
Why does such a cute child develop autism (autism)?

Why does such a cute child develop autism (autism)?

Children with autism are very different from many other children with the disease. It is that they do not have any problems in appearance, and even have many children, very cute and pleasing. However, after a period of close contact, problems may be discovered. Because most children with autism have problems with communication, social skills, attention and cognitive skills.

However, there are some misconceptions about children with autism in society, such as:

Children with autism are parents who have not raised well?

Are children with autism the mentally ill who have not grown up?

Autistic children are introverts, personality problems, grow up?

Is autism genetic?

In order to clarify these misconceptions, it is necessary to introduce today the causes of autism.

Why children will suffer from autism (autism), although the current scientific research has not really cracked the mechanism of pathogenesis, but with the development of medical imaging technology, testing technology, and brain neuroscience, scientists have made unremitting efforts to basically clarify the following five aspects of autistic children, and the next step is to find some common scientific evidence to truly solve the causes of autistic children.

1. Structural and functional development of the brain

2. Neurotransmitter problems in the brain

3. Immune system problems

4. Genetic problems

5. Problems during pregnancy

Let's talk in detail about these five aspects.

Why does such a cute child develop autism (autism)?

First, the structure and function of the brain development problems

At present, a large amount of imaging evidence has found that there are certain problems with the brain structure and function of children with autism.

1. Children with autism have certain cerebellar dysplasia, brainstem and other parts of the structure shrinkage, while the overall brain volume increases.

2. Children with autism have excessive brain growth in early childhood of 1-3 years old, and after that, brain growth becomes slower, and the brain volume gradually decreases to normal by the age of 6 to 8 years.

3. According to clinical statistics and imaging data analysis, children with autism have weak brain function and even dysfunction when performing listening and language tasks, simple social tasks, facial expression neural processing, etc.

4. There are also certain problems in the conduction and development of brain nerve cells.

That is to say, autistic children are in fact having certain brain development problems, not purely mental or psychological problems, and not simply the problem of children being wrongly reared for a long time.

Second, neurotransmitter problems in the brain

Various clinical biochemical examinations have found that about one-third of children with autism have an increase in serotonin in their blood, and this phenomenon is also present in the children's relatives.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, which is closely related to children's brain development, has the effect of nourishing brain nerves, but also has a certain immunomodulatory effect, which will lead to defects in neuronal connections, and long-term effects can easily lead to brain development disorders and behavioral abnormalities in children.

At the same time, scientists are also exploring the effects of neurotransmitters - "dopamine" and oxytocin on children with autism, but because there is little scientific evidence, further research is needed.

Third, immune system problems

According to previous studies, some children with autism have immune system problems, mainly abnormal phenomena such as immune cells - T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes, complement C4B protein, etc.

At the same time, there is evidence of long-term progressive neuroinflammation in the brain of children with autism, and the immune factors and inflammatory factors in the brain have been increased to varying degrees. Therefore, some scholars have proposed that the brain neurodevelopment problems that may be caused by neuroinflammation in the brain lead to the occurrence of autism.

Fourth, the problem of genetic inheritance

Since the discovery of autism, scientists have carried out genealogical surveys and cytogenetic studies of children with autism, including later genetic studies.

Twins who pass through identical twins are more likely to develop autism at the same time than identical twins.

Cytogenetics has also found that relevant genetic and chromosomal abnormalities are associated with autism. And these abnormal genes can cause abnormal brain development.

Therefore, scientists believe that the occurrence of autism is the result of a combination of genes.

5. Problems during pregnancy

Current research has found that adverse effects during a mother's pregnancy can lead to the onset of autism. Including: advanced maternal age, maternal age during pregnancy, maternal age is too high, there is a history of threatened miscarriage, viral infection, smoking, taking certain drugs, meconium contamination with amniotic fluid, fetal abnormalities, emotional instability, intrauterine distress and dystocia or preterm birth at birth, birth asphyxia, low birth weight, etc., are all unfavorable factors during pregnancy. But specific scientific evidence has yet to be discovered.

Therefore, the current mainstream view is that the occurrence of autism is mainly caused by abnormal brain development in children, and the result of immunity, genetics, neurotransmitters, pregnancy and childbirth conditions and other factors.

In general, the treatment of children with autism, so that early detection, early diagnosis, early detection, early intervention, early treatment is the key, which can alleviate children's brain development abnormalities.

When children with autism receive adequate support, education, and treatment, their condition can improve to the greatest extent possible. It is possible to return to the level of a normal child and even achieve extraordinary life achievements.

At the same time, it is also hoped that scientists will find the exact cause of autism as soon as possible, find a cure or preventive treatment measures for autism, and bring hope and happiness to the majority of autistic families.

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Why does such a cute child develop autism (autism)?

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