
Remind alcoholics: If these two manifestations occur when quitting alcohol, it means that alcohol addiction is very large and needs to be consulted in time

There is a saying in China: wine is less than a thousand cups per confidant, and words are not speculative for more than half a sentence!

Alcohol is something that can paralyze your central nervous system, allowing you to gradually relax and briefly forget your troubles. But at the same time, it can also quietly destroy a person's health.

Relevant studies directly point out that alcohol is a class of carcinogens, which are closely related to a variety of gastrointestinal cancers and liver cancers. Long-term alcohol abuse may also lead to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and digestive tract diseases.

Remind alcoholics: If these two manifestations occur when quitting alcohol, it means that alcohol addiction is very large and needs to be consulted in time

But even so, many people will always comfort themselves, and there are diseases about alcohol, which are based on long-term, heavy alcoholism, and alcoholism. I just have a few drinks, I'm not addicted, and all kinds of diseases naturally don't find myself.

But is that really the case, and is alcohol really not addictive? wrong!

Remind alcoholics: If these two manifestations occur when quitting alcohol, it means that alcohol addiction is very large and needs to be consulted in time

The harm of alcohol to the human body is indeed based on long-term and large intake, but long-term small amount of alcohol will also gradually harm various systems of the human body. Moreover, the essence of alcohol is a neuro-addictive substance, which has a strong affinity for the human heat stroke system, which is what is clinically called central nervous system suppression.

A person who drinks alcohol for a long time, no matter how much or how little alcohol is drunk, the central system will be inhibited, and the function of the cerebral cortex will gradually change, resulting in changes in the number of neurotransmitters, receptors, and function, followed by alcohol addiction.

That being the case, after stopping drinking, what symptoms appear to be really addictive?

Remind alcoholics: If these two manifestations occur when quitting alcohol, it means that alcohol addiction is very large and needs to be consulted in time

1. Craving alcohol

If you are already addicted to alcohol, after suddenly quitting drinking, there will be an extreme desire for alcohol, and you will always be tempted to drink alcohol, and it will be difficult to control the amount of alcohol.

If you do not drink alcohol, your mood will become worse and worse, and you are prone to multiple symptoms such as grumpiness, anxiety and insomnia, poor diet, and weight loss, which must be alleviated after drinking.

The exhortations of those around them are not only unheeded, but even have an extremely disgusting mentality. It is possible not to eat, but not to drink;

Remind alcoholics: If these two manifestations occur when quitting alcohol, it means that alcohol addiction is very large and needs to be consulted in time

2, central symptoms

In addition to mood changes and extreme thirst for alcohol, alcohol addicts will also experience central nervous symptoms after a period of abstinence, such as frequent feeling of dizziness, numbness in hands and feet, and even convulsions, tremors and other symptoms.

The reason for this is that in the process of abstinence, the central nervous system will lose the inhibitory effect of alcohol, produce cerebral cortex at the same time, but also promote the β-1 adrenaline secretion of a large number, resulting in excessive nervous excitement.

Although some addicts can eat normally, they often have nausea and vomiting, which is what is called alcohol abstinence syndrome in the clinic.

Remind alcoholics: If these two manifestations occur when quitting alcohol, it means that alcohol addiction is very large and needs to be consulted in time

In addition to the above two symptoms, alcoholics may also have a variety of hallucinations, such as frequently having various strange nightmares accompanied by sleep disturbances, sometimes patients can not even distinguish between dreams and real situations, hallucinations and displays are confused, familiar objects are distorted by the patient, or think that there are non-real objects in life.

If after quitting drinking, there are several abnormal manifestations above, it means that you have become addicted to alcohol, or even reached the point of alcohol dependence. In this case, in order to ensure the success of one-time abstinence from alcohol, the patient should seek medical treatment for relevant information at the first time, and then adjust according to the doctor's recommendations, and if necessary, take medication to completely get rid of alcohol control.

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