
Jay Chou officially announced the birth of his third daughter! Baby white skin high nose bridge, a blonde mixed blood face

With the development of society, "having a second child" is no longer a novelty. Compared with the second child, having a third child is the trend that everyone pursues at present. However, although the third child looks very beautiful, there are not many couples who have really implemented it, after all, the pressure of raising a baby is not small.

But for couples in the entertainment industry, they do not have the problem of raising a baby. Like Jay Chou, the king of heaven, under the premise that he already has a son and a daughter, he still chooses his third child.

Jay Chou's third daughter was exposed in front of the front, with white skin and high nose bridge, and blonde hair was too mixed

On May 6, Jay Chou announced the birth of his third daughter on his personal account, and generously posted a positive photo of his daughter.

Although the child has not yet opened his eyes, but from the front face photo, the appearance of the little daughter is very beautiful, carefully examined, found that the child is biased towards the mother Kunling's high appearance, the hair is golden yellow, the facial features are tight, especially now looks very upright nose bridge, with white skin, it looks like a "doll".

I have to say that newborn babies can have such a good look, which is really good-looking. After all, when many babies are born, their appearance is relatively not online, and their skin is wrinkled, like a little old man.

Jay Chou's three-child baby is white and tender skin, like a peeled egg, really the more you look, the better it looks.

The hair color of the third daughter has caused controversy among netizens: who inherits blonde hair?

However, some netizens have asked questions: why is the child's hair yellow? Normally, shouldn't the newborn baby's hair be black?

In fact, the hair color of Jay Chou's third daughter is golden yellow, mainly because of the influence of her mother Kunling.

Her mother, Kunling, is a "mixed-race child", her father is Australian, and her mother is of mixed Chinese and Korean descent. Therefore, Kunling's foreign blood is more, and it can be seen in the appearance that there is a clear difference between the appearance and our ordinary Asians.

Compared with the first two children, the three-child daughter looks more like her mother, and there are more genes inherited to her mother, and I have to say that Kunling's mixed-race genes have finally begun to play a role.

There are reasons why new babies have yellow hair, not all of them are unhealthy

Many parents see that their babies have yellow hair, while other people's babies are full of black hair, they are worried about whether the child has a problem, anxious to improve, and worry about it. In fact, your baby's yellow hair is often due to the following reasons:

Problems caused by genetic factors:

The yellow hair of the baby caused by genetic factors is well understood, and it is inherited from one or two of the parents to the child. This situation is common in mixed-race children, such as the Heavenly King's sister-in-law Kunling herself is a mixed-race child, and the children born are naturally also mixed-race genes, and it is not surprising that the blond hair is not surprising.

Because there is no problem with the yellowing of the child's hair due to the genetics of the parents, there is no need to worry about this.

Because there is no problem with the yellowing of the child's hair due to the genetics of the parents, there is no need to worry about this.

Caused by disease factors:

Some diseases can also cause the baby's hair to be yellow, which requires taking the child to the hospital for treatment, and the treatment under the examination and guidance of the doctor can also be solved;

Caused by nutritional factors:

In addition, the color of the baby's hair is related to the protein, vitamins, and trace elements they consume, like some children who lack iron and zinc in the body, it is easy to have yellow hair.

Parents may wish to check themselves to see if the baby's yellow hair is caused by a lack of nutrients.

Baby hair is thin and yellow Parents don't have to worry, try these methods to improve

Unlike Jay Chou's three-child mixed-race daughter, those parents who do not have mixed blood genes, if the baby's hair is also yellow, then how to improve such a problem?

Patience: In general, it takes a certain amount of time for your baby's hair to "change directions". Most people are replaced by thick, dark hair within a year of birth, no more than two years, when thin, yellowish fetal hair is replaced.

So parents can wait patiently for a while, and maybe after a period of time, the child's hair color will change on its own.

Maintain the necessary cleansing: For healthy hair growth, the necessary cleaning and care is also essential, especially in the summer, it is recommended to wash your child's head once a day to keep the hair follicles clean and refreshing.

Nutrition and sleep should be sufficient: if you want hair growth, you must not be less nutritious. Especially after the child is 6 months old, in the addition of complementary foods, we must pay attention to the balance of nutrition, so that the growth of the hair behind becomes darker and thicker.

In addition, the child's sleep will also affect the quality of hair, poor sleep will also indirectly affect the hair growth, to ensure that the baby has a sufficient sleep time, for the improvement of the back of the hair is also a great role in promoting.

Kojima would like to say:

Newborn babies have yellow hair, in addition to genetic factors, most of them are only a stage of their growth and development, generally around the age of 2, the child will catch up with the army, parents do not have to worry too much.

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