
#Health Insight Program #Treatment of cerebral arteriosclerosis, cerebral infarction (ischemic stroke), improving nerve function of proprietary Chinese medicines: 1, Qilong capsules Qilong capsules, composed of astragalus, dilong, danshen, dang

author:He Yaoshi health science popularization

#Health Insight Program #Treatment of cerebral arteriosclerosis, cerebral infarction (ischemic stroke), improving nerve function of proprietary Chinese medicines:

1. Qilong capsules

Qilong capsules are composed of astragalus, ground dragon, salvia, angelica, red peony, Sichuan root, safflower and peach kernel. It is beneficial to the qi and blood, and dissolves the stasis and communication network. It is used for qi deficiency and blood stasis in the meridian recovery period of ischemic stroke (cerebral infarction), and the symptoms are: hemiplegia, crooked mouth and tongue, unclear language, numbness of the partial body, and ecchymosis and petechiae on the tongue.

2. Dragon leech capsules

Dragon leech capsules, consisting of astragalus, leech, sichuan root, angelica, safflower, peach kernel, red peony, wood fragrance, stone calamus, ground dragon, mulberry parasitism, eleuthero extract. Replenish qi and activate blood, and stasis by stasis. Used in the recovery period of arteriosclerotic cerebral infarction, Chinese medicine dialectic is qi deficiency blood stasis type stroke meridians, symptoms see half of the body failure, partial body numbness, crooked corners of the mouth, language unfavorable and so on. The drug can reduce the patient's whole blood and plasma viscosity, hematocrit, inhibit platelet aggregation and thrombosis, prolong plasma recalcification time and bleeding time, increase cerebral blood flow, reduce cerebrovascular resistance, improve the exercise status and cerebral edema of cerebral thrombosis patients.

3. Oral liquid of Fenghong Tongluo

It is composed of cattail grass, safflower and Sichuan beef knee. Dispel wind and invigorate blood, and relieve pain. It is used for stroke disease caused by blood stasis obstruction, hemiplegia, limb numbness, language impairment, etc.

4. Happy pulse granules

Lemai capsule consists of salvia, red peony, safflower, sichuan root, wood incense, incense stick, and hawthorn. Qi activates blood, dissolves stasis and passes through the veins. It is used for headache, dizziness, chest pain and palpitations caused by stagnant blood stasis; Coronary heart disease angina and multiple cerebral infarction are seen in the above symptoms.

5. Cerebral seym capsules

Brain capsules consist of leeches, rhubarb, flies, and peach kernels. Break blood and dispel stasis, through the meridians. Used in traditional Chinese medicine for the recovery period of atherosclerotic thrombotic cerebral infarction, it is dialectically identified as a meridian blood stasis in stroke, and the symptoms are half-body failure, crooked mouth and tongue, strong tongue or non-speech, partial numbness, dull tongue with ecchymosis, and fine pulse or sinking strings.

6. Brain security granules

Brain pellets, composed of Sichuan root, angelica, safflower, ginseng, ice chips. Activates blood stasis, and improves qi communication. It is used for patients with acute stage of cerebral thrombosis and convalescent period of qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome, symptoms such as acute onset, hemiplegia, crooked mouth and tongue, strong tongue congestion, deep numbness, shortness of breath, salivation at the corners of the mouth, swollen hands and feet, dark tongue or ecchymosis, thin white moss and so on.

7. Dan Lantern Brain Capsule

Dan Lantern Brain Capsule is composed of salvia, lantern spices, Sichuan root, and kudzu root. Activate blood and dissolve stasis, dispel wind and communication. It is used for stroke caused by blood stasis obstruction, middle meridian evidence.

8. Phylloscopic capsules

The main ingredient of kudzu ketone capsule is kudzu total flavonoids, which has the effect of activating blood and dissolving stasis. It is used for meridian recovery period of ischemic stroke, blood stasis and obstruction of choroid evidence, symptoms such as half-body failure, crooked mouth and tongue, partial body numbness, unfavorable language, dizziness, strong neck pain, etc. Atherosclerotic thrombotic cerebral infarction and lacunar cerebral infarction are seen in the superior.

