
Rumor: Ubisoft is developing a new third-person shooter code-named Pathfinder

Tom Henderson, a well-known source, revealed today that three sources confirm that Ubisoft is currently working on a new third-person shooter, code-named Pathfinder, and it is unclear whether this is the official title of the game, other points are as follows (with "Super Hunter City"):

Rumor: Ubisoft is developing a new third-person shooter code-named Pathfinder

· Judging from the screenshots and videos provided by anonymous sources, "Pathfinder" has a similar image design to "Super Hunter City", but the former is more cartoonish

· Pathfinder is a different attempt at chicken-eating games, in which a team of four players enters the map in an attempt to discover the route to the center of the map, eventually fighting the AI Boss

· The map consists of interior and exterior walls, and players need to walk through two walls, and each game generates multiple gates that can be breached or locked, so that the forward route of each round will be different

· In order to reach the center of the map, players need to fight AI enemies, improve upgrades and become stronger. The closer you get to the center of the map, the more powerful the AI enemies become. It is speculated that this game may be a PVPVE game, and AI will not be the only enemy of the player

· Player characters are called "heroes", and each hero has unique abilities. The game will also include a central area, similar to the Tower of Destiny, where players can use the shooting training ground, participate in events, drive vehicle races, visit shops, and more

Tom Henderson also mentioned that the game's development is still in a very early stage, but it seems to have a unique charm that has been lacking in Ubisoft games over the past few years.

Rumor: Ubisoft is developing a new third-person shooter code-named Pathfinder

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