugs are crushed and added 75 degrees of medical alcohol 12 kg soaked for half a month to precipitate the filter residue.

Usually, set aside a 50 ml vials. Rub your hands with a few drops when you use it, rub your hands several times a day at the beginning, and then rub your hands 3-5 times a day after 3 days, which will heal in about a week. Avoid washing your hands with soap and alkaline hand sanitizer during treatment. #快问中医超能团 #

Hand peeling with Chinese medicine male cloves, safflower, yellow essence, yellow cedar, peppercorns, herbs leaves, rhubarb, alum, dog ridge, cang ear, money grass, white root, five times, bitter ginseng, angelica, alum, ice
Hand peeling with Chinese medicine male cloves, safflower, yellow essence, yellow cedar, peppercorns, herbs leaves, rhubarb, alum, dog ridge, cang ear, money grass, white root, five times, bitter ginseng, angelica, alum, ice
Hand peeling with Chinese medicine male cloves, safflower, yellow essence, yellow cedar, peppercorns, herbs leaves, rhubarb, alum, dog ridge, cang ear, money grass, white root, five times, bitter ginseng, angelica, alum, ice

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