
Wuyuan yellow persimmon, planted in the heart of the "yellow fruit"

author:Palm Bayannur

Golden color, big meat, sweet and delicious, nutritious...... Wuyuan yellow persimmon is a local characteristic variety and a national agricultural product protected by geographical indications; It is the fruit of prosperity planted in the field, and it is also the fruit of happiness in the heart.

Each Wuyuan yellow persimmon is a gift from nature, touching the taste buds and plucking the heartstrings.

- Editor

Wuyuan yellow persimmon, planted in the heart of the "yellow fruit"

Wuyuan Yellow Persimmon Intern Reporter Wang Shaowei/photo

Yellow persimmon love

□ Yang Kaichang (Linhe)

Wuyuan yellow persimmon became popular and became a favorite Internet celebrity product for many people. As an authentic Wuyuan person, I am sincerely proud and proud. In fact, it is not surprising that the yellow persimmon is out of the circle, because as early as the sixties and seventies of the last century, the people of Wuyuan began to plant yellow persimmons, and the unique climate, soil and other natural conditions of Wuyuan have created the unique taste of yellow persimmons. Wuyuan yellow persimmon is a national agricultural product protected by geographical indications, and has been selected into the national list of famous, special and excellent new agricultural products.

The latter set of people also plant some vegetables and vegetables when planting farmers, but the food is the main thing, and the vegetables are just a dress, so the vegetable land of the latter set of people is not called a vegetable field, but a fragmented land. The latter people also love to eat tomatoes, but they don't call it tomatoes, but persimmons. In the fragmentary fields of the Houtao people, there are always all kinds of persimmons. The classification method of persimmons is also very simple, according to the color to divide, the red one is called the red persimmon, the pink one is called the pink persimmon, and the yellow one is of course called the yellow persimmon, referred to as the yellow persimmon. Among all the persimmons, the yellow persimmon is the most creamy, sandy and sweetest, so the latter people often eat it as a fruit. I remember when I was a child, when my grandmother was harvesting yellow persimmons, she would chop the yellow persimmons together with garlic, green peppers, and celery, then put them in a clean infusion bottle and steam them, and finally cover them with rubber stoppers for preservation, which can be stored for a long time. When you eat it, pour it out a little, use it to stir-fry, boil soup, dip steamed buns, and make sauce, and the taste is not to be said. Although my grandmother has passed away for many years, the taste of the yellow persimmon sauce she made still reverberates in my mouth.

My two aunts and sisters live in Miaohao Village, Shengfeng Town, Wuyuan, and their lives are tight. More than a decade ago, the government encouraged and supported the villagers to build greenhouses, and provided technical guidance and financial subsidies. My sister and brother-in-law seized the opportunity and built seven standardized greenhouses in a few years, each covering an area of one acre, specializing in planting out-of-season lanterns, red melons and yellow persimmons. In order to plant a good greenhouse, they spent a lot of energy. My brother-in-law hired a big truck to buy unpolluted soil from the back mountain to replace the soil used to grow crops. In order to ensure the quality of yellow persimmons, they also spend a lot of money every year to buy sheep manure from the pastoral area to fertilize the fields and improve the soil, and eliminate the use of chemical fertilizers.

Growing yellow persimmons is not an easy task, and it is the same as "cherries are delicious and difficult to plant". They should select high-quality seed sources in advance, carefully raise seedlings, and then transplant them into greenhouses. The next step is watering, weeding, pinching, scaffolding, deworming, disease prevention, artificial pollination, and fruit thinning...... There must be no problem at any step, or the work will be lost. Every year on the thirtieth day of the Chinese New Year's Eve and the first day of the first lunar month, they almost spend it in the greenhouse. Every day, it is necessary to regularly close and place cotton curtains and open vents, so as not to be sloppy. They are most afraid of strong winds and snow, which will tear the plastic film and the persimmon seedlings will freeze to death. After snowfall, it should be cleaned up in time, otherwise it will collapse the greenhouse. Every time it snowed, they cleaned up day and night, their hands cracked by the frost and the frost on their eyelashes. When the yellow persimmons are ripe, they often start picking, selecting, weighing, packing, packing, packing, loading, and shipping at two or three o'clock in the morning...... After the yellow persimmons in the greenhouse, they began to plant yellow persimmons in the field, and the process could not be missing, otherwise it would be "people coax the ground, and the ground coax the belly". In the planting process, my sister and brother-in-law also have deep feelings, they often say that planting yellow persimmons is the same as being a man, doing their duty, down-to-earth, not allowing a little luck, nor can they only look at the immediate interests and deceive, otherwise it will not be in the long run.