9. Lantern flower particles

Lantern flower granules, the main component is the lamp fine spices. Activate blood and dissolve stasis, through the meridians and activate the network. It is used for cerebral obstruction, stroke hemiplegia, heart pulse obstruction, chest palsy and heartache. Ischemic encephalopathy, coronary heart disease, and angina are seen in the above symptoms.

10. Seventy flavor pearl pills

Seventy flavor pearl pills are composed of 70 flavor medicines such as pearls, incense, saffron, in vitro cultivated beef yolk, sandalwood, licorice, tianzhu yellow, agate, nine-eyed stone, artificial musk, coral, and sitting platform. Calm the spirit, calm, through the meridians to activate the network, reconcile qi and blood, wake up the brain. Used for "black and white vein disease", "dragon blood" irregularities; Stroke, paralysis, hemiplegia, epilepsy, cerebral hemorrhage, concussion, heart disease, hypertension and neurological disorders. Seventy Flavor Pearl Pills help improve limb motor function, reduce neurological deficits, improve daily living ability and quality of life in patients recovering from stroke.

11. Coral Seventy Flavor Pills

Coral Seventy Flavor Pills is composed of 70 herbs such as coral, agate, pearl, Tibetan ginseng, snow lotus, angelica, rhodiola rosea, saffron, emblica, yellow essence, beef yolk, musk and so on. Calm the heart, calm the nerves, calm the alarm, and adjust the blood. It is used for cerebral thrombosis, cerebral hemorrhage, coronary heart disease, limb paralysis, tachycardia or bradycardia, hypertension, polio, epilepsy and various neuritis. It has a special effect on neurological and cardiac diseases of the brain.

12. Brain Heart Capsule

Brain Heart Capsule is composed of astragalus, earth dragon, whole scorpion, leech, angelica, red peony, salvia, safflower, Sichuan root, peach kernel, frankincense (made), myrrh (made), chicken blood vine, ox knee, cinnamon and mulberry branches. It is beneficial to the qi and invigorates the blood, and dissolves the stasis and circulation. It is used for meridians in stroke caused by qi deficiency and blood stagnation, choroid stasis, hemiplegia, limb numbness, crooked mouth and eyes, strong tongue and chest palsy, heartache, chest tightness, palpitations, shortness of breath; Cerebral infarction and coronary heart disease angina are the above symptoms.

Experiments have proved that cerebral heart capsules have significantly reduced the effect of hyper-cut, low-cut viscosity, plasma viscosity, reducing viscosity and platelet adhesion rate of whole blood in the "blood stasis" model. Inhibits ADP-induced platelet aggregation; It can significantly inhibit thrombosis and has a certain quantitative and effective relationship; It can significantly increase cerebral blood flow, significantly reduce cerebrovascular resistance, and significantly prolong coagulation time; Can increase myocardial blood supply, improve heart function; Reducing serum lactate dehydrogenase and creatine kinase activities and reducing the scope of myocardial infarction suggests that Cerebrosyntherapy Capsule has an anti-acute myocardial ischemic effect.

13. Thrombotic heart pulse Ning capsule

Thrombotic Heart Pulse Ning Capsule is composed of Sichuan root, leech, salvia, locust flower, artificial bovine yellow, mao holly, artificial musk, ice flakes, ginseng stem and leaf total saponins, and toad crisp. Invigorates the blood, opens the trick and relieves pain. It is used for stroke and chest paralysis caused by qi deficiency and blood stasis, and the symptoms are dizziness, dizziness, half-body failure, chest tightness and heartache, palpitations and shortness of breath; The recovery period of ischemic stroke and coronary heart disease angina are seen in the above symptoms.

#Health Insight Program #Treatment of cerebral arteriosclerosis, cerebral infarction (ischemic stroke), improving nerve function of proprietary Chinese medicines: 1, Qilong capsules Qilong capsules, composed of astragalus, dilong, danshen, dang
#Health Insight Program #Treatment of cerebral arteriosclerosis, cerebral infarction (ischemic stroke), improving nerve function of proprietary Chinese medicines: 1, Qilong capsules Qilong capsules, composed of astragalus, dilong, danshen, dang
#Health Insight Program #Treatment of cerebral arteriosclerosis, cerebral infarction (ischemic stroke), improving nerve function of proprietary Chinese medicines: 1, Qilong capsules Qilong capsules, composed of astragalus, dilong, danshen, dang

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