
How to distinguish between good friends and bad friends in the first grade

Junior high school students are in a critical period of drastic changes in physiology and psychology, from dependence to desire for independence, docile to stubborn and competitive, from liking parents to liking peers, they are in the diversion period of life, what kind of friends they have around, maybe he will become what kind of person. As parents, at this stage, we need to teach our children some ways to identify friends.

How to distinguish between good friends and bad friends in the first grade

The criteria for distinguishing between good friends and bad friends

Good friends generally have healthy and positive hobbies and interests, and pursue positive goals, such as liking to read, sports, etc.; Bad friends have a negative and decadent attitude towards life, and their hobbies are relatively vulgar, such as smoking, drinking, gambling, etc.

Good friends know how to respect you and never force you to do things you don't like to do; Bad friends won't respect you, they won't consider your feelings when making decisions, and they'll even threaten you. He will not always be considerate of you, and when he is unhappy and cynical, you will be the first victim.

Good friends will always trust you and will give you positive support and encouragement for your decisions; Bad friends are always suspicious of you, always talking about your decisions, and even "pouring cold water".

Good friends generally have good moral qualities, such as honesty, kindness, selflessness, generosity, helpfulness, etc.; Bad friends have poor moral character, often lie, come up with evil ideas, and even teach you to lie to your parents. Bad friends are selfish and stingy and unwilling to help others.

Good friends will point out your shortcomings and deficiencies in person and help you correct them; Bad friends only say good things about you to your face, flatter you in front of you, and slander you behind your back.

Good friends know that each other will have a circle of friends, so they will not talk about this when they spend time together, but bad friends do not like your other friends, so they can only spend time with him. Good friends will know the importance of private time and will not disturb you when they are fine, but bad friends will be different, he will enter your life and even occupy your time, and even encourage other playmates not to be friends with you.

Good friends will feel happy for you because of your success, and share all the pleasant and unpleasant things with you, but bad friends will see that you are successful because they can't see others being good, and will count you down in their hearts, and even say negative words like "See how long you can be better".

Good friends will accept the changes in you, maybe habits or interests, but bad friends will want to control you, and they feel good before they need to change, otherwise everything must be based on me.

Good friends will communicate with you in good faith, but bad friends always want you to know that "I will always be right"

Good friends will think of each other, and they will share the benefits generously, but bad friends always want to get benefits from you and find opportunities to take advantage of you.

Good friends will accompany you when you need to, encourage you, get along with him will be full of positive energy, full of blood resurrection; but bad friends will mercilessly make you up when you are frustrated and sad, and even provoke the relationship with relatives and friends, let you stay away from them, feel that you are full of negative energy.

How to distinguish between good friends and bad friends in the first grade

Telling your child these specific criteria in advance can help your child increase their awareness of identifying bad friends.

As a class teacher, I often deal with the contradictions of some students, and I will also see some children's problems in dating, when the problem comes, it is really tricky and difficult to solve, and it is difficult for children to return to their original innocent selves.

Parents and friends, pay attention to advance reminders, help children identify friends, and solve problems in the bud.

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