
He is only 76 centimeters tall, the doctor said that he will not live to be 30 years old, and now he is 52 years old and is cared for by his 70-year-old mother

In June 1970, in Luzhou, Sichuan, Cheng Fuxiu gave birth to a baby boy for her husband, and the whole family was very happy and named him Huang Quankai.

By the time Huang Quankai was 3 years old, his family felt something was wrong, his height was still stuck at 1 and a half years old, even his parents would not bark, and some wrinkles appeared on his face.

His parents sold food and took him to a nearby hospital for examination, but the doctors didn't see anything wrong, so they had to go back to life.

He is only 76 centimeters tall, the doctor said that he will not live to be 30 years old, and now he is 52 years old and is cared for by his 70-year-old mother

Slowly, the adults and children in the village all saw that Huang Quankai had a problem, and many children took him as a monster and gave him a nickname called "Dwarf Brother".

Many people persuade Cheng Fuxiu to throw it away while the child is small, such a child is also a burden when he grows up, but it is the meat that fell from his body, where Cheng Fuxiu is willing to give.

But raising such a child is not easy, once, it was difficult to have a few children agreed to take him to play together, the result was just out to play for a little while, Huang Quankai cried and ran home, a piece of purple on his body, asked him who made it, he would not say, asked him where it hurt, he just cried, helplessly Cheng Fuxiu could only hold him and cry together.

The beating is still light, Cheng Fuxiu can not stand the most is the child is insulted, some children take unknown drinks to Huang Quankai to drink, Huang Quankai does not understand anything, take it and drink, Cheng Fuxiu saw that moment, the heart is like being pricked by a needle.

The leak in the house happened to rain overnight, Huang Quankai was 6 years old, the father died of illness, the eldest daughter was 8 years old, the younger daughter was less than 2 years old, three children and a mother, all persuaded Cheng Fuxiu to remarry, but the children were either small or stupid, married to who could not look at people's faces, marry who the child was not guilty, so it was decided to take the child with himself no matter how difficult it was.

He is only 76 centimeters tall, the doctor said that he will not live to be 30 years old, and now he is 52 years old and is cared for by his 70-year-old mother

In order to support his 3 children, Cheng Fuxiu began to grow vegetables and sell vegetables.

Once, when he went to sell vegetables, the weather was bad, and Cheng Fuxiu asked his eldest daughter to take her younger siblings to the uncle's house and wait for her to come back to pick them up after selling vegetables.

It rained heavily that day, and when Cheng Fuxiu arrived home, it was already dark, and after entering the door, he found three children cowering in the corner, saw his mother come back crying and running over to hug, it turned out that it was time to eat, the uncle did not prepare their meals, the three children came back by themselves, lightning and thunder scared them to shrink together, waiting for their mother to come back.

After saving some money, the mother took Huang Quan to the big hospital, and the doctor said after examination that he had missed the best treatment period and did not live to be 30 years old.

By the time Huang Quankai was 25 years old, his sister and sister were married, leaving him and his mother alone.

One day, a circus owner came to the house and said that he wanted Huang Quankai to perform in the circus, and he had a salary of several hundred yuan a month.

Cheng Fuxiu knew that the child was a clown when he went, but as soon as he was old, he also had to think about his future, so he packed up his things and took Huang Quankai with the circus owner.

He is only 76 centimeters tall, the doctor said that he will not live to be 30 years old, and now he is 52 years old and is cared for by his 70-year-old mother

This is 12 years, on the stage, as Cheng Fuxiu imagined, everyone likes to watch Huang Quankai, just because he is short and old, when a clown looks, she can only endure for the sake of her son's livelihood.

But offstage, everyone still took him for fun, once, I don't know who had a sudden idea, stuffed a cigarette for Huang Quan, and helped him light it up, watching a two-year-old child smoking, a group of people laughed, Cheng Fuxiu rushed forward to grab it, Huang Quankai cried, beat his mother, and went to his mother's hand to grab the cigarette.

Since then, Huang Quankai often avoided his mother's smoking, and later simply smoked in front of his mother, who could not control it, so he had to buy him a cigarette.

Huang Quankai is not only addicted to smoking, but also likes to smoke good cigarettes, and a good pack of cigarettes every day makes his already thin body worse and worse. In addition, his mother was getting older and older, and her health was not as good as before, so she had to take him back to the village and pick up the old business of selling vegetables.

He is only 76 centimeters tall, the doctor said that he will not live to be 30 years old, and now he is 52 years old and is cared for by his 70-year-old mother

Every time Cheng Fuxiu went to sell vegetables, Huang Quankai performed the magic he learned in the circus next to him, attracting many people to buy vegetables and helping the family earn some more income.

Coupled with the minimum guarantee, the livelihood of two people is no problem. However, Huang Quankai smoked every day, his body was getting worse and worse, the folds on his face were more and more, he looked like a little old man, Cheng Fuxiu himself was old, his thoughts were getting heavier and heavier, and he often put his hand on his son's nose in the middle of the night to try whether he could breathe. After all, the son has lived many years longer than the doctor predicted.

She was worried about her son's sudden departure, and she was even more worried that she would walk in front of her son, so that his son would have less to rely on.

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