
The garlic in the kimchi is green, can you still eat it?

I think that under the epidemic, life at home through and through is the beginning of the survival challenge of young people (if I can still count young people).

Ever since we started cooking at home with less outing/takeaway, our daily conversations have always cue to Mom.

Like what:

Found that the garlic in the homemade kimchi in the refrigerator turned green, and I wasn't sure if I could still eat it - "call and ask my mother";

Potatoes placed outside sprouted a little bit, not sure whether to cut it or throw it away – "call Mom";

The unopened seasonings are out of date, and I don't know whether to throw them away or eat them for a while - "if you don't ask your mother"...

In the past four years in Beijing, we have never thought about our mother so intensively.

Of course, cue-mom conversations don't just happen in the kitchen.

After the outbreak of the new crown in 2020, I returned to Beijing to work, and my body temperature rose from 35 degrees to 36 degrees, and I also wanted to call my mother quickly;

Usually I don't know when I wake up, I have a headache, back pain, sore throat, and I have to ask my mother what the situation is...

Moms are not only remote life guides, but also experts in Internet consultation. The more you unlock more dimensions of life, the more you can't understand why life has such a variety of strange problems. Moreover, the nine years of compulsory education and eight years of higher education that we have received, the reserve of knowledge and experience can not cope with these conditions.

Whenever a life situation is urgent, or too out of the ordinary, the breeder and I will stare wide-eyed and half-dazed, and most of the time we will reach a consensus - ask mom.

It shouldn't be just in my house, right?

I often think that the role of mother may mean the inheritance of life experience. Some life skills that will not be learned in books and schools are reproduced to the next generation through the words and deeds of their mothers, passed on from generation to generation, and even form a family memory together.

The craftsmanship of embroidery, the technique of rolling the dough, the recipe of pickles, even the method of folding quilts... Mothers melt their life tricks and tricks into the years, engrave them in their memories, and pass them on in love.

Moms are usually the creators of family order. Whether a woman has gone through the run-in of married life or not, from the moment she chooses to procreate, she automatically and spontaneously enters the role of mother.

Coordinating the affairs of the family and teaching young children to familiarize themselves with the affairs of the family are the longest lessons for most mothers.

Of course, dad can do what mom is usually doing if he wants to. But most women's innate strong tenderness, patience, and empathy make people assume that this is their mother's magic.

Sometimes, mothers are the glue between children and fathers. In a family of three, or several, there is often a silent but irritable father who is eager to show his patriarchy in all aspects of human cubs' life habits, learning, morality, and so on.

And children are small things that seek advantage and avoid harm. They automatically seek refuge, so their mother's arms become a natural refuge. We often see mothers mediating around in order to maintain the family atmosphere and ease the relationship between father and child.

It's an unpaid neighborhood committee job. Before Dad grew into an adult male with a less temper, Mom's job would be done for years.

Most of the time, Mom is still a giving and sacrificing character. But I don't want to celebrate that. Whether it's your own job opportunities, your physical health, or everything a woman normally has, trading these for a child, I think it's great, but it shouldn't be praised.

I don't want the price of new life to be women's devotion and withering. Nor do we want new life to be a helpless decision wrapped up in social ethics, family hopes, or even laws.

When a mother becomes a mother, I want her to be healthy, free, and expectant. And children should not be the main reason why she has to return to her family and have to stop her career and dreams.

Unless she volunteers.

Mother is a growth role. From the beginning of pregnancy throughout life, the role of the mother changes as the child grows.

In the beginning, my mother was the "customs" we came to the world, and it was the first port of our "entry" into the world;

Then, moms are our breeders, the first model we become to imitate as humans;

Growing up, my mother slowly intervened in our lives other than food, clothing, shelter and transportation, and slowly withdrew;

Later, Mom is getting farther and farther away from our lives, but she will always be the encyclopedia we rely on the most...

A while ago, I was on the phone with my mom, and my mom was at my grandpa's house. I talked to my grandfather for two sentences, and my grandfather asked me if I wanted my mother. If you think about it, it's too often, but if you say you miss it, to be honest, it's really not there. It is a natural thing to share life with your mother, tell her what to eat every day when you are idle, and you can't take care of reporting every day when you are busy.

At this age, I hope that my mother's life will no longer revolve around anyone. When the buds that had been carefully watered took root and blossomed elsewhere, My Mother's second life should also set sail. Go to college, write a novel, dance square dance, carry a telephoto lens to shoot birds and flowers, carry colorful silk scarves all over China... It's all great life.

As we grow older and see more, sometimes there may be some friction and estrangement with our mothers. No one is born to be a mother. I always feel that we who grew up on the ladder supported by our mother should help our mother become a more elegant woman and help her mother become a better mother.

Finally, I wish Ms. Ann, and all the mothers who see this article, Happy Holidays

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