
Is it necessary to have a language correction when your child's pronunciation is not clear?

Children's language development and language problems are synchronized, and these problems will affect children's communication with others, affect children's expression, and affect children's personality and psychological development.

As children grow up, children will have problems such as "unclear pronunciation" when they speak. For example: "taxi" is said to be "cu zu ce", "brother" is pronounced "de de", and "aunt" is called "toot".

Is it necessary to have a language correction when your child's pronunciation is not clear?

At first, parents thought that this was normal, after all, the child was young, thinking that the older one would be clear, and even some parents thought that the child was very cute to talk like this, but later found that a simple and complete sentence can be clearly expressed.

The child's language develops word by word, and the language problems that develop with it are also revealed. In fact, children in the learning to speak during the appearance of unclear words, pronunciation is not accurate, etc. are normal performance, as the child grows up and the language ability improves, some children's performance will gradually disappear, but some children will become more and more serious.

If the child is still slurred when he is two or three years old or even older, parents should pay attention to the fact that "the child has a language problem."

When we speak, it is a complex action process, the vocal cords vibrate to make a sound, and then through the lips, tongue, jaw, soft and hard jaw and other structural organs to cooperate with each other, it becomes what we say pronunciation speech. Children's unclear pronunciation is mainly caused by the coordination between the orthophobia organs, movement and other reasons.

Many children who are exposed to unclear pronunciation in their daily work are characterized by dysarthria.

Such as functional dysarthrhea (large tongue), one of its manifestations is that children have various forms of spitting out unclear words, and children with hearing impairment, because they cannot hear or understand the voice in the early stage, they will not speak, and the phonological organs have not been exercised, resulting in unclear pronunciation in the later stage.

Poor pronunciation can seriously affect your child's social communication skills. We humans have "sociality", social interaction is an activity that everyone must carry out, which not only means that we can make friends, but also in human interaction can exercise our thinking logic and language expression ability. Language is used in communication.

However, because the words are not clear, it seriously affects the child's ability to actively communicate with people. Adults will patiently listen to children say several times directly to make it clear, but in the interaction with children, children of the same age do not have much patience to listen and wait.

The child often encounters this situation, he is not willing to try to communicate with others, close himself off, resulting in more serious language and other problems.

The personality of such children is also prone to problems, such as being irritable, negative, inferior and unconfident.

Is it necessary to have a language correction when your child's pronunciation is not clear?

Therefore, when parents find that their children's pronunciation is problematic, please do not hold the fluke psychology of "it is better to be older", and be sure to take their children to a professional language rehabilitation institution for evaluation and rehabilitation training as soon as possible.

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