
What happens if you drink saffron water often? Doctor: These types of people better not "make a splash"

author:Dr. Tang science chat

Saffron, also known as crocuse and saffron, is a very valuable tonic, and the most useful part is mainly the small core stigma, so it is very precious.

The "Compendium of Materia Medica" also records that saffron can "revitalize the blood, the lord's heart is melancholy, and cures palpitations". This is enough to see the nourishing and health value of saffron ingredients.

So what benefits does drinking saffron soaked water often bring to the body? What are the precautions during drinking? If you are also curious, let's take a look at it together.

What happens if you drink saffron water often? Doctor: These types of people better not "make a splash"

First understand the nutritional content of saffron:

Saffron contains a variety of nutrients and has high nutritional value. 100 grams of saffron contains 281 kcal, 75.4 grams of carbohydrates, 11.9 grams of water, 5.6 grams of fat, 3.8 grams of protein, and 2.49 grams of unsaturated fatty acids.

0.043 g of dietary fiber, 202 mg of potassium, 80.8 mg of vitamin C, 68 mg of magnesium, 64 mg of phosphorus, 14.7 mg of sodium, 7.42 mg of manganese, 6.3 mg of iron.

0.63 mg copper, 0.62 mg zinc, 0.115 mg vitamin B1, 0.001 mg vitamin B6, 5600 mcg selenium and 93 mcg folate.

What happens if you drink saffron water often? Doctor: These types of people better not "make a splash"

Drinking saffron water regularly will reap 6 benefits

1. Beauty and beauty

Modern women, under the dual pressure of work and life, cause the skin to lose its natural luster due to lack of oxygen, and pigmentation appears on the surface of the skin.

Saffron can exert its blood activating and antioxidant effects, promote blood circulation, so that each cell gets enough nutrients, water and nutrients, making the skin more radiant.

What happens if you drink saffron water often? Doctor: These types of people better not "make a splash"

2. Protect blood vessels

It can enhance the metabolic function of oxygen in the body's cells, improve the ability of blood supply, increase the elasticity of vegetative blood vessels, and better absorb nutrients in food.

Especially for people with chronic geriatric vascular diseases, proper drinking every day is conducive to alleviating the aggravation of the disease.

What happens if you drink saffron water often? Doctor: These types of people better not "make a splash"

3. Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial

The treatment of a variety of chronic diseases will see the figure of saffron, in addition to the effect of activating blood circulation and removing stasis, it also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. The patient's endurance can be significantly enhanced.

Especially after entering middle age, the body's immunity becomes poor, bacteria and viruses continue to invade, and it is easier to increase the risk of disease. Insist on drinking saffron, soaking water can enhance the fecundity of lymphocytes and improve the body's immunity.

What happens if you drink saffron water often? Doctor: These types of people better not "make a splash"

4. Regulate menstruation and nourish blood

In addition to beauty, the problem of irregular menstruation is also the focus of women's attention, and many women are troubled by irregular menstruation, so that work or study cannot be carried out normally.

Saffron has the effect of cooling blood, nourishing blood and comprehensive blood management, and can be gradually conditioned by drinking saffron tea to improve symptoms such as irregular menstruation. However, it is recommended that women do not take it during menstruation.

What happens if you drink saffron water often? Doctor: These types of people better not "make a splash"

5. Lower blood lipids and blood pressure

A variety of active ingredients in saffron can directly act on the cardiovascular system, remove fat deposited in blood vessels, increase blood flow, promote blood circulation, help expand blood vessels, and also reduce blood pressure and blood lipids.

6. Enhance physical fitness

Saffron is a precious Chinese medicinal herb, which can not only promote blood circulation, but also improve the oxygen-carrying capacity of human blood, and maintain the normal endocrine of the human body.

Usually, after people use it to soak in water and drink, it can promote the regeneration of immunoglobulin in the body, which can significantly improve the body's disease resistance function, and the effect of enhancing physical fitness is particularly obvious.

