
Immersive singleness is also an attitude

A few days ago, a 30-year-old sister of the sheep said,

After the age of 30, I found that my acceptance of singleness became significantly higher.

At this age, I am already tired of the tension in the relationship between men and women,

There is not much enthusiasm to give, nor can it catch the rich emotions of others.

Sheep found that there are more and more such girls —

Shouting that he wants to get off the list, he is afraid as soon as he is introduced; he marries to live better, but I am living well now; the cost of raising children is so great that it is better to have a dog;

Especially now that the epidemic is repeated, unless it is in the same community as the object,

Otherwise, 500 meters may also become a long-distance relationship, and it is too difficult to fall in love.

Not a staunch unmarried, but more and more girls are deciding to focus on the single life of the moment first.

They also coined a term called #Immersive Single #

Immersive singleness is also an attitude

Even in song Huiqiao's Korean drama last year, Qiao Mei and her perfect photographer brother only slept once and began to consider how to break up perfectly.

In addition to love, girls have 100 ways to make themselves happy.

Immersive singleness is also an attitude

01 @N

Immersive pets Singles can also experience the aura of motherhood

Immersive singleness is also an attitude

After raising a dog, he found that he was promoted directly from single to a mother.

When the dog first came, it was less than two months, making milk powder, soaking dog food, teaching fixed points, peeing and wiping the floor...

I feel like I've become a newborn mom.

I couldn't have imagined that the first Heimlich rescue method in my life was to carry out the dog-

I was taking medicine and fell to the ground, and the dog immediately licked it into its mouth.

After less than three seconds, I held its stomach and threw up hard.

Finally really spit out the pill.

Immersive singleness is also an attitude

Little milk dogs are easy to thin today, too much tomorrow, holding the dog to the pet hospital, really experienced the impatience...

When you go out after the vaccination, you can take the bath and go out, and the novice does not know whether you can take the dog before going out.

Once I rushed to the supermarket to grab vegetables before the blockade, and the dogs could not enter;

In the end, shengzhi in a hurry ordered a single METUan running errands service, and let the uncle who took the order come to help me bring a dog for a while.

Comparable to a mother who has a part-time worker to take care of her children.

Immersive singleness is also an attitude

When you go out to walk the dog, when you encounter a dog that suddenly pounces on people, the person who is thrown is afraid of the dog, and has raised his feet to prepare for a counterattack, which will make you stutter in a hurry:

Don't wait for a long time, people are gone, and the flutter words have not yet come out.

These unexpected situations make you feel that you are upgrading and fighting monsters every day, not to mention lonely,

The time for a person to play quietly with their phones has become very rare.

However, the little milk dog is also a very powerful social currency, leading the dog out to meet the neighbors, the aunt will help you throw the garbage... Instantly enjoyed the aura of motherhood.

These details, especially let people secrete endorphin dopamine oxytocin, not to mention in a hurry to get off the list, dogs are not more cute than men?

02 @ One Person's Milk Tea Immersive Solitary Living Alone Is simply not too cool to stay alone

Immersive singleness is also an attitude

When in love, I always have a crooked boyfriend and don't go to work almost 24 hours a day to get along.

It's very sweet and happy, but I always feel that there is no time and space of my own, and as soon as he travels on business, I feel empty.

The whole person's mood fluctuates, but also because of him, a quarrel, I will insomnia, sick let me go to the hospital alone, I will be angry;

Now that I'm single, I can not only go to the hospital alone, but I can also do surgery alone.

The time and space behind the single body are all their own, the home is quiet, no men throw things around, and a lot of housework is saved.

When I get home from work, I order an aromatherapy and order a takeaway, play with my mobile phone for a while, and catch up on the recently watched drama.

I used to spend 30 minutes to fry two dishes I felt troublesome, now I can spend 3 hours to cook soup for myself, no internal friction, do not calculate the return of pay, especially practical.

Immersive singleness is also an attitude

Follow the vibrato exercise, do stretching, apply masks, in a daze, almost time to go to bed to play mobile phone, the bed is also their own.

Immersive singleness is also an attitude

Don't hide from you, although I am just 30 years old, I have begun to pay attention to a person's pension.

There are always people who say that a person who stays alone for a long time will become more and more independent, but I think it is also very happy to stay alone all the time.

Love can soothe loneliness, but it cannot and should not eliminate loneliness.

03 @ Roof Cat Immersive Self-Discipline Single I lost weight and lost more than a dozen pounds

Immersive singleness is also an attitude

I think the most important thing in single life is self-discipline, and when you can adhere to self-discipline, you will be happy even if you are single until you are 80 years old.

