
Which is the most harmful, alcohol addiction, smoking addiction, or sex addiction? Which middle-aged men should quit in order to live longer?

This question is very interesting, what once "addicted", it may bring harm, whether it is smoking addiction, alcohol addiction, or sex addiction, it is possible to adversely affect our physical health, if we measure from the perspective of health, for tobacco, alcohol, sex these three problems, is a lot of middle-aged men can not escape the 3 problems, and if it is for their own health and longevity, what should be quit, if let me arrange for the 3, that is: should quit smoking addiction, control alcohol addiction, moderately maintain husband and wife life.

Which is the most harmful, alcohol addiction, smoking addiction, or sex addiction? Which middle-aged men should quit in order to live longer?

Smoking is harmful to health

There are often friends who take some old life stars who have smoked all their lives to refute the advice about "quitting smoking", but when you refute them, should you consider whether you have the "physique" of old life stars? Whether we can live a long life is related to many factors, genetic factors, external environmental factors, and our own life experience, which may affect our life expectancy, but the only thing we can control is that we can change some habits that may affect health. Therefore, than do not compare with others, must be compared with myself, if I quit smoking, can bring more health benefits, can help our subsequent health and longevity, is it not quit smoking this thing, it is worth doing?

Which is the most harmful, alcohol addiction, smoking addiction, or sex addiction? Which middle-aged men should quit in order to live longer?

Smoking is harmful to health, is a scientific consensus, tar in tobacco, nicotine and other harmful substances, for physical health will bring many aspects of impact, especially lung health, cardiovascular health, brain health, etc., long-term smoking will bring harm, not only will affect the health of smokers, smokers around passive inhalation of second-hand smoke people, will also be affected, about the specific harm of smoking, there will be no more elaboration, but if we can quit smoking, the body's self-repair ability will gradually appear, The health benefits are gradually revealed, and the diseases associated with it reduce a risk factor.

Which is the most harmful, alcohol addiction, smoking addiction, or sex addiction? Which middle-aged men should quit in order to live longer?

It should be noted that smoking cessation is not so simple as suddenly not smoking, for friends with larger addiction and a large amount of smoking, suddenly and completely quitting smoking may bring some short-term discomfort or withdrawal symptoms, or should be under the guidance of professionals, step by step quit smoking, may be safer, but also better able to adhere to, to avoid smoking cessation failure.

Long-term heavy alcohol consumption is not advisable

"Friends come and there is good wine", friends get together, family reunions, no wine is our tradition of Chinese, when drinking until slightly drunk, the atmosphere will be more elevated, therefore, for many friends, how can you not drink? But I still want to remind everyone that drinking is pleasant, drinking heavily hurts the body.

Which is the most harmful, alcohol addiction, smoking addiction, or sex addiction? Which middle-aged men should quit in order to live longer?

For alcohol, although some authoritative foreign medical journals have published articles saying that even a small amount of alcohol can be harmful to health. But for the results of this kind of big data research, we should still look at it dialectically, if you love to drink some wine, you can control it, drink moderately, minimize the frequency, drink the amount of alcohol can also be controlled, occasionally drink a little, the impact on health may not be too large.

But if it is already formed "alcohol addiction", every drink must be drunk, every drink must be drunk, a day without drinking is uncomfortable, then it should really pay more attention, the harm of long-term large amount of alcohol, not less than smoking, alcoholic cirrhosis, long-term heavy drinking caused by liver cancer, digestive tract cancer risk increased, long-term heavy drinking will also affect heart health, increase the risk of heart failure, if there is really the above these health problems, I believe that no one is willing to face.

Which is the most harmful, alcohol addiction, smoking addiction, or sex addiction? Which middle-aged men should quit in order to live longer?

These hazards brought about by a lot of drinking are often gradual, alcohol addiction is also caused by the long-term drinking process, if there is no drinking to feel like drinking, even do not drink will appear hand shaking, attention to concentration and other symptoms, it is more necessary to pay more attention, to overcome alcohol addiction, the need for a certain degree of self-control, reasonable restriction of drinking is more conducive to health, if you want to achieve health and longevity in the middle and old age, reasonable control of the amount of alcohol, as little as possible is also very necessary.

Moderate couple life, good for health

As the saying goes: "a knife on the head of the color word", excessive indulgence is of course undesirable, the same will also bring excessive consumption of the body, and even bring health risks, some friends play life, indulgence, in addition to may cause excessive consumption of the body, there may be an increase in the risk of the spread of related diseases, if because of the "sex addiction" that can not be quit, and lead to the body infected with AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, it is really not worth it.

Which is the most harmful, alcohol addiction, smoking addiction, or sex addiction? Which middle-aged men should quit in order to live longer?

For normal couples, people to middle age, or even old age, there is no need to "quit color", normal and harmonious husband and wife life, help to relieve stress, enhance their own immunity, promote family harmony, maintain healthy and good sleep, can bring benefits from many aspects, therefore, middle-aged and elderly people, moderately maintain a healthy husband and wife life, not only will not damage physical health, but will be conducive to the health of the aging process.

The so-called quitting "sex addiction" is sometimes a kind of heart demon, quitting the temptation of the outside world in the heart, keeping to their own heart, loving the family, and maintaining loyalty to their partners, which is a healthy mentality in itself and will also bring us a healthy body.

About the smoking addiction, alcohol addiction, sex addiction of those things, today and talk to you here, for the above 3 issues, what views and opinions do you have, also welcome to leave a message below, we can continue to explore.

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