
Musk's visit to China accelerates the implementation of FSD in China. How big is the impact of FSD's entry into China on domestic new energy, and is China's intelligent driving fighting head-on or admitting it? Personally, I think that the country is currently in the field of intelligent driving


Musk's visit to China accelerates the implementation of FSD in China. How big is the impact of FSD's entry into China on domestic new energy, and is China's intelligent driving fighting head-on or admitting it? Personally, I believe that at present, domestic new energy in the field of intelligent driving is no longer a soft persimmon, and there are not a few car companies with the power of a war. For example, Huawei's visual intelligent driving solution ADS, DJI's pure vision in-vehicle intelligent driving solution "Chengxing Platform", and Aion's ADiGO PILOT. The second-generation AION V, which is popular at the auto show, is equipped with a top-notch intelligent driving system that breaks through the upper limit of perception, is not bound by high-precision maps, and makes very fast decisions. FSD's entry into China will not be a standout, but only a flower in China's intelligent driving garden. #fsd入华中国智驾会怂吗# #fsd入华倒计时中国车企准备好了吗#

Musk's visit to China accelerates the implementation of FSD in China. How big is the impact of FSD's entry into China on domestic new energy, and is China's intelligent driving fighting head-on or admitting it? Personally, I think that the country is currently in the field of intelligent driving
Musk's visit to China accelerates the implementation of FSD in China. How big is the impact of FSD's entry into China on domestic new energy, and is China's intelligent driving fighting head-on or admitting it? Personally, I think that the country is currently in the field of intelligent driving
Musk's visit to China accelerates the implementation of FSD in China. How big is the impact of FSD's entry into China on domestic new energy, and is China's intelligent driving fighting head-on or admitting it? Personally, I think that the country is currently in the field of intelligent driving

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