Because being single is a process that can concentrate all human and material resources to make yourself excellent.

Immersive singleness is also an attitude

Live a good single life, get married, and don't get a bad life.

In my third year of being single, I have been sticking to a steady daily routine:

Wake up at 7 a.m. every morning, get up, play with the cat for a while, and then start dancing with the fitness blogger;

When you are sweating, you go to take a bath, make breakfast, make bento, drink coffee, go out at nine o'clock, and go out on time;

Immersive singleness is also an attitude

When I go to work, I will turn on the camera in front of the computer to record a small video, on the one hand, to remind myself to concentrate,

I also live-stream immersive part-time work, and now I'm a little blogger.

Work actively and efficiently, strive not to order takeaway on weekdays, and strive not to work overtime,

I also deliberately got a card for the gym on the way home from work, and as long as I passed by, I would definitely go in and exercise.

In the fourth month of this year, I have lost from 108 pounds to 96 pounds.

The next goal is to try to go to bed before 11 a.m. every day and keep reading two books a month.

04 @ Xiao Liu Immersive Money There is no time to speculate on men's ideas

Immersive singleness is also an attitude

Immediately 30 years old, after a few fruitless relationships -

I think the other person is too boring; the other person thinks I'm not good enough; the other person splits his legs; I lose my passion after being together for too long...

There is dog blood and warmth, but in the end it all becomes a bubble.

Wake up every day and ask yourself if you have lived in your favorite house and whether you have driven your favorite car? Does saving gives me a sense of security?

I just think I wasted a lot of time before; it's better to focus on making money at the beginning.

Immersive singleness is also an attitude

After borrowing all the money to buy a small apartment in the first two years, I found that if I wanted to make more money, I had to think of ways other than work. The road to a vigorous side hustle began.

And the sisters in Kunming began to operate online flower brands, we focus on low prices, fresh, self-service order pickup in the same community;

Don't have to bear the cost of inventory, every month has been calculated to make a lot of money, recently I got some very hot oil painting peony, soon was taken out.

Immersive singleness is also an attitude

After having a side business, every day is not doing the data of the main business audit, or counting the data in the flower purchase group.

In the past, there would be many small emotions in life, but now life is simple enough to only make money.

I don't like to recall my past feelings, I don't like to analyze men, I don't take the initiative to meet new men, I just think about how to sell a few more flowers every day, make more money in financial management, and how to do my job better.

After the age of 30, if you want to live a good single life and be a delicate single woman, money is essential.

Instead of clinging to the opportunity to get married, it is better to stop messing around and work hard to make money!

05 @pei Immersive Beauty Punch In every month

Immersive singleness is also an attitude

Spending 30,000-50,000 a year on beauty projects after the age of 30 has become my regular expense.

I hate it when people say that girls are not confident in doing medical beauty, they are in a female arms race, and they are not happy to look at themselves when they become beautiful?

Some of these items can be done on their own, at home on weekends, I will first sleep until I wake up naturally, then get up and take a bath, exfoliate my body, remove my armpits, remove my hair from my face with an instrument, then exfoliate my face, apply a mask, and then apply a hot towel oil.

The bedroom and bathroom were made like a small spa by me, and when I saw someone say that some hotel products were very useful, I would also buy a lot of stockpiles online. Try the super cure of the past one by one.

I also arrange a hair mask for myself every time I finish my face, and cut my fingernails and toenails while waiting for the hair mask, (this order is very important, and it will be clean when you go to re-wash your fingernails.)

Immersive singleness is also an attitude

Others are what I want others to do for me, such as nail art eyelashes, slimming needles, hyaluronic acid injections, for a while I had a lot of mouth closures on my face, I regularly went to microneedles, and I also had to do anti-aging projects regularly.

In addition to these, I basically try a new beauty project every month.

I'm not afraid to get old, and I don't have age anxiety.

To become beautiful seriously is to spend money on the way you like to live.

Immersive singleness is also an attitude

Whether it is making money or becoming beautiful, the sheep feel that immersive singleness is already an attitude:

Immersion is the effort of the present and the present, but also the long-term plan for the future,

Seriously enjoying the single life, is to try to control their own life, but also to start to create a home for themselves -

Although I was expecting love, there was also too much luck involved there.

If you are beautiful and rich, and you are not afraid of loneliness,

Such a single life, why is it not worth living all the time?

Immersive singleness is also an attitude

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