
You have to understand that only with women who do not love, men will "chat" like this

You have to understand that only with women who do not love, men will "chat" like this

People, only when they meet the person with the corresponding heart, can they achieve a perfect relationship.

It's just that in many cases, when a woman encounters love, she will pounce on it, completely love the brain, even if she knows that the other party does not love herself, she still goes.

The reason she is not ignorant, but she is too lacking in love, will be bent on looking for that little light, as long as the other party is good to her, she will feel that everything is worth it, but when the other party is indifferent and perfunctory, she will feel that she loves the wrong person and does not want to continue.

You will feel hurt, even feel that you are in pain, but you forget that all this is caused by you, and the moment you know that he does not love you, you should stop, not the moth to the fire, that is doomed to the end.

In fact, people who don't love you, you can perceive it from the details, such as the usual chat, he will perfunctory you, even for a long time does not respond to you, will not take the initiative to chat with you, these have explained everything.

Therefore, you must understand that only with women who do not love, men will "chat" like this, understand and give up!

You have to understand that only with women who do not love, men will "chat" like this


Every chat was perfunctory

Love will cool down, when the enthusiasm becomes more and more indifferent, the rest is perfunctory, when a person has you in his heart, he is not willing to do so to you, he is afraid that indifference will let you leave.

But if one day, his tone is full of perfunctory, no matter what you say, he is casually "um" and "ah", and then there is no response, then you should understand that he no longer loves you, and will have nothing to say to you.

In fact, even introverts will show full enthusiasm when facing people they like, he wants to try to get close to you, and wants to melt you with his enthusiasm.

Only if you don't like you, will you have such a cold attitude, even chatting with you is perfunctory, in this case, don't lie to yourself, you will only hurt yourself.

You have to understand that only with women who do not love, men will "chat" like this


Won't initiate a chat with you

Loving someone will take the initiative, this is an instinct, as long as he has free time, he will want to chat with you, even if the content of the chat is nothing more than what he ate today, what he did, but as long as he can chat with you, he will feel at ease.

If one day, he no longer takes the initiative to chat with you, or even you talk to him, he does not know what he is busy with, in this case, do not expect him anymore.

If a person loves you, he will always look for you, even if he is busy, he will take time for you, and if he no longer loves you, even if you take the initiative to find him, he will not respond.

Now that you understand his intentions, don't expect him to change his mind, let alone think that he will change, or turn away a little bit and look for the person who belongs to you.

You have to understand that only with women who do not love, men will "chat" like this


Not responding to your messages for a long time

The person who loves you will reply to you in seconds, which is not to say that he is really idle, but he will focus on you, as long as it is your message, he will see and reply in time.

If one day, you send him a message, for a long time can not get his response, do not suspect that it is the problem of his mobile phone, do not think that he is not time, the real reason may be that he does not want to reply.

If he wants to reply, he will give you a message back the first second he sees it, even if it is just to tell you that he is busy, it is a response, not an attitude of not caring about anything.

When he doesn't respond to you for a long time, don't message him anymore, you can't wait for the desired outcome.

You have to understand that only with women who do not love, men will "chat" like this



In fact, whether a person loves you or not can be seen from his attitude towards you.

The person who loves you, he will be very enthusiastic about you, he will take the initiative to chat with you, he will reply to your message in seconds, and he is happy and satisfied when he does these things.

People who don't love you, no matter what you say, he is indifferent, even if you send him a message, he will not reply until the next day, in this case, don't make excuses for him.

After all, if he loves you, the southeast, the northwest and the southeast are all along the way, no matter how busy he will have time for you, and he does nothing, it can only mean that his heart has changed, when you understand that he does not love you, then let it go, don't torture yourself anymore.

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