
Does saffron have an effect on removing plaque inside blood vessels?

author:Director of TCM cardiovascular and cerebrovascular Guo Yi

The application of saffron after treatment through TCM dialectical treatment has a certain effect on removing vascular plaque. The specific effect is related to factors such as the condition, and the effect varies from person to person.

Does saffron have an effect on removing plaque inside blood vessels?

Saffron is flat and sweet. It has the effect of activating blood stasis, cooling blood and detoxification, relieving depression and calming the spirit, and can be used clinically for the treatment of menstrual amenorrhea, postpartum stasis, depression and other diseases.

Vascular plaque is mainly caused by hardening of the arteries. In Chinese medicine theory, vascular plaque is related to blood stasis and phlegm, and the treatment of vascular plaque requires drugs that activate blood circulation and dissolve stasis, phlegm and reduce turbidity, so saffron has a certain effect on removing vascular plaque.

Does saffron have an effect on removing plaque inside blood vessels?

The adverse reactions and contraindications of taking saffron are not clear, and it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's advice for standardized medication. Because saffron has the function of activating blood circulation and removing stasis, pregnant women and people with bleeding tendency are not suitable for taking it.

Does saffron have an effect on removing plaque inside blood vessels?

If the patient is unwell, it is recommended to see a doctor in time, and it is not advisable to self-medicate to avoid delaying the condition. I am Guo Yi, deputy chief physician of traditional Chinese medicine, and you have questions related to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, welcome to leave a message to me in the comment area.

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