
The most important thing in a long-term relationship is to do both


People are egoistic, no matter what the relationship, if you want to be long-term, you have a plan, otherwise others will not spend their minds and energy on you.

The so-called network is actually a relationship of mutual use.

So for the relationship between the sexes, in fact, the same is true, the reason why you choose to be with a person, must be that the other party has a certain trait that attracts you, you get what you want by giving, and the other party satisfies your heart.

While it's fairer to say, it's often more realistic than that. Without the relationship requested, it will not last long.

Therefore, if you want to maintain a long-term relationship, you must know how to be satisfied with each other, so that each other will be better able to go on.

The most important thing in a long-term relationship is to do both

Emotional satisfaction

The reason why people want to get along with a person is more that they want to have someone to accompany and listen to their inner voice.

Only if you understand each other's needs and meet each other's wishes, naturally the other party will trust you more and need you.

The most feared thing about feelings is that they are not equal to pay, one person satisfies the other, and the other person does not know how to respond, so that each other's needs are unbalanced and they cannot go on.

If you want to maintain a long-term relationship with each other, you must know how to take care of each other's emotions.

What a person needs most is to understand themselves and still choose the people who stand around them, so that they can comfort each other and warm each other, which will be more powerful. Although it is said that one person is good, two people will be better.

For two people who can satisfy each other, the relationship between each other will be very harmonious, and the point of being able to get to each other will also be very compatible, so that the two people will be more powerful.

Emotional satisfaction is the result of two people supporting and understanding each other.

Maybe at the beginning, no one can know the real needs of the other party, but after a long time together, as long as you feel it with your heart, you will know what the other party wants.

The most important thing in a long-term relationship is to do both

Material satisfaction

People have emotional and spiritual needs, and naturally there will be material needs.

In fact, sometimes people's needs for materials are more clear, after all, the feelings brought by materials are more intuitive and real.

Real life, not only emotions, but also need material, no one can leave the material basis to live a better life.

Two people together, the wind and snow are temporary, more is the life of chai rice oil and salt.

If there is no material and economic satisfaction, even the best feelings will become flat and will face problems.

When you start to worry about your life and quarrel over material things, you will find out how unworthy the love you once had was.

Without material life, without even basic security, naturally there is no heart to talk about love.

Good love is all about money, it is all about meeting each other's needs, making each other happy, and naturally he will love you more and more.

If you can't get material satisfaction for a long time, people will gradually be disappointed in life and disappointed in that person, and naturally two people will not be able to go on for a long time.

Long-term relationships are not just spiritual fits, but also material satisfaction.

The most important thing in a long-term relationship is to do both


Two people together, if emotionally satisfied, materially can also be guaranteed, is to avoid a lot of contradictions and quarrels, mutual feelings will be more harmonious.

If each other can not meet anything, then there will be doubts, doubts about the meaning of being together, people always have to have a plan, do not want anything, then a person is not better.

Two people together, it is to be more beautiful than one person, to have meaning.

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