
How big is the disputed territory of Venezuela going to fight Guyana?

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Title: The Guiana Plateau: A Controversial Treasure and Historical Meeting Point in South America

How big is the disputed territory of Venezuela going to fight Guyana?

Introduction: In the northeastern part of South America, lies a colorful, historic and controversial geographical wonder - the Guiana Plateau. This is not only a land of magnificent natural scenery, but also the focus of historical entanglements and international political contests. Today, let's take a closer look at this weather-beaten region and uncover its mysteries.

How big is the disputed territory of Venezuela going to fight Guyana?

Text: The Guiana Highlands, a land that has left a deep mark on its colonial past, is now a strategic point to be reckoned with in South America. The plateau is famous for its unique geographical features, and its resources have attracted the attention of countless explorers and politicians. But it is also an arena for international disputes.

How big is the disputed territory of Venezuela going to fight Guyana?

Since colonial times, the Guiana Highlands have been the object of rivalry among European powers. The Dutch, English and Spaniards have all left their footprints here. Just as the Yellow River and Yangtze River basins in China have played a pivotal role in the development of Chinese civilization, the Essequibo River basin is of vital importance to Guyana, not only for the nourishment of the land, but also for the region's complex and varied history.

How big is the disputed territory of Venezuela going to fight Guyana?

Venezuela's independence from Spanish rule in 1811 did not end there. When Guyana became an independent country in 1966, there was a bitter dispute between the two over the demarcation of the border. To this day, despite several rulings by the International Court of Justice, the territorial dispute has not ended.

How big is the disputed territory of Venezuela going to fight Guyana?

By citing the numbers – about 215,000 square kilometers in Guyana and 9,120,500 square kilometers in Venezuela — we get a great glimpse of how different the two countries are in terms of size. However, when it comes to territorial disputes, size is not the only factor that determines the outcome of the dispute.

How big is the disputed territory of Venezuela going to fight Guyana?

The article also mentions the increased focus of the United States on the region in its global footprint and the possible implications of a shift in its relationship with Venezuela. As the game of great power politics intensifies, a new round of power struggles may erupt in this forgotten corner.

How big is the disputed territory of Venezuela going to fight Guyana?

Conclusion: When we look back at the mysteries that have been floating over the Guyana plateau for a century, we can't help but wonder: in an era of increasingly interconnected globalization and where every corner may affect the entire world pattern, will new forces intervene?

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