
Babies within 3 years old have the following performance, which means that the brain is developing well, and your baby is all in the middle

Eugenics, we all want to have a healthy, smart child. When the baby is born, is he developing normally and intelligently? For babies under three years old, we can observe whether the baby's brain development is good through his performance.

One hundred days is the first node to observe the baby's development

A friend's daughter, when we went to give her a hundred days, her mother said: "This child is now angry, only I hold it and don't cry, others cry when they hug it, only know tired mother."

Babies within 3 years old have the following performance, which means that the brain is developing well, and your baby is all in the middle

I congratulated my mother, saying that she had a smart child. 100 days, only a little more than three months old, the child already knows to recognize the birth, which shows that the baby is willing to be with the mother by listening to the mother's voice, discerning the mother's smell and appearance.

The baby's brain and body development will have a regularity, so the baby within 3 months can be judged by these points.

The first is the development of the child's big movements, about three months old, put him on the bed or on the ground, the arm can support the body, the baby's head can be slightly raised.

Babies within 3 years old have the following performance, which means that the brain is developing well, and your baby is all in the middle

Secondly, the development of fine movements, the baby's hands can already do more delicate movements, such as holding a toy in the hand, which shows that the baby's brain development is good.

Finally, the baby can already recognize people at this age, will make a clear laugh at the person he likes, and will cry and resist the person he does not like. This is also a manifestation that the baby's brain can think, indicating that he is smarter.

As the saying goes, three months to lie, six months to sit. By the time your baby is six months old, you can sit and play by yourself. When the baby is six months old, we observe the baby, and if he has these performances, it means that he is very smart.

A six-month-old baby can distinguish between family members

Baby from only rely on the mother, acquaintances and raw people have a better distinction, with the development of children's memory and cognitive ability, if the baby can distinguish between father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, who is, it means that his brain is well developed, is a smart child.

Movement and brain development are closely related, our child after six months, if you can sit alone, it means that his brain can control the body very well, well developed.

Babies within 3 years old have the following performance, which means that the brain is developing well, and your baby is all in the middle

After the baby is six months old, we can assist the child to do more limb movements, such as jumping and vacating, etc., to promote the development of the baby's brain development and limb coordination.

Your baby's language skills begin to develop and they can "talk".

After six months, with the development of the central nervous system of the language, the baby can make a "babbling" sound to express his inner emotions. You can pronounce relatively simple syllables, such as "Mom", which shows that your baby's imitation ability and language expression ability are well developed. Although the baby can't speak yet, parents should also communicate with the baby more, which can also promote the baby's brain development.

Babies within 3 years old have the following performance, which means that the brain is developing well, and your baby is all in the middle

In the blink of an eye, the baby is one year old, which is the first important birthday in life. On this important birthday, the baby's development is also a milestone and has important commemorative significance.

A one-year-old baby, with rapid development of fine motor movements, began to "wreak havoc" at home.

Most one-year-old babies can communicate with their families simply in language. And you can also walk independently in terms of action. Some of the smarter children have begun to explore the world in a special way, such as tearing paper and destroying, and playing with building blocks.

Babies within 3 years old have the following performance, which means that the brain is developing well, and your baby is all in the middle

Children like to tear paper, like to play with building blocks, these are the better manifestations of fine motor development, and children are very focused when doing these things. When we take the child, we can create some such opportunities for the child, give the child something safe, let him "sabotage", develop his fine movements and cultivate concentration.

Two-year-olds begin to become selfish and also a manifestation of intelligence.

We parents with children will find that when the child is one year old, the food will be generously given to others to eat, and the things to play are willing to share. However, as children grow up, they become more and more "cutting doors".

Now many parents pay great attention to the cultivation of their children's emotional intelligence, hoping that children can learn to share and have a good interpersonal relationship. However, babies around two years old can be forgiven if they are selfish, which is a sign of their cleverness.

Babies within 3 years old have the following performance, which means that the brain is developing well, and your baby is all in the middle

After the age of two, with the development of the brain, the child will enter the sensitive period of property rights. They cherish their own things and are reluctant to share them with others. Children's strong sense of property rights also shows that they have a strong sense of belonging, more clearly confirm their connection with the surrounding things, and are a relatively intelligent child.

Therefore, at this stage, whether the child is willing to share or not, we can follow the child's wishes, do not force the child to share, and destroy the child's sense of belonging and self-protection.

The baby is three years old, about to go to kindergarten, likes to scribble and draw, and is a smart child.

In the kindergarten baby class, the children have their own exclusive brush boxes, and some of them can already use their own paintings to express familiar things such as people, trees, flowers, houses, etc. No matter how well they draw, babies love the drawing class.

Babies within 3 years old have the following performance, which means that the brain is developing well, and your baby is all in the middle

Some babies are at home, like to scribble on the wall and floor, and parents are also very distressed. Children use paintbrushes to draw various patterns to express their inner emotions, which is a rich expression of children's imagination, and parents can prepare a graffiti wall for the baby so that he can play freely.

Children's growth, each stage brings us different surprises, let the child grow according to their own laws, will harvest full of happiness.

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