
What are the manifestations of insecurity? Timid and cowardly, have no opinion, are suspicious of ghosts, and lack self-confidence

What is security? Security is an intrinsic mental need of the individual, a premonition of possible physical or psychological dangers or risks, and an individual's sense of strength or powerlessness in coping with things.

What are the manifestations of insecurity? Timid and cowardly, have no opinion, are suspicious of ghosts, and lack self-confidence

The sense of security is mainly manifested as a sense of certainty and control. It is a psychological need for stability and security. Therefore, a person lacks a sense of security, will unconsciously show timidity, cowardice, doubt, and inexplicably produce fear and fear in the heart. The specific performance is as follows:

First, timid and afraid of things, without their own opinions. Don't dare to stand out in front of people.

When a person is insecure, she will be timid and afraid of things, not confident in her heart, and have no opinion. In front of everyone, even if there are ideas, they dare not easily express them, for fear that others will have opinions about themselves. Afraid of being laughed at when they say their ideas, people who are insecure always deny themselves and do not recognize themselves.

Second, cowardice, encounter a little setback will feel the end of the world.

People who are insecure are often very cowardly. They have low self-esteem and cannot bear the blow. Therefore, when encountering things, they will not think of ways to solve the problem, but they will be anxious, worried, will complain about their own fate, the injustice of God, it seems that all the problems are in others, and they are powerless to do anything about it. Therefore, in the eyes of others, it is just a small thing that is big in sesame seeds, and for him, he feels that he has been hit, and the whole person will collapse.

What are the manifestations of insecurity? Timid and cowardly, have no opinion, are suspicious of ghosts, and lack self-confidence

Third, suspicious gods and ghosts have a strong defensive heart, and always feel that others will do things that are not good for them.

People who are insecure will be very unconfident, and then they will be suspicious of others and be suspicious. Therefore, in life, you will see that between husband and wife, because of their own lack of self-confidence, leading to suspicion of each other, from time to time telephone tracking, sentry checks, not only affect each other's work, but also caused adverse effects on each other, and then made the other party very disgusted, so that the relationship between husband and wife is tense and deteriorated. Even at work, because there is no sense of full self-confidence, when criticized by the leader, it will suspect that others make small reports, and will not find the reason from themselves.

Fourth, inexplicably afraid and fearful, unwilling to do things alone, often scaring themselves.

Because of the lack of self-confidence, he will deny his ability and feel that he is useless. Therefore, when encountering things, you will be nervous, afraid, and even have a fear psychology, and you don't know how to solve the problem. I don't know how to win the other person's like. I don't even want to do one thing alone, always thinking that what I do will have a high risk factor, and the results are extremely poor.

Fifth, emotional self-control is poor, and when encountering things, it will make your emotional fluctuations change greatly.

A person is insecure and often has poor self-emotional control. This is because they lack the care of love in their hearts, and they do not have a peaceful state of mind and state of mind, so that once they encounter things, they will have a large fluctuation in their emotions. When he was happy, he felt that the whole world was laughing with him. Distressed, it seemed that he had come to the end of the world. Such a big fluctuation will naturally make people feel that his mind is immature and his mind needs to be perfected. Such a person, naturally others are not willing to cooperate with him, let alone entrust the task to him.

What are the manifestations of insecurity? Timid and cowardly, have no opinion, are suspicious of ghosts, and lack self-confidence

A person's insecurity is often due to his inferiority belief that he is just a supporting role in life. And he longs to be the protagonist himself. He wants to be respected and loved by the other person, but he doesn't have many chips on his body to make this idea come true. Therefore, they look inferior, timid, and afraid of their hands and feet. In fact, they deny and disapprove of themselves. In fact, the establishment of any sense of security comes more from the height of self-awareness and the strength of the self-heart.

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