
Whether a child's life is good or not is determined by words.

If the child's ability is not paid attention to and cultivated by parents, the child will grow up in the future, no matter how talented and capable, but the only lack of this ability is very disadvantageous in society, and this ability is generally weak for children from rural areas, while there is not so much obvious in urban children.

This ability is a child's ability to express language. As the saying goes: "Good life is not good life, language to decide".

Whether a child's life is good or not is determined by words.

Although talking is born with it, babies start to learn their teeth and teeth from seven or eight months old, and they will call out "mama". When I was two or three years old, I began to communicate normally with adults. Why do some children grow up to be articulate, and some children are not good at talking when they grow up, even if they are tightly open and stutter when they encounter speeches at the conference after they go to work.

This is because the parents of those stuttering children are constantly communicating with their children from an early age, guiding and encouraging their children to give speech programs in public. Over time, children will not be afraid of the stage, and will dare to express their ideas, to express themselves, to show their talents.

Such children are often the class leaders in the school or the president of the student union in the school, and they are also in a leadership position after they go to work.

Whether a child's life is good or not is determined by words.

And many of those children who come out of the countryside, although they also have talents, often like to shrink their necks and hook their heads when they go to school, afraid that the teacher will point out their names and let themselves speak. Children who don't like to speak in public are still confused even after they go to school in big cities and leave school.

In the workplace, waiting for the leader to arrange the work, never taking the initiative to communicate with colleagues and leaders when encountering problems. That is to say, the communication ability is relatively weak. Even if such a person is talented, he cannot play an important role in the department at work, and can only be a small clerk to solve the problem of food and clothing. Depressed without being reused, depressed to spend a lifetime.

Whether a child's life is good or not is determined by words.

This is the difference between those children who are well-spoken and those who are not well-spoken, so children with poor eloquence are really at a loss. Parents should guide and pay attention to their children's language expression ability and communication ability from an early age, and the aura of talking children is different from childhood, and those outstanding leaders in China and abroad throughout history are speakers. You say yes or no?

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