
Women who can make men love for a lifetime: often very "selfish"

Women who can make men love for a lifetime: often very "selfish"


01. Preface

Good love, like a bee loves a butterfly, a sunflower always chases the sun, a fish can't leave the river, and the birds are always attached to the sky. Two people together, dependent on each other, appreciative of each other, attracted to each other.

When managing love, smart women know how to use the "law of attraction" to make men love to the bone.

What is attractiveness?

Everyone has different ways of living, different ideals, and different living habits between people. When we first fell in love, we were always attracted to her positivity, beauty, and positive energy.

Attraction is the temperament that comes from one person's own strengths or weaknesses, and the temperament that emanates from it, like a light, confuses the heart and eyes of another person.

Love, by attraction, the more attractive a woman is, the more men will cherish her with their hearts.

Women want to get true love, can not rely on blindly paying, not blindly chasing behind men. It's about learning to be "selfish."

Su Qian said: "It is better to please men than to please yourself." A woman who only pleases herself is destined to fall for the world. ”

Women, live a "selfish" life, men will be more fond of you.

Women who can make men love for a lifetime: often very "selfish"

02, "selfish" women, know how to invest in themselves

In life, everyone is the most special existence in this world. Truly excellent women, often a little "selfish" and good at investing in themselves.

Know how to invest in yourself and make yourself better, in order to emit warmth like light.

Shanshan in "Shanshan is coming" seems to be ignorant, but for love, she has principles and bottom lines.

At first, she always felt that she was standing next to Feng Teng, very inferior, very unconfident, and she felt that she was not worthy of a big boss.

However, she did not give up her love, nor did she humbly please, but to improve her academic qualifications, learn new skills, learn how to communicate in various situations, learn to dance, and make herself more excellent.

The change in Shanshan made Feng Teng feel that his heart was about to melt.

Such a firm, persistent and excellent girl, no wealth and status, but firmly intended to maintain love, which made him very moved.

As Sugi grows, she becomes more and more in tune with his pace, and he loves her more deeply.

Truly intelligent women, on the road of love, never excessively please men, but know how to invest in themselves "selfishly".

Women who know how to invest in themselves will make themselves more and more beautiful.

Investing in yourself will have more confidence. Only by making yourself better will there be more brilliant colors in your life.

A woman, the more she knows how to spend time and energy shaping herself, the easier it is to attract a man's sincerity.

Women who can make men love for a lifetime: often very "selfish"

03, "selfish" women, know how to love themselves

People live in the world, "selfish", learn to love themselves, will live a vibrant, more confident.

The Fragment of the Star reads: "No matter what, it is always unforgivable for a person to fall through the cause, and the more no one loves, the more he must love himself." ”

Women, on the road to love, don't always want to find a backer for yourself. Anyone who can become a void, anyone you feel deeply in love with, may quietly leave at some point.

There are many things that people encounter in this life, and no one is obliged to always put you in the first place.

Only yourself, love your body well, enrich your spirit, and resist the wind and rain in the best state is the wisest choice.

On the road of life, no matter what kind of situation you encounter, please love yourself.

Love yourself, use some money and time to make yourself better and make yourself more confident.

Love life with your heart and embrace the beauty of this world. Keep a good mindset and meet life's challenges with ease.

The better a woman's mentality, the more light will be in her eyes, and her body will emit a different temperament. The more a woman knows how to love herself, the more men will cherish her.

Women who can make men love for a lifetime: often very "selfish"

04, "selfish" women, good at planning for themselves

Life, there will always be a variety of unexpected situations. Learn to plan for yourself in order to better meet the wind and rain.

At any time, women should live a little "selfish" and plan for their own lives. Consider not only what kind of growth and gains will be in the future, but also what risks are likely to occur.

Plan well, on the one hand, to make yourself more targeted growth, on the other hand, to better avoid life risks.

On the road of life, the real reliable one is still oneself. Although there are thorns in life, only your own independent and planned life can live more calmly.

Plan your life and let yourself be in control of your own destiny.

No matter how much life is lived, after many tests, you can still live independently and confidently. Plan more for yourself and leave yourself a way back in everything.

Live a little "selfish", plan your life, strengthen yourself, do not seek people in everything, live calmly and confidently.

Self-loving, self-reliant, self-reliant women are often more attractive.

Women who can make men love for a lifetime: often very "selfish"

05. Summary

In this world, women who can really make men love for a lifetime are often very "selfish".

It is a happy thing to have someone to love, and falling in love with someone is also a wonderful experience in life. No matter how much you love a man, don't give up on yourself, don't blindly give up, don't easily give everything for whom.

The best way to manage love is to manage your life with your heart first.

No matter how much a man loves you, women should understand that only by running themselves well will they be respected and loved for a long time.

Women, running themselves well, making themselves strong and attractive, will make men appreciate her from the bottom of their hearts and cherish her.

Women, live a little "selfish", take some time to think more about yourself, invest more in yourself.

The better a woman is, the more men will love you.


Author: Xia Mo, a cutting-edge emotional tutor, a psychologist, a popular emotional writer with more than 1 billion people on the Internet, a happy woman manager, who has focused on emotions, gender, and mother-in-law and daughter-in-law for more than ten years.

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