Every year in April or early May, I would go to my sister's shed and enjoy the joy of getting something for nothing. Pick a big and yellow persimmon and rub it briefly, and you can't wait to take a big bite, and the sweet and delicious taste immediately makes the taste buds get a wonderful enjoyment. However, after not long in the greenhouse, I felt sweaty and even had difficulty breathing. My sister and they work in such an environment for at least four or five months a year, and the hardships can be imagined.

Relying on excellent quality, the reputation and sales of Wuyuan yellow persimmons are getting better and better, and with the help of the powerful power of logistics, they are exported to Beijing, Shanghai, Xiamen, Sanya, Heilongjiang, Kunming and other places. My sister and brother-in-law have slowly improved their lives by planting yellow persimmons, bought a house and a car in the county seat, built a new house for the elderly on both sides, and invested unequivocally in their children's education. My brother-in-law said: "Through so many years of planting yellow persimmons, I also know that farming requires knowledge and science. I suffered the loss of less study, but I can't let the doll go my old way again. ”

Wuyuan yellow persimmon is now loved by more and more people, and the sweet and sour yellow persimmon juice and yellow persimmon hot pot have also become new favorites. It is hoped that Wuyuan yellow persimmon will continue to maintain excellent quality and go to the whole country and even to the world. I also hope that farmers in the new era like my sister and brother-in-law will rely on their hard-working hands to create a happy life, and the days will be as sandy and sweet as golden yellow persimmons.

Yellow persimmon

A taste of childhood

□ Jingyin (Wuyuan)

Yellow persimmons have been planted in Wuyuan for a long time. I remember when I was a child, there was planting in our village, but at that time it was all sporadically planted, a few plants in this family, a few plants in that family, and yellow persimmons were at most a snack, and they were occasionally tasted. At that time, people planted more red persimmons, because people were used to using red persimmons as an indispensable adjunct for stir-frying, to enhance the appearance and taste of dishes.

At that time, every household in the village would leave a small piece of land to grow vegetables, people used to call it piecemeal, garlic sprouts, green onions, beans, eggplant, tomatoes, gourds, peppers, cucumbers are the most common varieties. For easy picking, it is usually not too far from the village in bits and pieces. In times of material scarcity, tomatoes with outstanding color and direct consumption were often eaten as fruits.

I remember that time, my father and I went to the field to mow the grass, and under the bright sun, I felt that my mouth was dry, and then my father said, "Come with me, there is our scrap of land in front." "It's July, the vegetables in the field are lush, the leaves are stretched and straight, and in the clusters of emerald green, a few tomatoes of different sizes are hidden behind the leaves, and the green cheeks are faintly flushed with two touches of red, like the touching rouge on the cheeks of a girl. I couldn't wait to pick one off, and I bit it in my mouth, but I didn't think it tasted sour and astringent, and I immediately frowned: "It's not cooked, it's raw." The father smiled and muttered, "I remember planting two yellow persimmons, and the one ripened earlier." He squatted between the persimmon stands, and continued to search unwillingly, and picked up the branches, and in the lower part of the rhizome, sure enough, he found two yellow persimmons, like two small lanterns hanging from the branches and leaves. The yellow persimmon is ripe, the skin is relatively soft, and it exudes a burst of fragrance. My father wiped the corner of his coat and handed me the big one: "Don't look ugly, it's delicious." I took a bite with both hands, and a stream of yellow juice "fluttered" out and sprayed my face, and my father wiped my face with his cuffs while smiling and saying, "Eat slowly." ”

It was the best tomato I've ever tasted, with the smell of sunshine, the fragrance of the earth, and the soft skin wrapped in a sweet pulp. What's more, it was planted by my father's own hands. The sight of my father's loving gaze on one side and my gobbling up on the other has been fixed in my mind for many years.

Later, as a teenager, I left home to study in a foreign country. For the first time, facing the metropolis, there is a wide variety of goods and the dishes in the school cafeteria are exquisite and rich. I, on the other hand, always felt that something was missing. On the weekend, I saw the tomatoes at the vegetable market stall, and I also bought them to try them, and when I took a bite, I immediately regretted that those tomatoes were thick and tasteless, sour and unpalatable, and far less delicious than those grown by my father.

