
curious! Where did the and urine of the fetal baby in the mother's stomach go?

If the fetus is in the mother's belly, will it pee on? Where did the and urine go?

The answer is yes. From the third month of pregnancy, the baby will be booed.

As we all know, the fetus lives in the amniotic cavity of the mother's uterus, surrounded by amniotic fluid, but many people do not know where the amniotic fluid comes from.

curious! Where did the and urine of the fetal baby in the mother's stomach go?

In the first trimester, maternal blood enters the amniotic cavity of the uterus through the fetal membrane, and the filtrate formed is the main source of amniotic fluid. In the second trimester, the fetus's urine becomes the main source of amniotic fluid.

You read that right, as the fetus grows and develops, the main source of amniotic fluid is the fetus's urine.

This is also why amniotic fluid is a dynamic process, how much is the amount, depending on how much the fetus urinates out and how much it drinks.

In the womb, the fetus will swallow or inhale the amniotic fluid to promote the development of the digestive tract and respiratory tract. In other words, the fetus is in the mother's belly, and if there is nothing to do, it will drink a few mouthfuls of his own urine, and this urine can also help the growth and development of the fetal baby.

Doesn't that sound a bit "flavorful"? In fact, it's not as disgusting as we think.

curious! Where did the and urine of the fetal baby in the mother's stomach go?

The pee of the fetal baby in the mother's stomach is different from the urine after birth. The urine in the mother's stomach is a sterile, non-additive, pure natural health care product, but this health care product is heavier than the taste of general health care products.

The reason why the urine of the fetal baby in the mother's stomach is sterile is mainly because of the filtration effect of the umbilical cord. Do not underestimate the umbilical cord, it is not only the lifeline of the fetus in the mother's belly, but also an important channel to keep the amniotic fluid environment pure.

The umbilical cord filters the baby's urine, and some unnecessary waste will be transported to the mother through the umbilical cord, and the mother will excrete these wastes from the body.

curious! Where did the and urine of the fetal baby in the mother's stomach go?

What about poop? Will the fetus pull poop in the mother's stomach? Where did the poop that was pulled go? Was it also discharged by the mother?

The fetus in the first trimester will also pull poop in the mother's stomach, and most of these poop is also made by the mother.

Because the baby's poop is also very different from our ordinary poop. The fetal baby's stool is only some skin, intestinal shedding cells, fetal hair fetal fat, gastrointestinal mucus and amniotic fluid of some fixed components, through the baby's intestine digestion and decomposition of the formation of a small amount of clean, sterile impurities.

In the first trimester, the various organs and systems of the fetal baby's body are developing, and the baby at this time does not have the ability to control the anus, and a small amount of intestinal impurities will be inadvertently discharged into the amniotic fluid.

Some of these impurities will be swallowed into the stomach again by the fetus with the amniotic fluid, and some will be absorbed by the mother through the fetal membrane, so that it will be further disposed of.

curious! Where did the and urine of the fetal baby in the mother's stomach go?

With the growth and development of the baby's various organs, starting from about 20 weeks of pregnancy, the baby will rarely excrete these impurities in the mother's stomach. These impurities accumulate in the baby's intestines and become green, sticky stools, which are excreted after the baby is born.

This is also the reason why many babies do not eat anything after birth and still defecate. These poop are also the cleanest lumps of poop pulled out after the baby is born.

Whether it is the baby's urine or the baby's poop, it is sterile. It can be said that when the baby is in the mother's belly, although the housing area is a little small and the conditions are a little simple, the environmental sanitation is absolutely first-class.

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