
Children have these "3 kinds of performance", most of which imply that they are very smart, and if they occupy the same parents, they will steal the fun

Taking children is definitely a headache for most parents, and if the children are well-behaved and sensible, it is naturally very good. But often most children are mischievous and will always have all kinds of funny ideas.

And every day there will be a lot of energy, even if it is tossed during the day, and it is impossible to sleep at night.

Therefore, it is often the parents who always have no way to keep up with the pace of the child, and will always be tossed by the child to lose their temper and want to stuff the child back into the stomach and rebuild it.

Parents always habitually think that children are smart and smart, and they will be very upset for those naughty children.

But in fact, there are some mischievous children, if parents carefully dig into their shining points, they will find that they are actually very smart and creative.


His colleague has been spitting bitter water with me when he recently went to work, he said that his children were very obedient and sensible when they were still in elementary school, saying what he did, but as he grew older, now in junior high school, every time a colleague asks him to do something, he will always have a variety of reasons.

Every time he made a mistake, he was able to not only not listen but also to resist, resulting in colleagues who were always angry recently because of communication problems with their children.

After hearing about this experience of his colleague, a friend who studied child psychology comforted his colleague and told him not to be anxious and worried.

The child's ability to always resist just shows that the child's language blocking ability and comprehension ability are very strong, so don't get angry, you should feel fortunate to show that the child is very smart.


Indeed, there are many children's performance in life, which seems to be very naughty and mischievous, and will always make themselves very angry, but in fact, what is reflected behind it is the child's intelligent thinking ability.

Children have these 3 kinds of performance, most of which imply that they are very smart, and if they occupy the same parents, they will steal the fun.

So which 3 manifestations

(1) Always like to deny and question parents

There are many parents who always like to take their words as authority and ask their children to do what they say. So when you hear your child questioning yourself, you will be very angry, which is the example of a colleague.

Many parents are always accustomed to telling them all kinds of big truths when their children make mistakes, so that children can understand.

But some children are always able to find a variety of reasons to resist, in fact, such a performance is also reflected in the child's ability to understand very strongly, can prevent language to refute in the shortest possible time.

(2) Demolition representative

When children are young, they like to take apart everything in the house, especially children's toys. Every time I see a child making a mess of the house, I get very angry because it is difficult to clean up.

But in fact, the child's behavior of liking to dismantle things reflects their strong desire for knowledge and exploration, which also shows that his hands-on ability is very strong.

(3) Always like to ask why?

Each child is an independent individual, and the personality will be different, and some children are lively and active by nature, and when they encounter things that they have not touched and understood, they will have all kinds of questions.

Therefore, I will choose to ask my parents directly, and after I first hear these questions from my children, I will have the patience to answer them, but with the continuous development of time.

Parents also develop an impatient mentality. But in fact, children always have so many questions about the outside world and always like to ask questions, which shows that their language expression ability is very strong.

So how should parents make their children smarter?

Method 1: Give your child a chance to try to solve the problem

Parents should not always use their children's young age as an excuse to prevent them from touching the problems and setbacks in life, and always like to keep them in captivity.

In the eyes of parents, such an education method is a good way for children, so that they suffer less, but in fact, these setbacks and hardships encountered in life can help children grow better.

Therefore, parents should give their children more opportunities to let them learn to solve the problems they encounter, which can not only improve the ability to solve problems, but also cultivate their children's independence.

Method 2: Don't be too strict with your child

Parents always like to pin their expectations on their children, so they like to exert all kinds of pressure on their children, and the children do not do enough in a certain aspect, and when they make mistakes, they will directly criticize and accuse the children.

But in fact, each child's growth itself will encounter some problems, and no child is perfect, so parents must learn to tolerate the shortcomings of their children.

Method 3: Give your child more support and praise

Children who grow up under the praise will be more confident in themselves and will look at their abilities more objectively.

This is what we often call the power of praise, but many parents are always worried that praise will make children proud, so they always like to deny their children.

But in fact, the growth of children needs some praise, in order to make them more confident, and praise children should not only stay on the surface, but to analyze specifically, praise efforts rather than praise children's talent.

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