
The Child Who Sat on the Side of the Road clapping: The True Story of a Mom and Middle-Born Daughter...

"Every child deserves to be pampered, and every dream deserves to be irrigated." Ordinary people are great because of their dreams, not because of the greatness of their dreams. Dreams, no matter how big or small, are appreciated. Everyone with a dream deserves to be respected.

Education is not a comparison,

Because, for every child,

Happiness, kindness and health are the greatest successes.

My daughter's classmates called her "No. 23." There were a total of 50 people in her class, and every exam, her daughter ranked 23rd.

Over time, she had this elegant name, and she became a veritable middle school student.

We thought the nickname was harsh, but my daughter gladly accepted it.

The husband said worriedly that when it comes to company activities or old classmates gatherings, others are full of praise for their "little superman", but he can only play deep.

Other people's children not only have outstanding grades, but also have many specialties. Only the "23rd" of our house has nothing to show off.

Therefore, as soon as he saw the children with extraordinary talents in the entertainment program, his eyes lit up with envy.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, relatives and friends gathered and sat in a large private room. The topic of the people also gradually turned to the children of each family.

Take advantage of the wine and ask the children to talk about what they want to do in the future. Pianists, stars, dignitaries... Even the 4-and-a-half-year-old girl will say that she will be the host of CCTV in the future and win a wave of admiration.

The 12-year-old daughter is busy peeling shrimp and serving soup for her little brother and sister.

People suddenly remembered that she didn't say anything.

At the urging of everyone, she replied seriously: "When I grew up, my first wish was to become a kindergarten teacher, leading the children to sing and dance, and play games." ”

The crowd politely expressed their approval, and then asked her about her second wish. She said generously: "I want to be a mother, wear an apron printed with a jingle cat, make dinner in the kitchen, and then tell stories to my children and lead him on the balcony to watch the stars." ”

Relatives and friends were stunned, looking at each other, not knowing what to say. The husband's expression was extremely embarrassed.

In fact, we have also used a lot of brains. In order to improve her academic performance, she consulted a tutor, enrolled in tutoring classes, and bought various materials.

The child is also quite sensible, the comic book is not read, the paper-cutting class is withdrawn, and the weekend laziness is abandoned.

Like a weary bird, she rushed from class to class, rolls, workbooks, and piles of them.

But in the end, it was a child, the body could not bear it first, and he had a serious cold. In the hospital bed, with fluids infusion, she also insisted on writing her homework, which eventually caused pneumonia.

After recovering from illness, the child's face became smaller. But the final exam results are still the 23rd that make us cry and laugh.

Later, we also tried to increase nutrition, material incentives, etc., and tossed it down several times, and my daughter's little face became more and more pale.

Moreover, as soon as she said that she was going to take the exam, she began to be anorexic, insomnia, sweaty, and then took the 33rd place that stunned us.

My husband and I quietly gave up the vigorous seedling-boosting activities, resumed her normal work and rest time, gave her the right to draw cartoons, allowed her to continue to subscribe to books and newspapers such as "Children's Humor", and the family was stable for a long time.

We are distressed about our daughter, but in the face of her achievements, there is unspeakable confusion.

On weekends, a group of colleagues went on an outing. Everyone made their best dishes and took their husbands and children to a picnic. Along the way, there was a lot of laughter, the child sang, the child performed the sketch.

The daughter has no housekeeping skills, but just keeps clapping happily.

From time to time, she ran to the back, took care of the food, set the sloping lunch box, tightened the loose bottle cap, wiped the juice that flowed out... Busy, like an attentive little butler.

During the picnic, an unexpected thing happened.

Two little boys, one a top figure and one english expert, at the same time clamped a piece of glutinous rice cake on the plate, neither of them would let go, let alone divide it equally.

The sumptuous delicacies kept coming up, they didn't look at it, and the adults laughed and sighed, even to persuade the belt, but it didn't work. In the end, it was the daughter who easily broke the deadlock by tossing a coin.

On the way back, there was a traffic jam and some children became agitated. The daughter's jokes were one after another, and the whole car was amused.

She did not idle under her hands, using colored cartons of food, cutting out many small animals, which attracted the admiration of this group of children.

When it was time to get out of the car, everyone got their own zodiac paper cuts. Hearing the children's repeated thanks, the husband couldn't help but smile proudly.

After the midterm exams, I received a call from my daughter's homeroom teacher. First of all, I learned that my daughter's grades were still medium.

But he said there was a strange thing he wanted to tell me, he had been teaching for 30 years and had encountered this kind of thing for the first time.

There is an additional question on the Chinese exam paper: Which student in your class you most admire, please give reasons. Except for her daughter, the whole class actually wrote their daughter's name.

There are many reasons: enthusiastic to help others, trustworthy, not angry, easy to get along with, etc., the most written is optimistic and humorous.

The class teacher also said that many students suggested that she be the class president. He sighed, "Your daughter, although her grades are average, is really excellent." ”

I jokingly said to my daughter, "You're about to become a hero." ”

The daughter, who was knitting a scarf, tilted her head and thought about it, and told me seriously that the teacher had once said a maxim: When a hero passes by, someone must sit on the side of the road and applaud.

She said softly, "Mom, I don't want to be a hero, I want to be someone sitting on the side of the road clapping." ”

I shook my head and looked at her silently.

She woven the velvet thread quietly, the pale pink thread wrapped around the bamboo needle, as if an inch of time spat out a bud in her hand.

My heart was warm.

At that moment, I was suddenly moved by this girl who did not want to be a hero. How many people in this world, when they were young, longed to become heroes, but eventually became ordinary people in the smoke and red dust.

If we are healthy, if we are happy, if we do not go against our own will, our children, why not be a kind ordinary person.

When she grows up, she will surely become a virtuous wife, a gentle mother, and even a warm colleague and a kind neighbor.

In those long years, she was able to live the life she wanted safely.

As a parent, do you still want to pray for a better future for your children?

See here, think about it quietly.

Are you always designing your child's future according to your own wishes?

Have children become tools for you to fulfill your wishes?

Do you always put on the banner of "good for you" and have many requirements for your children?

Yes, all your starting point is love for your child, but the child is precisely "kidnapped" by love, and the child does not live for himself, but for you. So, the child lives so tired, you live so tired.

Now, think about it from another angle, if someone always asks you to "arrange" your life according to his wishes, what you do every day is not what you want to do, but you have to do -

Will you be mad?

So, stop forcing your child in the name of love, what you should really consider is how to inspire your child, guide your child, and win your child's true approval. When the child's "you want me to do it" becomes "I want to do it myself", you will find that the child's grades are often beyond your imagination!

In addition, more important than IQ is emotional intelligence, more important than skills is virtue, just like the "23rd" in the text, the whole class "appreciates" her the most, such a talent to the extreme, is not the same can contribute to society?

In short, be the best version of yourself.

If, I am a flower, I will be extremely fragrant and proud of the branches;

If, I am a green leaf, I will bow to the flowers!

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