
Leave the child with the golden mountain and silver mountain, it is better to let him develop these 7 good habits!

Leave the child with the golden mountain and silver mountain, it is better to let him develop these 7 good habits!

Xiao Hongjieyi


Tags: parenting

Category: Homeschooling

Leave the child with the golden mountain and silver mountain, it is better to let him develop these 7 good habits!

When I was a child, I heard a story that three fathers often went to the temple to pray for their son' blessing, and the bodhisattva was touched by the days. One day they were invited by the bodhisattva at the same time, allowing them to choose one of the many treasures and return to give it to their son.

The first father picked out a silver bowl studded with precious stones,

The second father picked out a carriage full of gold,

The third father picked out a bow and arrow cast in iron.

The son who got the silver bowl was keen to eat and drink every day,

The son who got the golden carriage likes to brag in the street market,

The son who has a bow and arrow hunts in the mountains all day.

Years later, three fathers died.

The son who loves to eat and drink sits in the mountains and eats the mountain, cuts down the jewels on the bowl and sells them, and finally has to beg for food with a silver bowl in his hand;

The swaggering son peels some gold from the golden carriage every day and exchanges it for grain to live a hard life;

The son who can hunt has practiced a good hunting kung fu, often carrying the prey back, and the family has food and clothing.

The moral of this folktale is simple and profound: as parents, it is unreliable if we leave our children with only some expendable wealth; only by leaving some productive, creative wealth to our children is we truly responsible for them.

So today, what are the gifts we can give to our children to ensure their happiness and health for a lifetime?

Gift one: Do things with a plan

Only those who do things with a plan will win trust and will not temporarily cling to their feet.

Some children are a mess before each exam, half-hearted when doing homework, often can't find socks when they get up in the morning to go to school, and pocket money is spent less than the end of the month...

When a child has a bad problem in this regard, parents must teach him the importance of planning.

Let your child sort out the next day's schedule before going to bed, and let your child copy it on a sticky note for easy execution. Develop this good habit and your child will definitely benefit for life!

Gift Two: Be reasonable and be kind to others

Everyone is willing to face a smiling face.

Smiling people are always sincere, friendly, tolerant and generous, and they will be welcome people everywhere they go.

Parents should teach their children to be polite, such as saying "hello", "thank you", "sorry" in daily life, and using "please help me" when asking others for help. All right? "The sentence form, usually more concerned about others ...

In the long run, children will reap more meaningful life wealth than politeness.

There is a story that a child will take the initiative to greet the grandfather who guards the door every day when he goes to school. No other child behaved like this, which impressed Grandpa with him. One day the class bell rang, and grandpa didn't wait for the child, and he couldn't help but be a little worried. Just as the old man came to the intersection to look at it, he happened to see a man pulling at the child, trying to drag him into the van. The old man rushed over, stopped the bad guy's behavior, and rescued the child. It is conceivable that it is the child's usual polite behavior towards the grandfather that saves his life!

Gift Three: Do your own thing

Many parents are afraid that if they leave things to their children, their children will mess up, but who is not confused when doing things for the first time?

Give him more opportunities to try, and slowly, you will find that your child's abilities are beyond your imagination! Please let your child develop the good habit of "doing your own thing".

Before the child learns to take care of himself, what parents have to do is to let go.

Especially after the child enters the elementary school, get up, fold the quilt, tidy up the room, pack the school bag, etc. These things should not be arranged for the child.

Parents can hold "small ceremonies" for their children to celebrate their children's growth, and then remind children: "You are now walking into primary school, you are already a small adult, and you will do your own things in the future, and your parents believe that you can do a good job." ”

Gift Four: Other people's things cannot be taken

Help children establish a sense of property rights and distinguish between themselves and others. Tell the child: "Your own things can be at your disposal, but other people's things cannot be taken." If you want to take other people's things, you must ask for the consent of others, you can't take them secretly, and you can't grab them openly. ”

Some children will secretly take adults' money to buy things, and when they see other classmates' toys, children may "handily" take them home.

This is precisely because the child has no sense of property rights, and parents must help the child to take responsibility.

When your child likes to take other people's things, do not easily define the child as a thief, please help him distinguish first: whether the object is private or public. For private objects, it is not allowed to touch them; for public goods, where to take them from where they should be put back, who gets them first and who uses them first, and those who come later must learn to wait.

Gift Five: Keep the time

Reasonable living arrangements and regular schedules can enhance children's sense of order, establish a concept of time, and improve work efficiency.

But getting children to learn to be punctual is not an easy task.

While parents lead by example, they can try to put the initiative in the hands of their children: "Turn off the TV after 10 minutes to do your homework", "Sleep for another 20 minutes and then get up".

Slowly, children will not make all kinds of excuses for being lazy.

Gift Six: Keep a humble heart

Learn to discover the strengths of others and learn from them. Tell the child, "Everyone has their own shining point, we should think from the shining point of others, can we do this ourselves?" At this time, it is extremely necessary to maintain a humble heart.

There was once a child who did not dare to raise his hand to answer a question, but he had the courage to speak at the same table and was often praised by the teacher.

The child listened to his mother's words and asked the table for "secrets", and the table generously told him: "It doesn't matter if you say it wrong anyway, the teacher will not blame us." It is this sentence that opens the child's heart, and slowly, the child also follows the same table to take the initiative to answer the question, and it is this momentum that the child's performance has improved, and the personality has become more and more cheerful.

Gift Seven: Reflect on yourself in your mistakes

Children do wrong things in life, in learning to do wrong problems is a common thing, how to do the next not as an example, which requires children to be able to reflect on their mistakes, so as to completely correct it.

When a child does something wrong, Mom and Dad please don't patronize and blame him, you may wish to ask: "Do you know where you did something wrong?" After the child answered, he seriously agreed with the child: "Then next time we remember this lesson and don't make any more mistakes?" "For learning, children who know how to reflect can summarize in time, check for omissions and fill in the gaps, and greatly reduce the chance of mistakes reappearing." In the long run, this can "stitch" the knowledge loopholes and lay a solid foundation for the child's discipline.

As parents, we must remember that instead of leaving a million family fortunes for our children, we should help our children develop good habits from an early age. One more good habit, the child will have more self-confidence; the more good habit, the child will have more chances of success; the more good habits, the more children will have the ability to enjoy a good life.

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