
Man's greatest consumption is his war against himself

Time is fleeting, the world is noisy, it is not easy to maintain a childlike and leisurely, if you only bury your head in the complicated things around you, you will fail to live up to this beautiful trip in life.

The same eyes have different views, and the same ears have different ways of hearing. The same mouth has different words, and the same heart has different thoughts. Is it because of this that the same life has different sorrows?

The essence of life is that what you want is not necessarily given to you, and what is the wisdom of life? It's for you to use whatever you want.

Never rejecting quiet and loneliness, rather than being entangled in complex interpersonal relationships, being alone is the soul's vacation, quiet, is a kind of mood that is interesting and rich.

Tolerance is the cultivation of one's own cultivation, occasionally calculating, telling others that I am not stupid. The former is the pattern, the latter is the bottom line, I have a culture that does not hurt people, but it is not a reason for you to hurt me.

Man's greatest consumption is his war against himself

At a certain age, you should learn to live gently with the world around you, and dissolve negative emotions, understand that there must be cause and effect in all encounters, forgive the selfish thoughts and coldness of people's hearts, then the joy, smoothness and kindness you plant today will bear the fruits of goodness in the future.

For people and things, always keep a step away, this step can let you freely advance and retreat, but also let others come and go without worry.

Once thought that gentleness is a kind of character, and later found that gentleness is actually a kind of ability, it runs through a person's cultivation and cognition, all the gentleness in the world, is after experiencing the wind and rain, only to grow out of the flower.

There is often wickedness in the world, but I still choose to be with the good, which is how I love myself.

The human heart needs some purification and repair, and it needs some seemingly useless but precious emotions to offset the strong consumption of the outside world on the body and mind.

Man's greatest consumption is his war against himself

When people reach middle age, it is best to have the mentality of young people, clear, simple and free, and the lifestyle of the elderly, regular, peaceful, and not overdrawn themselves.

In this world, some people are born with magnetic discord and cannot get along, which has nothing to do with moral character, but is just a purely emotional thing, so uncomfortable relationships do not have to be forced, there is no need to introspect repeatedly, and keeping distance is the best respect.

A good relationship is not necessarily warm, luxurious and perfect, but in time, in the collision with each other, questioning and grinding, purifying and infiltrating each other, to enhance and expand. This is a profound and vast tacit understanding in the world.

He who can see flowers will see clouds, he will look at the moon, he will see the stars, and he will see wisdom in everything in this world.

Reading, the highest state is "digestion", not to digest what you read, but to digest the content of life that has happened to you through reading.

Always remember that your existence is meaningful, that you are important, that you are loved, and that you have brought irreplaceable things to the world.

Man's greatest consumption is his war against himself

If you have no background, but also choose to be a good person, almost certainly fall into the bottom of society, even if you are talented, which you have insight, the sieve of society will screen you down, the more conformist, just right, good nature of people, the easier it is to be eliminated, all your advantages will become a disadvantage in the competition.

The parent's personality is strong enough, the child can not be so sensible, too much need for the child to understand, is to ask the child to take care of your incompetence.

Man's greatest consumption does not come from intellectual or physical overdraft, nor from fighting with others, but from his own war against himself.

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