After graduating, I returned to Wuyuan and was pleased to find that Wuyuan yellow persimmon has formed an industry. On both sides of the national highway, there are greenhouses planted with yellow persimmons. When I went to investigate with my colleagues, the villagers who planted yellow persimmons were squatting in the greenhouse, kidnapping the yellow persimmons. The temperature in the shed is very high, his dark face is dripping with sweat, he wiped his sweat and said: "Persimmon wants to be delicious, you have to work hard, people always say that persimmons are dull and tasteless, that is to save trouble with more pesticides and fertilizers, that is not good, you must use farm fertilizer." Then he picked a yellow persimmon and handed it to us, "This persimmon is ripe and cracked, you can taste it." "My colleague and I broke the persimmons, the yellow juice flowed all over the ground, and the unique vegetarian taste of the yellow persimmons instantly spread in the shed, and we all ate half of them. At that moment, my lips and teeth were fragrant, the past came to me, and my heart moved: "Yes, this is the smell!" ”

My father, who has passed away, would never have thought that a small yellow persimmon would be so popular today. Yellow persimmons have now been planted in multiple stubble, and they can be eaten all year round, and people from other places have bought them online and offline, and they all say that Wuyuan yellow persimmons taste authentic and eat the taste of childhood. The yellow persimmon juice, yellow persimmon hot pot base, yellow persimmon diced and other products developed with yellow persimmon as raw materials are being sold all over the country, and I heard that yellow persimmon hot pot has taken root in many cities and is very popular. Yellow persimmon has become the signature agricultural product of Wuyuan, and the farmers who tasted the sweetness said excitedly: "Don't underestimate this 'yellow fruit fruit', it is the 'golden egg' for us to get rich!" ”

Yellow persimmon

A business card of Wuyuan cuisine

□ Goldin (Wuyuan)

"Drawing the soul of the Yellow River, gathering the essence of the grassland wind, and absorbing the charm of farming", Wuyuan County has a long history of more than 2,400 years and a profound farming culture. The geographical and natural environment of Wuyuan County's fertile land, pleasant climate, vertical and horizontal canals, and connected fields have created the Hetao regional characteristic agricultural products - Wuyuan yellow persimmon.

Yellow persimmon, also known as yellow tomato and golden fruit, is a specialty of Wuyuan County. According to the records of "Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Crop Seeds", in 1936, tomatoes were introduced to Wuyuan County, and after improvement, from the sixties and seventies of the twentieth century, Wuyuan County began to plant yellow persimmons. Yellow persimmon is a native variety that has been handed down for many years.

Wuyuan yellow persimmon was originally successfully planted by large farmers in Wuyuan County, because of its golden color and good taste, it has been popularized in the surrounding village groups. After the nineties of the last century, Wuyuan County from the policy, technology, capital, market construction and other aspects of support, through quality control, variety purification and rejuvenation, brand promotion, etc., yellow persimmon has gradually become a characteristic industry for farmers to get rich. At present, the planting of yellow persimmons is mainly produced in off-season greenhouses, supplemented by plastic greenhouse planting, and the product market time extends from mid-April to January of the following year.

Yellow persimmon belongs to the Solanaceae family, with the advantages of good production period, good quality, round and smooth appearance, storage and transportation, etc., a large thick meat, sweet and delicious, also fruits and vegetables, rich in nutrition, favored by the majority of consumers. In 2014, the former Ministry of Agriculture officially approved the registration and protection of geographical indications for agricultural products for Wuyuan yellow persimmons. In 2019, Wuyuan yellow persimmon was selected into the fourth batch of national famous and excellent new agricultural products.

Nowadays, the popularity of Wuyuan yellow persimmon has been continuously improved, extending from a single industry to the whole industrial chain, and has become an important industry in Wuyuan County to promote agricultural income and get rich.

Huang Kakiko no Koi

□ Longwen (Wuyuan)

Such as jade in waxy yellow

Crystal clear and warm

In the morning light, there are drops of dew

The golden light shines

Between the leaves, I want to cover up and be ashamed

Delicate this verdant green color

Profound connotation

Delicate with pale sand hues

Sweet and moisturizing

Touch the taste buds and tug at the heartstrings

A rhyme

Immerse yourself in this deep land

How many springs and autumns have passed

How much smoke has been walked

It is at the northernmost point of the Yellow River

Hard cultivation and time deposit

Stand out from the long river of history

One grain per plant

One plant harvests a thousand grains

Thousands of grains are rendered golden and verdant

A brand

Become a monument

A highlight

Drive the economy of one side

A business card

Prosperous Yellow River to the north

The spring breeze blows and the rainbow rises

With thousands of years of history and culture in the ancient county

Get out of this fertile ground

Go bloom

The glory of the past, present, and future

Written in the Wuyuan Yellow Persimmon Cultural Tourism Season

□ Shun Ike (Gohara)

