
Ants in cookies? Customs seized 3 similar cattle ants and ants, and the comment area fryed

author:Hot spot slippers
Ants in cookies? Customs seized 3 similar cattle ants and ants, and the comment area fryed

On the day of work and work, we will lean west to see the hot slippers


Recently, Changsha Post Office Customs seized 3 live ants from an inbound mail. The email was declared as "chocolate chip cookies", but in fact there were 3 test tubes containing ants in the cookies.

[You can watch the video]


After identification, these three ants are similar to cattle ants, and they are alien species that have not yet been distributed in the mainland.

Ants in cookies? Customs seized 3 similar cattle ants and ants, and the comment area fryed

They are extremely aggressive and toxic, and may pose great hidden dangers to continental biodiversity and ecological security.

Ants in cookies? Customs seized 3 similar cattle ants and ants, and the comment area fryed

At present, Changsha Customs has detained the mail in accordance with the law and reminded the public to be vigilant against the illegal introduction of alien species to prevent it from causing harm to the ecological security of the mainland.

Ants in cookies? Customs seized 3 similar cattle ants and ants, and the comment area fryed

In recent years, Changsha Customs has intercepted such alien species on several occasions, including dangerous species such as South American leafcutter ants and artisan harvest ants.

Ants in cookies? Customs seized 3 similar cattle ants and ants, and the comment area fryed

The illegal import of these alien species will not only spread epidemic diseases, but also may seriously damage the ecological environment and biodiversity of the continent.

Ants in cookies? Customs seized 3 similar cattle ants and ants, and the comment area fryed

Let's take a look at what everyone is saying!

Netizen comments

Netizen: How did the red fire ants come over? It's all flooded now

Ants in cookies? Customs seized 3 similar cattle ants and ants, and the comment area fryed

Netizen: Strictly check the consignee. Catch it and punish it severely!

Ants in cookies? Customs seized 3 similar cattle ants and ants, and the comment area fryed

Netizen: It's so strange, I can't even figure out why these people brought that little ant into the country for what they were doing????

Ants in cookies? Customs seized 3 similar cattle ants and ants, and the comment area fryed

Netizen: I don't understand the mentality of those who buy exotic species as pets. Now the two provinces of Guangzhou have been invaded by red ants.

Ants in cookies? Customs seized 3 similar cattle ants and ants, and the comment area fryed

Netizen: Imported goods must be strictly investigated, and it is terrible that they must not enter the sea and enter the country

Ants in cookies? Customs seized 3 similar cattle ants and ants, and the comment area fryed

Write at the end

The introduction of alien species is not only an individual act, but a major issue related to the ecological security of the whole country.

This interception shows the importance and efforts of Customs to prevent the invasion of alien species.

The illegal introduction of alien species not only violates laws and regulations, but also may cause irreparable damage to the mainland's ecosystem.

The mainland has already promulgated the Biosecurity Law and the Law on the Quarantine of Animals and Plants Entering and Leaving the Country, which explicitly prohibit the introduction of alien species without approval.

The law stipulates that the unauthorized introduction of alien species will face severe penalties, with a maximum fine of 250,000 yuan. If the alien species are released or discarded without authorization, they will also be ordered to be arrested within a time limit and fined not less than 10,000 yuan but not more than 50,000 yuan.

From this incident, we should realize that consciously abiding by relevant laws and regulations and putting an end to the illegal introduction of alien species is not only to avoid legal punishment, but more importantly, to protect the ecological environment and biodiversity of the mainland.

Everyone should be vigilant, recognize the dangers of illegal introduction of alien species, and actively cooperate with customs and relevant departments to prevent the invasion of alien species.

At the same time, those who are keen to breed exotic species need to be aware of the potential dangers of their actions.

As a member of society, everyone should fulfill their responsibility to consciously resist and eliminate the illegal introduction of alien species.

I hope that everyone can take this incident as a lesson and jointly safeguard the ecological security of the continent and protect our biodiversity and agricultural production security.

The seizure by Changsha Customs is undoubtedly worthy of recognition.

Through strict enforcement and effective supervision, Changsha Customs has sent a clear signal to the public that the illegal introduction of alien species will not be tolerated.

However, the efforts of the customs alone are not enough, and the management of the invasion of alien species requires the participation and attention of the whole society.

Only through the cooperation and efforts of all parties can we effectively curb the invasion of alien species and ensure the ecological security of the mainland.

As ordinary people, we must also continue to learn and understand relevant knowledge, improve our awareness of prevention, and report problems to relevant departments in a timely manner, so as to jointly protect the ecological environment and safety of the mainland.

Let us start with ourselves, resolutely resist the illegal introduction of alien species, and contribute to the protection of biodiversity and ecological balance.

Ants in cookies? Customs seized 3 similar cattle ants and ants, and the comment area fryed

The comments of netizens in the article reflect the diverse voices and opinions of society, but do not represent the position of this article

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