
A child who is delayed by a soft heart

A child who is delayed by a soft heart

As the saying goes: dragons give birth to dragons, phoenixes give birth to phoenixes, and rats are born to punch holes. Some people are born with good luck, as Newton said: standing on the shoulders of giants.

Everyone knows:

Dealing with excellent people will become excellent, and working with inferior people will become backward!

Get along with positive people, will do things positively, and with negative people, will do things slack!

Between people and people, the influence is subtle, and between the heart and the heart, the concept is slowly infiltrated.

Lazy people, people who can't see your diligence and struggle, can't see you regressing.

Insidious people, people who can't tolerate you, upright people, can't hear you complain.

As the saying goes: near Zhu is red, near ink is black,

A child who is delayed by a soft heart

Sukhomlinsky said: Parents are the first teachers of a child

Some people say that children are geniuses at birth, no one has everything as soon as they are born, and everyone comes into this world with a lot of light and slippery, without a brick or tile. Why are some excellent and some stupid? More because of the relationship between parents. To be precise, the parents' life environment affects the child's good and bad.

A child who is delayed by a soft heart

Tell a little story:

I have a niece, I often take her to the supermarket to buy things, when I first took to the supermarket she always walked around the east and west, took a bunch of things in the basket, clamoring to buy, I always said to her seriously, I only help you buy the same, at the beginning will be angry, do not go, I will go directly out of the supermarket, she saw me gone, can only be wronged to catch up with me, and then bargain with me, in my resolute attitude, she reluctantly picked a favorite from the frame to take away. Later, when I went to the supermarket with me, I told my little niece that I could only buy one piece at a time, and at the beginning I would bargain, and then she began to get used to it, and I went out with me to buy only one I liked. Once the little niece went to the supermarket with me and my sister and brother-in-law, my sister and brother-in-law saw that the little niece was there to take two things and was struggling to buy which one was good, and laughed and said to the little niece: You can buy more than two, and the little niece innocently replied: The uncle said that you can only buy one. Then put one of the items in your hand back on the shelf. Ask me with something I like: Uncle, can I buy this?

A child who is delayed by a soft heart

In fact, the child is very simple, want to have a good child sometimes have to be fierce, you meet the child for a while may develop a bad habit of her. Every child is very smart, always poking at our boundaries. Will use all kinds of means to force you to compromise.

As the saying goes: a loving mother is a loser. Blind unwillingness is often cruel to the child's future. Easy to get things will not be cherished, too much reluctance to let the values in the eyes of children distorted. Gradually, many things became more and more reasonable.

Some people say that the children of poor families have long been in charge. The children of poor families are precocious, more forced by life, and earlier let children realize that life is not easy, spoiled, tantrums are not comforted, and they cannot get what they want. Only hard work can we grow better.

A child who is delayed by a soft heart

Be tough on yourself, and be your children. Don't let reluctance delay your child's life.

We can't predict the future of our children in the future, but we let our children mature earlier so that they can better face the unknown future.

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