Flowers blooming on the fence

The fruit of the sweat flap

The soul of the loess is born

The song sung by the water of the Yellow River

Strings and strings

A clump

A slope

Love you don't say

You don't say it

I understand that you don't say it

It's all on the tip of the tongue

It's all on the tip of the heart

It's all on the nib

Acacia golden beans one by one

Full and rounded

Drunk mountains and rivers

Sweet eye-popping

Jumping Dance


Dancing is not enough feelings

Endless telling

It's all for you, it's all for you

The taste of this Yang mother-in-law

Yellow and clear shadows

Mine, the sustenance of nostalgia


□ Li Rong (Wuyuan)

Not long since

It's golden yellow

Shyly buried in

It grows in its roots and leaves

Complete a common fruit and vegetable mission

A unique taste

It has remained between people's lips and teeth for a long time

A one-of-a-kind golden yellow

Always touching people's vision

Variety R&D and promotion

Policy support and promotion

It is like an angel with wings outstretched

The golden flew out of the big back cover

You say wishful

I chant blessings

These "golden eggs"

Open the road to happiness for the future

Dazzling as a pearl

The ordinary is like the simplicity of the people

The Song of Yellow Persimmons

□ Wang Yonglin (Wuyuan)

Yellow persimmon is beautiful, yellow persimmon is sweet

The aftertaste is like a sweet spring

The golden years are the five plains

Incense wafts in the world

Yellow persimmon round, hand in hand

Children dance

Talent Hetao people build dreams

Hope is in the field

Yellow persimmon love, yellow persimmon edge

Carry the reputation of the world

Famous and new landmarks

The Silk Road is closely connected

Yellow persimmon love, yellow persimmon edge

Carry the reputation of the world

Famous and new landmarks

The Silk Road is connected by heart

Wuyuan yellow persimmon, planted in the heart of the "yellow fruit"

Yellow persimmon hot pot intern reporter Wang Shaowei/photo

Butterfly Love Flower / Kakinokoi

□ Liu Cunliang (Wuyuan)

The green leaves are sparse and topaz embellishment, and when the spring is strong, the eyes are full of exquisiteness. The dew wash wind shakes the incense and secretly delivers, attracting bees and butterflies to rely on each other.

I still remember playing the play when I was a child, and the praise was repeated, and the juice and meat were strange. The years are not easy, and the heart is often hometown.

Partridge day five original yellow persimmons

□ Wang Tengwei (Hanghou)

The ancient town flew out of the golden phoenix, and Dan hoped to report spring. Originated from the embrace of the soil, and more pride in chasing the sun.

Fenjia is old, and the drum is golden. Rou Yijian's pen score Qiong Zhang. Fangrong is drunk before she spreads her heart, and her dreams are fragrant when she loves it.

Yellow persimmon plantation

□ Xu Linxiang (Wuyuan)

Small steps in the countryside to find romance, a fertile soil is sighed. The dazzling scenery is full of spring, golden, and the signboard hangs on the fungus vine.

The body is plump and must be full, and the sand is sweet and refreshing. Xinte attracted businessmen to love, money strings, and landmark boutique Shenzhou praise.

Five original yellow persimmon festival feelings

□ Duliang (Wuyuan)

Fenghua April dazzling spring, hot pastoral persimmon yellow.

The original flavor and original juice show the true color, and the vegetables and fruits are prosperous business.

The sunrise industry has a broad journey and strong anti-seasonal brand vitality.

Gather the people's hearts to enhance the reputation, and finally become the vision of Fukui Township.

A piece of golden ancient county comes

□ South Bamboo Forest (Hohhot)


The snow is sprinkled on the Yin Mountain and the persimmons are busy, and the autumn makeup is the gold of the ancient county.

The beautiful woman dipped her hand in yellow orange wine, and her heart was fragrant.


In spring, the buds have not yet opened, and the green shade hides the face to make people guess.

The south and the north of the world praise in unison, and the persimmon leads the heart to rhyme.

Five original yellow persimmons

□ Liang Tsugukun (Wuyuan)

A Chinese woman is shy and warm, and the sand juice is honey and jade.

A clear breath is a place where the soul of incense is stuffed is the hometown.

Five original yellow persimmon praise

□ Wang Fang (Wuyuan)

The golden fruit becomes the golden fruit, helping the hometown of agriculture, agriculture and rural wealth.

A few bottles of juice win the world, and a table of hot pot goes to the wind and frost.

Orders follow Netflix north and south, and sweet persimmon drains Youzisang.

The industry is still far away, and the brand builds dreams and writes a chapter.

Source: Bayannur Daily

Editor: Qiao Hong Proofreader: Yang Yakang

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