
The stick of sky-high fines has been repeatedly waved at the farmers, and it really responded to the sentence: persimmons, pick up soft pinch?

author:Passion orange v

In this harvest season, the golden wheat fields are swaying in the wind, which should be a time for farmers to celebrate. However, a gloom hung over the fields, and it was the heavy pressure of sky-high fines. The peasants wailed all over the field, as if they were frantically "cutting leeks" by a ruthless "sickle". At this moment, we can't help but ask: when has environmental protection become a tool for some people to make profits?

When it comes to environmental protection, we always think of the green land, breathing fresh air and enjoying the gifts of nature. However, in some places, environmental protection seems to have changed its flavor and has become a "sharp sword" in the hands of some people, wielding it wantonly and mercilessly "slaughtering" peasant brothers. This approach is not only shocking, but also makes us deeply doubt the original intention of environmental protection.

The stick of sky-high fines has been repeatedly waved at the farmers, and it really responded to the sentence: persimmons, pick up soft pinch?

We used to think that environmental protection was about protecting our common home, so that future generations could live in a better environment. However, when environmental law enforcement is used by some people as a means for their personal gain, can we still believe in this original intention?

Farmers, they are the owners of this land, and it is they who provide us with abundant grain and vegetables with their hard sweat and selfless dedication. Now, however, they may face the tragic consequences of bankrupting their families by accidentally touching the so-called "environmental red line". Is that what we want to see?

The stick of sky-high fines has been repeatedly waved at the farmers, and it really responded to the sentence: persimmons, pick up soft pinch?

Let's dive into the scenes behind these sky-high fines. In some places, environmental law enforcement has become a tool for some people to make money. In the name of environmental protection, they engage in extortion and unscrupulously exploit peasants. This practice of "substituting fines for management" not only makes farmers miserable, but also a great insult to the cause of environmental protection.

As the saying goes, "a rabbit bites even when it's in a hurry." In the face of such sky-high fines, can the peasant brothers remain silent? Will they rebel because they can't bear the sudden pressure? None of us can afford such consequences.

The stick of sky-high fines has been repeatedly waved at the farmers, and it really responded to the sentence: persimmons, pick up soft pinch?

So, what's the problem? Is it the imperfection of environmental protection regulations, or the recklessness of law enforcers? Or is it the double standard of our society for environmental protection and farmers?

Actually, the answer to the question is not that complicated. Environmental protection should never become a tool for some people to accumulate wealth, still less should it become a heavy shackle that oppresses peasants. What we need is fair and just environmental law enforcement, which is the original intention and mission of people-oriented and environmental protection.

The stick of sky-high fines has been repeatedly waved at the farmers, and it really responded to the sentence: persimmons, pick up soft pinch?

Let's take a look at some specific examples. In XX county, XX province, a farmer was fined hundreds of thousands of dollars for not building his pigsty in accordance with so-called "environmental standards". Such a fine is undoubtedly astronomical for him, and he can't even imagine how to raise so much money to pay the fine. There are countless similar examples, where the peasant brothers seem so helpless and insignificant in the face of sky-high fines.

Can we still sit idly by in the face of such a problem? Of course not! We should call on the whole society to pay attention to this issue, and call on relevant departments to strengthen supervision and rectification, so that environmental law enforcement can return to its original intention and mission. At the same time, we also need to strengthen our support and assistance to our farmer brothers, so that they are no longer alone in the face of sky-high fines.

The stick of sky-high fines has been repeatedly waved at the farmers, and it really responded to the sentence: persimmons, pick up soft pinch?

In conclusion, I would like to say that environmental protection is the responsibility and obligation of each and every one of us, but it should never be a means for some people to pursue their own interests. Let us work together to give justice to the farmers and brothers, and to protect the environment with a clean slate! At the same time, I would like to ask readers what do you think about the sky-high price of fines? What do you think we should do about this? Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.

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