
The writings of Xu Zhimo, a talented man of the wind, fan foot, are free and handsome

Xu Zhimo, Lu Xiaoman, Lin Huiyin, the three people entangled together, is the snowflake wind and moon of the Republic of China, the talent is sentimental, this is also the common sentiment of the ancients, the wind and current talent Xu Zhimo is also the same, for Xu Zhimo, I believe that many people's understanding, still stay at the literary level, especially his "Farewell to Kang Bridge", has become an eternal classic, so that many young boys and girls yearn for it, yearning for that sweet memory, yearning for that magical Kang Bridge, in fact, he is not only outstanding in literature, but also a versatile person, especially in calligraphy, Although he is not famous as a calligrapher, his calligraphy is far better than that of a calligrapher, especially his calligraphy, not only the literati FanZu, but also a bookish atmosphere, free and handsome, the pen is good, let's enjoy his calligraphy works together.

The writings of Xu Zhimo, a talented man of the wind, fan foot, are free and handsome

Mention Xu Zhimo, many friends will say that this is Haining's celebrity, is the most famous poet ever, friends of Xu Zhimo's understanding, mainly based on two aspects, one is his poet's talent, on the other hand is his emotional entanglement, and for his calligraphy, but do not know much, and it is precisely so, his calligraphy, more interpret his literati image, but also wrote a kind of otherworldly realm, more exquisite than the calligrapher,Xu Zhimo, who has received a good education since childhood, has both traditional education and Western education He gradually formed his unique vision, and also showed a calm and free energy in calligraphy.

The writings of Xu Zhimo, a talented man of the wind, fan foot, are free and handsome

His writing, at first glance, has a feeling of "euphorbia with a spear", and this feeling is still very strong, there is huang tingjian's weather, and even Dong Qichang's kind of loose energy, blended together, unique, in the use of pen changes, and there is a feeling of ups and downs, dot painting polishing is very kung fu, polishing is very fine, belongs to fine carving, and the connection between each other, is also very close, relying on each other, relying on each other, forming a harmonious and harmonious atmosphere, very unique.

The writings of Xu Zhimo, a talented man of the wind, fan foot, are free and handsome
The writings of Xu Zhimo, a talented man of the wind, fan foot, are free and handsome

Xu Zhimo's calligraphy is definitely a kind of hard kung fu, from his calligraphy, we can also feel the obvious "pavilion body" weather, it can be seen that his calligraphy is also very experienced on the inscription, I don't know if you also have the same feeling? Share your insights and improve together.

The writings of Xu Zhimo, a talented man of the wind, fan foot, are free and handsome
The writings of Xu Zhimo, a talented man of the wind, fan foot, are free and handsome

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