
Tomatoes in the farm yard are also known as tomatoes and persimmons, and the ancient names are June persimmons and good news. The fruit is rich in nutrients and has a special flavor. Tomatoes are the most commonly cultivated in the world

author:Wisdom floats

"Tomatoes in the Farm Yard"

Tomato alias tomato, persimmon, ancient name June persimmon, good news three yuan. The fruit is rich in nutrients and has a special flavor. Tomatoes are one of the most commonly cultivated fruits and vegetables in the world.

The tomatoes are cute. Round head, bright red fruit, the top of the fruit lined with a cluster of emerald green leaves.

Tomatoes are not only cute, but also easy to eat, and taste good. The tomato skin is smooth, not as rough as the pineapple skin, and it is very comfortable to touch. Tomatoes can be eaten directly without peeling, and after cutting, the juice is sweet and sour, the juice is mixed with tomato seeds, and the center is a "dividing line" that can also be eaten. Raw tomatoes can be eaten as fruit or as a dish. Tomatoes are delicious and are often made into: scrambled eggs with tomatoes, tomato egg flower soup and other dishes.

Tomatoes look ordinary, but rich in nutrients: the lycopene contained in tomatoes has a unique antioxidant ability, which can scavenge free radicals, protect cells, and is a deoxynucleic acid and gene from being destroyed, which can block the process of cancer. The vitamin C contained in tomatoes has the effect of quenching thirst, digesting food, cooling blood and flat liver, reducing blood pressure, and has a good adjuvant therapeutic effect on patients with hypertension and kidneys. Tomatoes are helpful in preventing arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure and coronary heart disease: tomatoes have anti-aging effects and can make the skin fair: tomatoes are juicy and diuretic, and are also suitable for nephritis patients.

Tomatoes are delicious and have high nutritional value, and are also the favorite of children.

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Tomatoes in the farm yard are also known as tomatoes and persimmons, and the ancient names are June persimmons and good news. The fruit is rich in nutrients and has a special flavor. Tomatoes are the most commonly cultivated in the world
Tomatoes in the farm yard are also known as tomatoes and persimmons, and the ancient names are June persimmons and good news. The fruit is rich in nutrients and has a special flavor. Tomatoes are the most commonly cultivated in the world
Tomatoes in the farm yard are also known as tomatoes and persimmons, and the ancient names are June persimmons and good news. The fruit is rich in nutrients and has a special flavor. Tomatoes are the most commonly cultivated in the world
Tomatoes in the farm yard are also known as tomatoes and persimmons, and the ancient names are June persimmons and good news. The fruit is rich in nutrients and has a special flavor. Tomatoes are the most commonly cultivated in the world
Tomatoes in the farm yard are also known as tomatoes and persimmons, and the ancient names are June persimmons and good news. The fruit is rich in nutrients and has a special flavor. Tomatoes are the most commonly cultivated in the world
Tomatoes in the farm yard are also known as tomatoes and persimmons, and the ancient names are June persimmons and good news. The fruit is rich in nutrients and has a special flavor. Tomatoes are the most commonly cultivated in the world
Tomatoes in the farm yard are also known as tomatoes and persimmons, and the ancient names are June persimmons and good news. The fruit is rich in nutrients and has a special flavor. Tomatoes are the most commonly cultivated in the world
Tomatoes in the farm yard are also known as tomatoes and persimmons, and the ancient names are June persimmons and good news. The fruit is rich in nutrients and has a special flavor. Tomatoes are the most commonly cultivated in the world
Tomatoes in the farm yard are also known as tomatoes and persimmons, and the ancient names are June persimmons and good news. The fruit is rich in nutrients and has a special flavor. Tomatoes are the most commonly cultivated in the world
Tomatoes in the farm yard are also known as tomatoes and persimmons, and the ancient names are June persimmons and good news. The fruit is rich in nutrients and has a special flavor. Tomatoes are the most commonly cultivated in the world
Tomatoes in the farm yard are also known as tomatoes and persimmons, and the ancient names are June persimmons and good news. The fruit is rich in nutrients and has a special flavor. Tomatoes are the most commonly cultivated in the world
Tomatoes in the farm yard are also known as tomatoes and persimmons, and the ancient names are June persimmons and good news. The fruit is rich in nutrients and has a special flavor. Tomatoes are the most commonly cultivated in the world

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