
Red-green macaw ( scientific name : Arachloropterus ) is a large climbing bird of the genus Macaw in the family Parrotidae , native to tropical Americas. Usually eat fruits,


Red-green macaw ( scientific name : Ara chloropterus ) is a large climbing bird of the family Macawidae , native to tropical America. Usually eat fruits, flowers, seeds, the amount of food is very large, a strong beak can peck the nuts open, with a blunt tongue to suck out the pulp. Lifespans of up to 80 years.

The feathers of the red-green macaw are mainly red, and the wing feathers are green, so it is called the red-green macaw. He has a kind personality, screams loudly, and likes to scream.

It is mainly distributed in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Panama and other countries.

Red-green macaw ( scientific name : Arachloropterus ) is a large climbing bird of the genus Macaw in the family Parrotidae , native to tropical Americas. Usually eat fruits,
Red-green macaw ( scientific name : Arachloropterus ) is a large climbing bird of the genus Macaw in the family Parrotidae , native to tropical Americas. Usually eat fruits,
Red-green macaw ( scientific name : Arachloropterus ) is a large climbing bird of the genus Macaw in the family Parrotidae , native to tropical Americas. Usually eat fruits,
Red-green macaw ( scientific name : Arachloropterus ) is a large climbing bird of the genus Macaw in the family Parrotidae , native to tropical Americas. Usually eat fruits,
Red-green macaw ( scientific name : Arachloropterus ) is a large climbing bird of the genus Macaw in the family Parrotidae , native to tropical Americas. Usually eat fruits,
Red-green macaw ( scientific name : Arachloropterus ) is a large climbing bird of the genus Macaw in the family Parrotidae , native to tropical Americas. Usually eat fruits,
Red-green macaw ( scientific name : Arachloropterus ) is a large climbing bird of the genus Macaw in the family Parrotidae , native to tropical Americas. Usually eat fruits,
Red-green macaw ( scientific name : Arachloropterus ) is a large climbing bird of the genus Macaw in the family Parrotidae , native to tropical Americas. Usually eat fruits,
Red-green macaw ( scientific name : Arachloropterus ) is a large climbing bird of the genus Macaw in the family Parrotidae , native to tropical Americas. Usually eat fruits,

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