
3 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation: 1. Uighur medicine Imsack tablets, made of Central Asian white ji, musk, ambergris, saffron, strychnine, frankincense, bullwhip, nutmeg, diced

author:He Yaoshi health science popularization

3 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation:

1. Uyghur medicine Imsak tablets, composed of Central Asian white, musk, ambergris, saffron, strychnine, frankincense, bullwhip, nutmeg, cloves, poppy husk and galangal. Nourish kidney and aphrodisiac, improve essence and solidify. For impotence, premature ejaculation, slippery sperm, enuresis and neurasthenia. Among them, Central Asian white he, cloves, galangal and other warm kidneys nourish the brain and enhance the dominance of nerves over the reproductive system; Nutmeg, ambergris, musk and other aromas open the mind, refresh the mind, enhance the body's sensory power, and improve sexual pleasure; Poppy shells and strychnine converge and solidify, enhancing the body's ability to absorb subtle substances.

Premature ejaculation is related to the weakness of the organs innervating sexual function (heart, brain, liver, kidney), especially the renal uptake (that is, the ability of the kidney to control the storage and loss of kidney sperm) is insufficient, then the sealing is derelict and the essence is not solid, premature ejaculation occurs. In general, the group adheres to the principles of tonifying the kidney and brain, enhancing dominance and retention, which coincides with the treatment principle of traditional Chinese medicine to supplement and calm the spirit, which can not only enhance the body's perception, improve the pleasure of sexual life, but also improve the body's ability to control ejaculation, so as not to ejaculate early due to overexcitability.

Experimental studies have confirmed that Imsack tablets can significantly increase the testosterone level and mate ability of semicastrated male rats in peripheral blood, and the specific mechanism may be related to the drug's ability to act on the hypothalamus and regulate the content of luteinizing hormone and prolactin. Imsack tablets have obvious advantages in improving the body's ejaculation control ability, prolonging the ejaculation latency, and improving the couple's sexual satisfaction. There is evidence that dapoxetine combined with imsack tablets has a better therapeutic effect and is safe and well tolerated.

2. Longlu capsules, composed of ginseng, deer antler velvet, epimedium, dog whip, donkey whip, cooked ground yellow, dogwood, schisandra, sea dragon, aconite, psora, cistanche, suoyang, balsam, goji berry, wheat dong, yam, angelica, astragalus, baiju, poria, dodder, raspberry, peony peel, eucommia, continuous break. It has the effect of warming the kidney, aphrodisiac, invigorating qi and nourishing the kidney, and stopping astringency. Clinically, it is mainly used for deficiency of vitality, malaise, and loss of appetite; Men with impotence, cold and childless, impotence, and not firm; The female uterus is cold and infertile for a long time.

The whole side uses ginseng and astragalus to replenish vitality; Epimedium, Cistanche, Euphorbia, Aconite and other warm tonic kidney yang; Ripe ground yellow, goji berry, wheat dong, etc. nourish kidney yin; Astragalus, Baishu, Angelica, Peony Peel strengthens the spleen and replenishes blood and improves microcirculation; The whole side takes into account qi, blood, yin, yang, and seeks yang in yin, the so-called good yang, must seek yang in yin, then yang gets yin help and biochemistry is infinite, looking at the whole side to supplement but not dry, nourishing but not greasy, especially the use of deer antler velvet, sea dragon, dog whip, donkey whip and other flesh and blood sentient products in the square, not only enhances the function of tonifying the kidney and producing essence, but also conforms to Zhang Jingyue's concept of "those who lack essence make up for it".

Longlu capsules, following the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the composition is exquisite, among which a variety of single flavor Chinese medicine and its extracts, with obvious antioxidant effects, such as ginseng has the effect of invigorating qi and tonifying and tonifying thirst, often used to treat thirst disease, its extract ginsenoside Rg1 has obvious antioxidant and protection of vascular endothelial cell function, can reduce the production of oxidative stress products, improve the body's antioxidant function, reduce the occurrence of diabetic complications. Other Chinese herbal extracts in this formula, such as astragalus polysaccharide, rehmannia polysaccharide, angelica polysaccharide, goji berry polysaccharide, etc., are closely related to the antioxidant capacity and anti-apoptosis of cells.

