
Is there a gender mystery on the B ultrasound examination report?

Is there a gender mystery on the B ultrasound examination report?

I often hear some legends of the difference between boys and girls conceived during pregnancy according to experience, which are vivid and vivid, have noses and eyes, and many people really believe it. For example, the legend goes: pregnant girls will like to eat spicy, the skin will become better and more beautiful, and the belly is round. And pregnant boys will like to eat acid, will become ugly, the skin will become black, fetal movement will be more obvious, the placenta is on the front wall, the stomach is pointed. In fact, this is just a legend, but also a pastime after tea and dinner, without any scientific basis.

Is there a gender mystery on the B ultrasound examination report?

The pregnancy response of the pregnant woman's body after pregnancy, even if the sex of the first and second children is the same, is often different during pregnancy. Different gestational responses are not related to the sex of the fetus, but only to the age, constitution and level of hormone secretion of the pregnant woman.

The sex of the fetus is determined by the sex chromosomes, the mother provides the X chromosome, when the father provides the X chromosome, the pregnant girl is pregnant; when the father provides the Y chromosome, the pregnancy is the boy. That is to say, the fetal chromosome is xx, that is, the girl, the chromosome is xy, is the boy. At the moment the fertilized egg is formed, the sex of the fetus is determined.

Is there a gender mystery on the B ultrasound examination report?

After pregnancy, there were no differences in the reaction of early pregnancy, the value of progesterone tested, the value of chorionic gonadotropin (hcg), the value of estradiol, and the morphology of the gestational sac. For pregnant women, there is no difference between carrying a boy and a girl, whether it is a boy or a girl, the reaction that should occur will appear.

There are also often some pregnant mothers and family members, after getting the examination form, repeated research, such as the shape of the pregnancy sac, the location of the placenta, how much amniotic fluid, double top diameter, etc., think that these data have mysteries. In fact, after 14 weeks of pregnancy, the B ultrasound examination can distinguish the sex of the fetus, but the state has laws and regulations that prohibit the sex identification of the fetus for non-medical reasons during pregnancy. Therefore, after pregnant women do B ultrasound examination, all the text, pictures, and data on the B ultrasound examination report sheet will not have a hint about the sex of the fetus.

Don't think too much!

Is there a gender mystery on the B ultrasound examination report?

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