What happens if you drink saffron water often? Doctor: These types of people better not "make a splash"

Doctor reminds: these types of people are best not to "make fun of it"

1. Pregnant women

Pregnant women themselves are a relatively special group of people, if they do not pay attention or have some bad behavior habits, it is easy to cause their own or fetal health status to be affected.

If pregnant women drink saffron water, it may cause increased excitement and tension in the uterus, and even miscarriage in severe cases.

What happens if you drink saffron water often? Doctor: These types of people better not "make a splash"

2. Women during their menstrual period

Women should not take it during menstruation, because saffron has a stimulating effect on the intestine and uterus, if you drink saffron regularly, it will cause abdominal pain, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea or gastrointestinal bleeding, abdominal cramps, resulting in menorrhagia and other phenomena.

Therefore, you cannot drink saffron during menstruation.

What happens if you drink saffron water often? Doctor: These types of people better not "make a splash"

3. Patients with gastric ulcers

As an important organ for digestion and absorption of food, the stomach has a great impact on human health, and saffron as a very valuable Chinese medicinal herb, the side effects are also not to be underestimated for patients with gastric ulcers.

Try not to drink saffron water, otherwise it will aggravate the ulcer surface, increase the bleeding symptoms of the body, and make the condition more serious.

What happens if you drink saffron water often? Doctor: These types of people better not "make a splash"

4. Children cannot drink it

The last thing to say about who can't drink saffron is children. Although saffron, there are more health benefits for people.

But it is also a medicinal herb, and in general, any tonic for external use other than that prescribed by a doctor is not suitable for children.

What happens if you drink saffron water often? Doctor: These types of people better not "make a splash"

5. People who have just had surgery

Saffron has a very good blood activating effect, people who have just undergone surgery, there are obvious bleeding wounds, patients are not suitable to drink saffron. Not only is it not good for wound healing, it can even cause more serious phenomena.

Extension – Saffron goes best with 4 ingredients

1. Honey

Drinking honey water can effectively relieve fatigue, after being absorbed by the human body can replenish energy, which mainly contains fructose and glucose can also effectively promote gastrointestinal peristalsis.

Soaking in water with saffron can play a role in activating blood circulation and removing stasis and beauty and beauty, and will also have an auxiliary effect on regulating liver and kidney function.

For patients with frequent constipation, you can drink saffron and honey water appropriately every day, which can relieve the effect.

What happens if you drink saffron water often? Doctor: These types of people better not "make a splash"

2. Red dates

Take 5-10 saffrons, 3-5 red dates, put them in a cup, add boiling water to brew, cover and smoulder for about 3 minutes, and let it cool down before drinking.

Saffron has the effect of activating blood stasis, nourishing blood and replenishing blood, and relieving depression and calming the spirit. Red jujube is sweet and warm, and has the functions of tonifying qi, nourishing blood and calming the spirit, and easing medicinal properties.

What happens if you drink saffron water often? Doctor: These types of people better not "make a splash"

3. Goji berries

5-8 saffron, 10-15 goji berries. Put the saffron and goji berries in a cup and add boiling water to brew. Allow to cool a little before drinking.

Efficacy: Saffron can activate blood circulation and remove stasis, goji berries can nourish the liver, nourish yin, and clear eyes, and the combination of the two can help lower blood pressure and clear eyes.

What happens if you drink saffron water often? Doctor: These types of people better not "make a splash"

4. Hawthorn

5-8 saffron, 4-8 hawthorn pieces, add boiling water and brew.

Hawthorn is a good ingredient that is overlooked to activate blood circulation and remove stasis, and it can also eliminate blood lipids.

Saffron is also a very good blood circulation and stasis removal drug, and soaking in water with hawthorn to drink blood circulation and stasis removal effect is better.

What happens if you drink saffron water often? Doctor: These types of people better not "make a splash"

Saffron independent brewing tea is the most practical effect, and it should be cautious when combining with other Chinese medicinal materials. If saffron is very easy to react with other Chinese medicinal materials, reduce the medicinal effect of saffron, and continue to harm the human body if it is more serious.

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