Modern pharmacological studies have shown that Longlu capsules not only have the effect of tonifying the kidney and helping yang, but also enhance the antioxidant capacity of the body, significantly increase the production of superoxide dismutase and reduce the production of malondialdehyde. It can effectively protect penile vascular endothelial cell damage, upregulate nitric oxide synthase, increase the production of vasodilation factor NO, increase blood flow, thereby improving erectile dysfunction in patients. Improve sperm quality in patients with weak sperm, reduce sperm DNA fragmentation rate, increase semen superoxide dismutase level, and effectively oxidize stress damage.

3. There are also few capsules, which are composed of cooked ground yellow, yam (stir-fried), ox knee, wolfberry, dogwood, poria, eucommia (salt), yuanzhi (licorice), balsam (stir-fried), schisandra, cumin (salt), Chinese seed, cistanche, calamus, jujube (pitted). Warm the kidneys and replenish the spleen, nourish the blood and improve the essence. It is used for spleen and kidney deficiency, waist and knee pain, impotence and sperm loss, tinnitus and dizziness, sperm and blood loss, thin body, loss of appetite, sore tooth roots.

Huan Shao capsules are formulated on the basis of Huan Shaodan in the Song Dynasty's "Hong's Collection of Formulas", and the whole formula is composed of kidney tonifying and spleen drugs, playing the function of warming the kidney and replenishing the spleen, nourishing blood and improving essence. Fangzhong ripe ground yellow, dogwood, goji berry, Chinese seed, schisandra have the effect of nourishing yin and tonifying the kidney, filling the lean pith, yam has the effect of harmonizing the spleen and stomach, nourishing the stomach and rejuvenating, cistanche, eucommia, ox knee, and balsam have the effect of warming the kidney yang, strengthening the muscles and bones, cumin scattering cold and warming the liver and warming the kidney, poria strengthening the spleen and calming the spirit, jujube tonifying the middle and invigorating qi, nourishing the blood and calming the spirit, Yuanzhi, calamus calms the mind and tonifies the kidney.

Modern pharmacological research has confirmed that goji berries, dogwood, etc. are rich in trace elements, which can promote sperm production, and Cistanche, eucommia, ox knee, and halberd have the effect of warming kidney yang, can intervene in oxidative stress damage, protect sperm membrane structure and function, promote sperm production, and thus improve sperm motility and density.

Clinical practice shows that less capsules can significantly improve the clinical symptoms of patients with oligospermia, improve the quality of semen of patients, improve the pregnancy rate of patients' spouses, and during the treatment period, with the extension of treatment time, the effect is more obvious, and better than Wuzi Yanzong pills, and in follow-up, there are no obvious adverse drug reactions, and the safety is high. #好内容我来评 #

3 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation: 1. Uighur medicine Imsack tablets, made of Central Asian white ji, musk, ambergris, saffron, strychnine, frankincense, bullwhip, nutmeg, diced
3 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation: 1. Uighur medicine Imsack tablets, made of Central Asian white ji, musk, ambergris, saffron, strychnine, frankincense, bullwhip, nutmeg, diced
3 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation: 1. Uighur medicine Imsack tablets, made of Central Asian white ji, musk, ambergris, saffron, strychnine, frankincense, bullwhip, nutmeg, diced
3 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation: 1. Uighur medicine Imsack tablets, made of Central Asian white ji, musk, ambergris, saffron, strychnine, frankincense, bullwhip, nutmeg, diced
3 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation: 1. Uighur medicine Imsack tablets, made of Central Asian white ji, musk, ambergris, saffron, strychnine, frankincense, bullwhip, nutmeg, diced
3 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation: 1. Uighur medicine Imsack tablets, made of Central Asian white ji, musk, ambergris, saffron, strychnine, frankincense, bullwhip, nutmeg, diced

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