
If raising children cannot prevent old age, then why should we have babies? This is the best answer I've ever heard

In the era of the planned economy, the living standards of every household were comparable, and the pressure of living was not so great. The term "raising children and preventing old age" came into being, and the primary purpose of having children at that time was to add a guarantee to their old age.

Today, in the twenty-first century, the employment situation is diversified, the pressure on young people's life and work is increasing, and many young people have taken care of themselves, and even become "nibbling on the old people". Raising children can't prevent aging, so why have children?

The following answers may surprise you:

1. "I enjoy the process of accompanying my child's growth"

This is the answer of a young second-child mother, "Everyone thinks that raising a child is very tired, are you having a second child to give birth to yourself?" ”

She replied without hesitation: "I don't expect my children to give me a pension, I like children very much, I enjoy the process of accompanying my children to grow, and life without children is incomplete." ”

The family of the second-born mother is actually not rich, she wears several jobs, rushes to work early every day, goes home at night to help Dabao write homework, and tells stories to Xiaobao and coaxes Xiaobao to sleep.

Her life consisted only of her husband, children and work, giving up all her circle of friends. In the eyes of others, such a hard and monotonous life, but she lived a tasteful life.

If raising children cannot prevent old age, then why should we have babies? This is the best answer I've ever heard

A writer once wrote in "Children You Take Your Time": "I, sitting on the stone steps illuminated by the slanting sun, look at this child with clear eyes and concentrate on doing one thing; yes, I am willing to wait a lifetime for him to calmly tie this bow and use his five-year-old fingers." Kids you take your time, take your time.

"There are many mothers in the world who like their children, they think that it is a pleasure to accompany their children to grow, and they are worried or moved by their children's smiles.

Love children just because they are my children, and parents are intoxicated with the time of growing up with their children, and they don't want anything else.

2. "My life has been extended"

A new mother, when a girlfriend asked her: "Giving birth to a child is so painful, why do you want to have a child?" She smiled and said, "The moment the child was born, I knew my life was extended.

What a wonderful thing it was to watch a cute little man come out of my body alone, and he flowed with my blood, and I was in tears of happiness."

If marriage is the continuation and sublimation of love, then the child is the crystallization of the love of two people, this child pins the hope of love, the hope of the family, the blood of love flows, and the life of two people who love each other is continued. What a wonderful, what a great project.

If raising children cannot prevent old age, then why should we have babies? This is the best answer I've ever heard

Such a couple, they have children sublimated each other, achieved true love, children are the testimony of their happiness.

3, "Children are my life's work, in order to pay and appreciate"

Aunt Wang was a university teacher before retiring, and she believes that the greatest achievement in life is to cultivate a high-achieving daughter.

She told us: "Children are my life's work, I gave for her unreservedly, and now she has become my pride, and the rest of my life is more perfect because I appreciate her." ”

Wise parents, who know how to quit in time, regard raising children as giving and appreciating. They spend their lives tutoring and educating their children. See your children as the work and achievements of your life.

When children become adults, they know how to quit in time, and they will not make any requests to their children, let alone ask for them. When children reach adulthood, they begin to enjoy their later years, allowing them to fly freely, encouraging and appreciating.

The author believes that parenthood is a practice and experience, and wise parents regard having children as an indispensable part of a complete life, and do not have the luxury of relying on their children for the elderly, let alone have too high expectations.

If raising children cannot prevent old age, then why should we have babies? This is the best answer I've ever heard

They do not impose their unfulfilled ideals of life on their children, do not require children to feed themselves, and do not need children to add glory to themselves.

I only hope that this life will bloom beautifully and happily, only to be able to grow with him, and only to witness the miracle of life. This is the most simple wish of parents, and this is the greatness of human nature.

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