
Notes on Earth 丨 Forty-two series

1, two ants meet, just touch each other's tentacles and crawl in the opposite direction. After climbing for a long time, I suddenly felt regret. In such a vast space-time, such a small kind of person meets unexpectedly, but we have not hugged each other.

Yes, there should be no more such regrets. But with the new development of space, our size has become even smaller, when can we still meet a few ants that can touch the tentacles?

——Yu Qiuyu

(We are the ones that suddenly feel sorry for ourselves after climbing for a long time.) )

Notes on Earth 丨 Forty-two series

2. We stand in a mountain pass covered with heavy snow and thick fog, and we can only occasionally glimpse the path that is not necessarily correct. If we stay there and don't move, we'll freeze to death; If you go astray, you will fall to pieces.

We cannot be sure whether there is a correct path.

What should we do?

"Be strong and bold," try to be the best, don't lie, we have to keep our eyes open, our heads held high, and we're going to walk the way we're on, no matter where it leads.

If Death ends everything, we can't do anything about it.

If that's not the case, then walk into the next scene with great husbandly dignity, no matter what it looks like, don't make tongue-in-cheek arguments, and don't hide your true face.

—James Stephen

(This is a quote from the British conservative master James Stephen's "Freedom, Equality, Fraternity".) What I see is the attitude that an "adult" should have towards life. Maybe that's it, and we suddenly understand "conservatism" in an instant. Like, we suddenly understand what true "bravery" is. )

3. Don't let the young people who are full of life rush, scold, curse, be deceived, wrestle, fall... Where do we go to find vitality?

In society, young people are not allowed to make urgent, cheerful, and drastic remarks and actions, and I would like to ask which old man who holds Yingbaotai still has this kind of energy?

What is the point that Gou can make the whole country young and lively and full of vitality, and some of them make a few wild remarks, say a few strong words, and do a little stupid thing that does not know the height of the sky.

--Li Ao

(From his "Thirteen Years and Thirteen Months," I was still in my junior year when I first read it.) )

4, I have never believed in any lazy freedom, I yearn for freedom through diligence and hard work to achieve a broader life, such freedom is precious and valuable. I believe in the law of ten thousand hours, and I have never believed in the inspiration of pie falling from the sky and the achievement of sitting and waiting.

Be a free and self-disciplined person, and live seriously with determination that is bound to be realized.

--Yohji Yamamoto

(People who can have true freedom often have to go through a narrow door and walk a dark path alone.) )

5, thirty years ago in Shanghai, a moonlit night...

We may not have caught up to see the moon thirty years ago. The young man thought that the moon thirty years ago should be a red and yellow wet halo the size of a copper coin, like a teardrop on The Cloud Xuan's letterhead, old and confused. The moon of thirty years ago recalled by the elderly was joyful, larger, rounder, and whiter than the moon in front of him; but looking back at the hard road of thirty years, even the best moon color could not help but be a little desolate.

——Zhang Ailing, "The Golden Lock"

6, when you are old, looking back on your life, you will find: when to go abroad to study, when to decide to do your first career, when to choose a partner and fall in love, when to get married, in fact, are all great changes in fate. It was only at that time that you stood at the fork in the road, saw the storm clouds, and the day you made a choice, in the diary, was quite dull and ordinary, and I thought it was an ordinary day in my life.

--Tao Jie

7) Those who do their utmost to move toward the center, those who strive to move towards the realm of reality, toward perfection, always appear much calmer on the outside than the enthusiastic, for one does not always see their burning flames.

- Hesse

(The fireworks in a person's heart will only be understood by those who have also experienced it.) )

Notes on Earth 丨 Forty-two series

8, do not believe that the world is like this, in the knowing that sometimes must bow their heads, some people will lose, some things are destined not to last long, still have to say, in addition to the thousandth choice, there is a thousand and one possibilities, there is a window waiting for me to open, and then there is light through.

——Wang Xiaobo

9) As many have warned in the past, freedom cannot disappear in public all at once. It is more likely to be eroded bit by bit by some glittering promises and noble ideas.

- Sowell

10, human sorrow and joy are not the same, I only think they are noisy. Every time a person in torn clothes walks by, the dog barks, but in fact, it is not the dog owner's intention or provocation. The dog tends to be harsher than its owner.

--Lu Xun

(Later, you learned that human sorrow and joy are indeed not the same.)

11 You hate those people so much, fight with them for so long, and finally become like them, and there is no ideal in the world worthy of such a sinking price.

- Márquez, "One Hundred Years of Solitude"

(Don't forget what you're here for.) )

12 The beginner's heart is empty, not as bound by various habits as the old man's heart. It is ready to accept, to doubt, and to be open to all possibilities.

--Toshitaka Suzuki

13. Fear of what truth is infinite, and there is an inch of joy in one inch. Even if you drive an old broken car, as long as you are moving forward, occasionally blow a little wind, this is happiness.

- Hu Shi

(This sentence cures anxiety, and the hard-working people are in vain, and there is an inch of joy in the inch.) )

14, young people, see that your duty is to level the land, not to worry about the time. You do the March and April things, and in August and September you have your own answers.

- Yu Shicun

15, there is no accident in the world, that is just the inevitability of wearing makeup and masks.

——Qian Zhongshu,"Man, Ghost, Beast".

16 And look at the doubts of others like a ghost fire, and boldly go on your night path.

- Stetson

17 When your subconscious has not yet entered your consciousness, this is your destiny.

- Jung

18 I have never really seen fire, nor have I ever seen destruction, let alone a new life.

- Acheng

19 The so-called understanding is usually nothing more than the sum of misunderstandings.

- Haruki Murakami

20) Humans can't stand too much truth.

- Yu Hua

21, hello wow, Li Yinhe, it is a pleasure to see you.

(In my opinion, this is the best love story in the world.) )

22. Be born again on the spot.

(I happened to read it online, and I love these four words.) )

Notes on Earth 丨 Forty-two series

Some bootlegs are entrained in the back.

Share some sentences that I wrote myself.

If you like it too, you can tell me in various ways —

Perhaps, the world's feedback rule is that there is no "just right success." We put in a lot more effort than everyone else, and in the end we don't seem to be doing a good job.

Liking is not a privilege, but an ability. We often hear people say, "I like something or something." But what really matters is, how do you face this liking? Whether you have the ability to like, whether you try your best, whether you have the determination to stick to it, whether you have the courage to weigh, choose, and choose.

Have you ever noticed that many things, if you wait too long, are often not what they wanted to be. Even if you get it, you lose your original meaning.

The last thing that can sustain you to go down must be everything you truly love. If you always anchor on others, you will slowly lose the joy of doing things themselves, and it will not last long.

There are many things in this world that must be proved by time, and only by time.

There is nothing to brag about. It's nothing more than understanding some truths and encountering some interesting things.

Don't be afraid. In the abyss, there are deeper places. Just like the other side of the mountain, it is actually a mountain.

Sometimes they laugh because they laugh, and sometimes they laugh because they laugh.

The epiphany after experiencing severe pain is the real epiphany.

You're no longer a kid, and it's worth doing the hard and right things.

Everyone can find a whole set of philosophies to explain why they lack courage.

Attitude itself is part of the answer.


And --

The world may seem boring and boring, but there are many glamorous and enigmatic opportunities.

Beliefs are contagious, don't be afraid to influence others.

▇ Wing said:

I am Wang Yizhi.

In the practice and sharing of honest, clear and open "wing production method".

I believe that these sharing can bring you some "real changes".

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